Day #11

Jesus was innocent of the crimes they accused Him of. After flogging and making fun of Him they nailed Him to the cross.
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Jesus was innocent of the crimes they accused Him of. After flogging and making fun of Him they nailed Him to the cross on a hill outside of Jerusalem known as Golgotha. There He died an agonizing death so that by His sacrifice our sins might be forgiven. On the third day after His death Jesus arose from the tomb.


For Day Eleven your reading assignment is Mark 13-16. As you read keep in mind that your freedom from sin was purchased at a very high cost.


Peter denied three times that he was associated with Christ. Imagine being in Peter's shoes after he did that. How horrible that must have felt. He believed that he was ready to die for Jesus (Mark 14:31). You may have your weak moments, but no matter what happens do not deny your Lord. Acknowledge Jesus by the way you live day to day.

Write out your memory verse from day seven to make sure you have not forgotten it. This is a great passage to have on your mind daily.

Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19 are parallel verses. Notice both passages talk about GOING to make disciples. Jesus wants us to always be watching for opportunities to make new disciples. Give your discipling partner a call and ask if you can get together this week and reach out some way in the community. Set a time to meet non-Christians in some casual setting. Go to a coffee shop, game room, laundry mat or any place you might be able to meet and invite people. Care about people the way Christ did. Pray that God will bless your outreach together.

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