Day #26

Saul's whole life is about to turn upside down. Saul is about to be transformed into the apostle Paul.
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Saul of Tarsus gave approval at the stoning of Steven in Acts 7 and persecuted the Church in Acts 8.


In today's reading, Acts 9-12; Saul's whole life is about to turn upside down. See for yourself. Saul is about to be transformed into the apostle Paul.


Ananias was sent to Saul to restore his sight and help him receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17). Saul received the Holy Spirit when he was baptized (Acts 9:18), just as you did nearly four weeks ago. What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity. He is the Counselor (John 15:25). He convicts us of our sins (John 16:8) and guided the apostles to all the truth (Acts 16:13). In Acts 10, which you read today, unbelievers received a miraculous manifestation of God's Spirit. This was a unique circumstance. God had to do something radical to get the attention of Peter and the other Jews regarding Gentile conversion. Miraculous gifts were available through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. What we receive today is the indwelling of God's Spirit, which is not the same as receiving the miraculous gifts. Is this something you need to learn more about? Please write down any questions you have about the Holy Spirit. Contact your Christian partner to discuss them.

Remember to pray for each person on your prayer list which you started on Day Twenty-three. See if you can get your name on the prayer lists of others. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

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