
Thank you for helping us proclaim God's word to the digital world.
Our mission is to provide high-quality, doctrinally sound, free Bible teaching resources which cover every book of the Bible. We truly appreciate our supporters who share in this vision which allows us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). is an outreach ministry overseen by the elders at the Choctaw Church of Christ in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Those who wish to provide financial support for this work can do so in the following ways.

1. Online

You can make one-time or recurring donations through one of the following websites:

PayPal or Realm

2. Zelle

Zelle is a fast and free way to send and receive money with the people you know and trust. If your bank has this option, you can ddd the following email address as the recipient.

3. By Check
Choctaw Church of Christ
Choctaw Church of Christ
14998 E. Reno
Choctaw, OK 73020

Tax Receipts

Yearly contribution statements will be sent out with receipt of your giving. Please provide your name and return address with your check. We do not always receive contact information through services like Zelle. If you have not received a receipt of your giving, please email


We send out a brief one-page report each quarter on our progress.
You can view these on our reports page.

All correspondence can be sent to:

How can I manage my donations?
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for updating, pausing or cancelling your donations through our Realm donation portal.

Thank you for your online free video series. Here in Saudi Arabia I have been studying Luke and greatly enjoy and benefit from your work. Much appreciation!
Saudi Arabia
I want to send a most heartfelt, thank you and gratitude to you and your life‘s work.
I am not a new Christian, but in the last few months have recently started to dedicate my life to God and find my purpose for him, whatever that may be. I found you on YouTube, and listened to your teachings on Leviticus in your collection of old testament teachings.
After realizing the enormous collection you had, I realized I needed to start over and back up, starting from the beginning again and following along with your teachings. I am not even halfway through Genesis, but your teachings have overwhelmingly increased my knowledge, belief, and faith in God. It seems like every time I have a question in my head about a teaching, you quickly follow up with an answer. Your style of teaching about the complexity of life is so simple for me to grasp, and it brings me closer to God. I thank God for you daily in my prayers and the work that you are doing.
New Mexico, USA
Mike's lessons are always a blessing ... thank you!
Thanks ever so much for the clear teaching of the Bible. I love to connect myself with you my brethren in studying the words of Christ more deeper. So I will be glad when you send me articles of your lessons to study with my family at home. I some be given the opportunity to sometimes preach in my congregation. Thanks once more for the understanding
Good Morning from South Africa. I am a born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I love the material posted on your website and really enjoy listening to the teachings of Mike Mazzalongo. I pray Gods continued blessing on your ministry.