Bible Resources

Here are some other websites that can aid you in your study of the Bible as well as other good works in the brotherhood.
Rajeev Lambert in India has been working on translating material into Hindi and releasing them on YouTube.
World Bible School will help you understand the Bible.
A non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the message of Christ with everyone God puts in our lives, listens to the radio, watches TV, and accesses the Internet via computer, tablet, or smartphone.
The purpose of the Texas International Bible Institute is to train Spanish-speaking people to plant churches that are biblical, relevant, nurturing and evangelistic.
World Bible School is committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study material through video, audio and the written page. is a collection of free Bible study lessons designed for adults or teenagers, written by Bible professors from Oklahoma Christian University.
The Bible. We Want Everyone To Get It. EEM has provided the Bible – free of charge – to people in at least 30 nations, and that number is on the rise.
The purpose of Mission Bible Class is to equip people to share God’s Word with children but the Bible Stories can be used to teach any age group and adapted to all kinds of teaching situations.
Helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus
Sharing Jesus with the world through mass media.
Weldon grew up in the Mormon church. Upon learning the Book of Mormon was not from God, and Joseph Smith Jr. was a false prophet, he felt his whole world fall apart. Eventually, he obeyed the Gospel and saw that teaching was needed to inoculate Christians against the LDS faith.