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Open Source Bible Materials
Where do I begin?
In this series Mike summarizes the life and times of the first two of Israel’s kings. In four compact lessons, the rise and decline of both Saul and David are described with lessons drawn for today’s readers.
This series based on the books of Joshua and Judges reviews the significant changes and turmoil experienced by the Jewish people as they transitioned from a nomadic existence in the wilderness to a settled nation occupying the Promised Land.
This collection contains a video Bible study class for each of the 27 New Testament books.
This collection is currently in progress with the goal of having a study for every book of the Old Testament.
This devotional series is designed to help Christians start their week off right. It is a spiritual exercise that sets the tone, begins the self-talk, and reminds the soul that our spirit is primary and should be fed first as each week begins. Join us for a brief new devotional message every Monday.
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These series provide a non-technical and easy to understand presentation of Bible books and topics that are rich in information and application for the beginner as well as the mature Bible student.
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Multi-lesson video Bible classes complete with an introductory lesson followed by small group discussion questions.
This collection covers many aspects of adult life. From finding love and marriage preparation to getting married and raising children. Learn and grow as we seek what God’s word has to say about each of these.
Bible study material available on a wide variety of topics.