Day #14

Your wall against sin and Satan is rising up steadily, but you still have a few gaps to fill in.
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Now you have been a Christian for two weeks and you are learning something from God's Word every day. Keep it up and don't let Satan ruin a good thing. Renew your promise before God to work all the way through My First 52 Days In Christ without missing a single day. Your wall against sin and Satan is rising up steadily, but you still have a few gaps to fill in.


In your reading today, Luke 8-10, take special notice of the instructions Jesus gives His disciples each time He sends them out to preach. We will talk about it when you get finished.


Jesus gave His disciples specific instructions on how they were to go about preaching the Word in the surrounding towns and neighborhoods. In your notes write down any instructions that can help you with your outreach. For instance, what did Jesus mean by shaking the dust off their feet? Are there times when we must also shake the dust off of our feet and move on to work with the next person? Does that mean we give up on people?

One of the best ways for you to strengthen your own faith is to strengthen the faith of others. Think of a Christian you would like to give some encouragement to and plan on sending them a note or giving them a call today. Hebrews 3:13 says we should be doing this every day. For this assignment choose someone other than your discipling partner. They need encouragement but you also need to develop relationships with other members of the church.

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