Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
Mon. Sep 23rd
Miracles Don't Save
Discover the true source of salvation and the pitfalls of modern faith healers, emphasizing that only the gospel, not miraculous healings, has the power to save our souls.
Mon. Sep 16th
When Someone Leaves...
Gain valuable insights on how to handle the challenging situation of dealing with disfellowshipped members, guided by biblical principles and a compassionate approach.
Mon. Sep 9th
The Suicide Doctor
Discover how embracing life's challenges with faith and perseverance can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper connection with God.
Mon. Sep 2nd
The Problem of Procrastination
In this devotional, the focus is on procrastinators, urging them to overcome the habit by highlighting its negative consequences, such as missed opportunities, entrenched laziness, and the erroneous assumption of ample time, all while drawing on biblical wisdom from Solomon and James to emphasize the importance of timely action and the unpredictability of life.
Mon. Aug 26th
She was a Good Dog
Bristo, a female Boxer belonging to our eldest daughter, died recently from a combination of age (13 years) and various ailments that are common in dogs of that type.
Mon. Aug 19th
Wednesday Night: What's in it for me?
The Wednesday night service is as inconvenient a habit as you can have. You have to rush home from work and rush through supper or delay supper until late.
Thu. Aug 15th
Renewal of the Covenant and Moses' Final Days
In this final lesson, Mike summarizes the final eight chapters of Deuteronomy while highlighting the major differences between this last section and the first section of the book from chapter 1 to 26. In addition to this there is commentary about the extensive use of poetry and the final application lessons drawn from three different perspectives to complete the series.
Mon. Aug 12th
How to Persevere in Preaching
5 indispensable rules that pave the way for your present-day survival and future prosperity as a preacher.
Thu. Aug 8th
Detailed Laws for Living
Mike reviews the 18 different laws Moses refers to in this section with special emphasis on key ordinances as well as lesser known rules for living explained by the Jewish leaders nearing the end of his life.
Mon. Aug 5th
Before You Say "Why Not"
When faced with a decision to do something or get involved in some scheme or plan, people sometimes base their choice on the popular saying "why not?"
Thu. Aug 1st
The Essence of the Law
These chapters cover Moses' review of the commandments and the covenant between God and the Jewish people as they are poised to enter, conquer, and settle the land promised to their forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Mon. Jul 29th
Friendship Stew
In an article entitled, "Enjoying the Enduring Magic of Long-Term Friendship," Katherine Lowry lists several important ingredients found in friendships that are able to last for many years.
Thu. Jul 25th
Introduction to Deuteronomy
In this introductory lesson, Mike will examine both the differences and similarities of Numbers and Deuteronomy, review the main events of these opening chapters and provide main lessons from this material for both the Jews it was first written for as well as modern Christians who read this material today.
Mon. Jul 22nd
The Rod of Discipline
Solomon, in Proverbs 13:24, emphasizes that discipline, akin to a shepherd's rod, is an essential expression of love necessary for a child's growth, as it teaches them accountability and obedience, ultimately preventing a life without direction and self-discipline.
Thu. Jul 18th
Preparing to Enter the Promised Land
In the final lesson for the Book of Numbers, Mike details the various preparations made by the Jewish people before finally entering the Promised Land.
Mon. Jul 15th
No Good Time to Die
When I lived in Montréal, I remember a shocking news story about a young woman who died instantly when a piece of concrete fell on her as she was eating supper with her husband in a downtown restaurant.
Thu. Jul 11th
Journey to the Plains of Moab
These chapters highlight the various events that prepare the second generation of Jewish people for their entry into the Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness.
Mon. Jul 8th
Forever Praise
Let's begin our week by reading a psalm of praise.
Thu. Jul 4th
Rebellion and Leadership
This lesson covers the principle events from the spies mission in surveying the Promised Land to the deaths of Miriam and Aaron as the Israelites near the end of their wilderness wanderings.
Tue. Jul 2nd
3 Steps to Contentment
Recent studies reveal a paradox: despite success and happiness, many struggle with dissatisfaction in themselves, public life, and family, leading to stress and conflict. Drawing from the Apostle Paul's wisdom, this article presents three essential steps to finding contentment.
Mon. Jul 1st
The Good Idea of America
​In July of 1776 the American Congress approved the Declaration of the Independence of the 13 United States of America. One of the key figures behind the Declaration was Thomas Jefferson, whose writing in "Defense of Liberty and Rights of Man" was the intellectual force behind the Revolution.
Thu. Jun 27th
From Sinai to Kadesh
The title of this lesson mentions the place where Israel left after camping for a year (Sinai) and the locale (Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran) where many events that shaped their lives occurred. This lesson reviews several of these experiences.
Mon. Jun 24th
What is Maturity?
An important topic that parents and teens often discuss is what is, or is not, mature. Parents and teens do not have the same idea about what maturity actually means.
Sun. Jun 23rd
Fearless Trust
In Psalm 27 David provides an example of the kind of attitude a believer should have when facing tough times.
Thu. Jun 20th
Preparing to Depart
This lesson reviews the instructions God gave the Israelites concerning a census, the order for camps, travel and the responsibilities of both the priests and Levites.
Mon. Jun 17th
Lap Talk
I'd like to talk to you about an experience I had as a young father many years ago. It began when my youngest son, William, came home from school one day feeling a little low.
Thu. Jun 13th
In this first lesson Mike will introduce the fourth and fifth books of the Pentateuch and examine their main characteristics as well as their similarities and differences.
Thu. Jun 13th
Numbers / Deuteronomy for Beginners

The books of Numbers and Deuteronomy are natural companions and profitable for a study together since they both provide information about the observation of laws and rituals as well as detailed information about the Jewish peoples' 40 years in the wilderness.

Mon. Jun 10th
Raising Christian Kids
It seems that older people are the ones who are interested in religion and younger ones have little time for spiritual things.
Thu. Jun 6th
Zechariah / Malachi
In this last lesson, Mike reviews the longest book of the Minor Prophets and the last prophet to speak in the Old Testament.
Mon. Jun 3rd
A Father's Prayer
Over the years I've learned that each child in a family has specific needs and, as a father who knows his children, I often pray for God to bless them in particular ways.
Thu. May 30th
Zephaniah / Haggai
Mike reviews the work of the last prophet to serve before the destruction of Jerusalem (Zephaniah) and the first prophet to speak to the exiles who returned home after 70 years of captivity (Haggai).
Tue. May 28th
How Christians Grieve
In this session, Mike compares the five stages of grief originally taught by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross to the grieving process outlined in the Book of Job.
Mon. May 27th
Trust is like a Rope
In the Old Testament the word for trusting faith was a Hebrew word that meant a rope. I'd like to use this imagery to explain something about how trust is built and how trust is destroyed.
Thu. May 23rd
Nahum / Habakkuk
Both Nahum and Habakkuk are unusual in that they spoke primarily about the foreign nations of Assyria and Babylonia (Chaldeans) and how God would both use and deal with these empires.
Mon. May 20th
Effective Prayer
In Matthew 6:9, Jesus is teaching His disciples how to pray. "Pray, then, in this way:" This was not so much the teaching of what words to say because the Jews were trained to memorize the psalms and were experienced in offering praise and worship at the temple.
Thu. May 16th
We finish up Jonah's book with a series of lessons applied to the prophet's contemporaries as well as helpful insights for the modern reader of today.
Mon. May 13th
How to Help the Unsaved Die
Several years ago, a Christian woman asked me what she could do for her father, who was not a Christian, and who was dying of cancer. After prayer, and some serious soul-searching, I provided her with three suggestions for helping her unsaved father pass.
Thu. May 9th
In this first part of Jonah's book, Mike will review the good and bad traits of Jonah's character as well as how these play against his most unusual experience in the belly of a fish.
Mon. May 6th
Keep Your Eye on the Ball
In the summer of 1992, I watched a girl from Oklahoma, Shannon Miller, rise to the lead in the individual gymnastics competition at the Olympics and then win her medals.
Thu. May 2nd
Obadiah / Micah
Mike continues his review of the Minor Prophets with a look at the times, message, book and applications from two eighth century BC prophets, Obadiah and Micah.
Mon. Apr 29th
Facts About Prayer
Here are a few commonly asked questions regarding the act of praying.
Sun. Apr 28th
Can He Preach?
In this lesson Mike provides the church with the basic criteria needed to discern which candidate to choose when hiring a preaching minister.
Thu. Apr 25th
Joel / Amos
Mike reviews the lives, ministry, messages and times of both Joel and Amos – two of the 12 Minor Prophets.
Mon. Apr 22nd
Deny Sin, Not Self
In Colossians 2:20-23, Paul teaches that the denial of the flesh does not necessarily decrease the power nor the attraction of the flesh.
Thu. Apr 18th
In the story of Hosea, the first of the Minor Prophets, the class will review information about the Prophet Hosea as well as his times, message, book and lesson drawn from his writings.
Mon. Apr 15th
Cup Fever
Montréal is best known for its hockey madness. When the Canadiens are in the playoffs for the Stanley Cup Championship there is a total media blitz about the team and its chances to score the biggest prize in hockey.
Thu. Apr 11th
The Call of the Prophet
This lesson examines the special characteristics of the prophet's call to ministry.
Mon. Apr 8th
Keeping Your Vows
Most of us who look back on our wedding day know that weddings are for making vows, but marriages are where we work at keeping those vows.
Thu. Apr 4th
This first lesson will review the historical appearance of each prophet as well as a comparison of the Hebrew Bible to the Old Testament.
Wed. Apr 3rd
The Minor Prophets for Beginners

In this series, Mike introduces the books of the Minor Prophets providing a summary of content, history, main features and information about each author as well as modern applications from each book.

Mon. Apr 1st
He Could Have Done More
Jesus had the potential of doing so much, but He didn't. He could have cured all the lepers, freed the Jews from Roman domination, stopped the hunger and suffering of the poor, but He didn't.
Mon. Mar 25th
Jesus Doesn't do Funerals
Have you ever noticed that Jesus spoiled every funeral He attended?
Sun. Mar 24th
Why I am a Member of the Church of Christ
With 100's of church types to choose from – Mike explains the three reasons why he deliberately chose to be a member of the Church of Christ.
Mon. Mar 18th
Bringing Your Friend to Christ
I have noticed something about our teens lately that is quite encouraging: they are not ashamed of us.
Mon. Mar 11th
The Fight for Faith
It seems that atheists are in need of publicity.
Thu. Mar 7th
Book of Esther
The story of Esther is used to illustrate how God's providence works in the life of believers.
Mon. Mar 4th
Giving God 100%
Today, I would like to talk about the need to give God 100% and why we should not be afraid of doing so.
Thu. Feb 29th
Book of Ruth
The book of Ruth teaches us the five basic elements that produce strong, satisfying and long lasting relationships.
Thu. Feb 29th
Ruth/Esther for Beginners

Ruth and Esther both demonstrate the type of faith and courage believing women of any era can project when called upon to rise up beyond their perceived strength.

Mon. Feb 26th
The Gift of Forgiveness
The pleasure of most gifts is to unwrap and examine them. In this lesson, I would like to do this with our most precious gift, forgiveness.
Thu. Feb 22nd
When Ordinary Men and Women do Extraordinary Work
This final lesson wraps up Nehemiah's task, highlighting the way God provides for all of His builders, and finishes with a final encouragement contained in a segment called, "the art of finishing."
Mon. Feb 19th
Lessons on Leadership
In I Chronicles 14:12 we read about David's military leaders waging a successful battle against the Philistines and taking some of the spoils including foreign idols. David forced them to destroy these objects because they violated God's commands. In this brief episode we see several qualities to look for in leaders of any place or time.
Sun. Feb 18th
Unity vs. Conformity
In this lesson, Mike highlights the differences in the two main approaches used to create "oneness" in the church.
Thu. Feb 15th
When Ordinary Men and Women do Extraordinary Work
A deeper dive into Nehemiah's story with a focus on his method of inspiring his followers.
Mon. Feb 12th
The "Old" Rules
In 2007 a book "All the Rules" was published. The authors claimed it could help a woman find a man to marry her.
Thu. Feb 8th
Building up Without Compromise or Fear
This lesson continues the description of the building process as well as the 7 things God does to cause the Jewish effort to succeed.
Mon. Feb 5th
Making and Keeping Friends
We know that friendship is an important part of life. A good friend brings us joy and good times. We usually turn to our friends for comfort and help when we are in trouble or sad.
Thu. Feb 1st
Building up Without Compromise or Fear
This lesson outlines the basic steps of a successful project whether secular or spiritual.
Mon. Jan 29th
The Qumran Community
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.
Mon. Jan 29th
Let's be on Time
Punctuality is a common problem in churches. In this lesson, Mike looks at the question, why is being on time for worship services a problem?
Thu. Jan 25th
Encouraged and Led by God's Champions
In this lesson, Mike describes the main leaders who seemed to make the rebuilding process a great work of faith and courage against great odds eventually glorifying God.
Mon. Jan 22nd
How to Setup Your Mentor Account
In this guide, we will explain how our mentor/student functionality works.
Mon. Jan 22nd
How to Manage Your Donations
In this guide, we will go through the steps to update, or remove, your giving to our ministry that was done using the Realm online donation portal.
Mon. Jan 22nd
How to Build a Good Reputation
In order to have a good name there are two things necessary regardless of what you wear or who you know.
Thu. Jan 18th
God Stirs up the Builders' Hearts
Pagan kings are moved by God to fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy that the Jews in captivity would be free to return home and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.
Mon. Jan 15th
Just One Sin
Moses was the greatest Jewish leader, he received the 10 commandments, he interceded for the people time and time again but because of just one sin, Moses was prevented from entering the land that he had led the people towards for 40 years. This ending to his life teaches us several important lessons about how God feels concerning sin.
Thu. Jan 11th
Jewish Historical Timeline
In this introductory lesson, Mike traces the history of the Jewish people from 1020 BC's United Kingdom to the time of the prophet Malachi in 400 BC.
Mon. Jan 8th
I believe that gratitude leads to happiness, and ingratitude leads to darkness, pride and ultimately separation from God.
Sun. Jan 7th
Ezra/Nehemiah - Let Us Rise Up and Build

Let us rise up and build is the story of the Jewish peoples' return from 70 years of exile and the heroic leaders who guided them to rebuild a broken land, city, temple, and nation in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Thu. Jan 4th
The 3 Realities of Christmas
Mike reviews the two versions of Christmas that people celebrate along with three important realities brought to light by one of these.
Mon. Jan 1st
Monday Morning Devotionals

This devotional series is designed to help Christians start their week off right. It is a spiritual exercise that sets the tone, begins the self-talk, and reminds the soul that our spirit is primary and should be fed first as each week begins. Join us for a brief new devotional message every Monday.

Mon. Jan 1st
Blessing or Bait?
There is a disturbing parallel between catching bass and the way Satan works in luring us into destruction.
December, 2023
Waiting Patiently for Christmas
This lesson reviews the little known story of Simeon, a man who waited a lifetime for God to keep a promise.
December, 2023
With the Help of our God
When we, as Christians, succeed in God's service it discourages evil ones, unbelievers, and scoffers.
Church 101
October, 2023
How We Stream 24/7 on Twitch and YouTube
In this guide, we will look at how we create our never-ending Bible study by stream our on-demand videos to platforms using remote computers.
August, 2023
The Origins of the Synagogue
This article will examine the origins of the modern synagogue and note the developments that ultimately forged this ancient Jewish entity.
August, 2023
Day #52
The book of Revelation is one single revelation but what is it revealing?
August, 2023
Day #51
You can overcome the dragon through the blood of Christ and the testimony of the saints.
August, 2023
Day #50
Is Jesus a lion or a lamb?
August, 2023
Day #49
Today we will get an overview of Revelation, and glean its most basic messages.
August, 2023
Day #48
There is nothing else you have to do today that is as important as what you are about to do right now.
August, 2023
Day #47
Hopefully you want your faith to grow. It won't happen by accident. Crave growth. Crave the Word.
August, 2023
Day #46
It does not do much good to love God's Word and study it all the time, if you are not planning to apply what it says to your life.
August, 2023
Day #45
Walk by faith today and not by sight.
August, 2023
Day #44
Paul writes to explain why he had Titus stay in Crete.
August, 2023
Day #43
II Timothy was probably the last letter Paul wrote.
August, 2023
Day #42
Have you ever met anyone who regretted spending too much time reading the Bible?
August, 2023
Day #41
God sees your hard work and rewards you even if others do not. Do everything you do for God.
August, 2023
Day #40
Do you know someone who is fun to be with until things don't go their way?