Circle of Salvation

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This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family. When something like this happens, it makes you consider what is truly important in your life. Here are some of the things this blessing has taught me recently:


Young or old, man or woman, rich or poor--we're all the same when it comes to salvation. Emilie needed to be right with God, she wanted to go to Heaven and that need sparked her faith and led her to Christ. With all the things that make us different, it's amazing that all of us need the very same thing when it comes to God, peace and safety.


You can preach all over the world. Millions can hear your voice with the gospel, but the dearest souls to your heart are your own children. What good is it to win the entire world and lose your own child's soul?


The irony of my life is that to the degree that I am effective as a public communicator, I am deficient in private, one-on-one teaching. Emilie has benefited from a long list of dedicated Sunday School teachers who have patiently taught her the ABC's of the faith. Her salvation is the product of many people working together beginning with Jesus and ending with a grateful dad.

I hope that all parents can close the circle of salvation on their families and pray that as they grow up, my children will add their own families to that perfect chain of obedience as we await the return of Jesus.