Latest Lessons
In this series of lessons Marty Kessler demonstrates the power of ancient things in the service of modern apologetics.
Leviticus provides instructions concerning God's basic nature (holy) and how the Israelites then, and Christians today, should pursue this same state to which God calls all who wish to please Him.
Christian denominations all claim to be teaching the gospel, but some have added to the original message and some have left things out. The gospel has been presented in so many different ways that today it takes Bible knowledge to separate the real gospel from man-made traditions. This class will reveal what Jesus and His followers were saying when they taught people the gospel. During this course we will strip away what has been added, insert the original truths which have been left out and get back to the Plain Gospel. By the time you finish all 10 of these classes you will know what the plain gospel is and you will know what you are supposed to do with it.
The Tabernacle is a series of 4 lessons that explains in detail, using graphics and narration, the materials, methods and meanings of the Tabernacle built in the wilderness by the Jewish people under the inspired direction of Moses, God's chosen leader.
The book of Exodus explains how God revealed Himself to the Jewish people, and how from them, He created a nation that would bring the Savior of all mankind into this world.
Strong faith. What difference would rock solid faith make in your life? Would you be willing to put some effort into developing stronger faith? This course will teach you what strong faith is and how to reach it using the Bible as your guide. You will learn not only how to enrich your faith but also how to develop stronger faith in others.
When it comes to scientific theories of origins, as Christians we should hold firm to Scripture - which never changes, and hold loosely to human theories - which often change. In this series, we will examine the early history in Genesis, the supporting scientific evidences and explore the main controversies which often raise doubts for some Christians. Be prepared for critical thinking!