Day #51

You can overcome the dragon through the blood of Christ and the testimony of the saints.
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And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.

- Revelation 12:11


This inspiring message is only a taste of the nourishment you will be receiving today as you read Revelation 12-17. You can overcome the dragon (Satan) through the blood of Christ and the testimony of the saints (Christians). This is spiritual warfare at its finest and you are in the winning army.


There are seven "Beatitudes" in the book of Revelation, (blessings given in return for certain behaviors). You can recognize them because they start off "blessed is…" or "blessed are…" The first one is in Revelation 1:3. Can you find the other six?

Tomorrow you will be reading one of the most misunderstood chapters in the Bible, Revelation 20. Some religions teach that Revelation 20 is describing Jesus coming to the earth to establish His kingdom sometime in the future. This doctrine is called Millennialism and it goes against what the Bible teaches. Jesus established His kingdom while He was on earth the first time. His kingdom on earth is His church and it was established on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. So what is Revelation 20 actually teaching? The beast stands for the Roman Emperor. Those who refused to worship the beast reigned with Christ absolutely (the meaning of 1,000 years). So basically, the bad guys lose, and the good guys win BIG TIME!

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