Curtis Hartshorn, MBS
Curtis Hartshorn has been a minister for 40 years. He works primarily in preaching and teaching. He leads evangelistic Bible studies. He has also taught college level courses on Principles of Marriage and Death and Dying. He has written various Christian education materials, including three other books: My First 52 Days in Christ, The Essence of Revelation and From Atheist to Preacher. Brother Hartshorn has his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a Masters of Biblical Studies from Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling.
Latest Resources
Día #52
El libro del Apocalipsis es una sola revelación, pero ¿qué revela?
Apocalipsis 18-22
Día #51
Puedes vencer al dragón mediante la sangre de Cristo y el testimonio de los santos.
Apocalipsis 12-17
Día #50
¿Es Jesús un león o un cordero?
Apocalipsis 5-11
Día #49
Hoy daremos una visión general del Apocalipsis y extraeremos sus mensajes más básicos.
Apocalipsis 1-4
Día #48
No hay nada que usted tiene hacer hoy que es tan importante como cuál usted está a punto de hacer ahora.
1, 2 & 3 Juan, Judas