Women's Roles in the Church

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Dear Mike,
Can women lead adult Bible classes?

Paul makes it quite clear in I Timothy 2:12 that women are not to teach or have authority over men in the church. This includes all activities of the church whether it be public worship, Sunday school classes or mid-week Bible classes. The role of teaching the Bible to mixed adults belongs to men not women.

Women can teach women's classes or children's classes but they cannot assume the role of "teacher" when men are present in a gathering of the church.

Of course, in a class or Bible study our sisters often ask questions or provide opinions in a general discussion period but are doing so in the role of student, not teacher.

In the first century, even this was restricted since the situation of a single woman or unmarried woman questioning a male teacher was seen as disrespectful and Paul instructs that if women need further instructions they should ask their husbands (or fathers) at home.

Today it is no longer improper for women to seek answers independently from male family members and so we have both men and women in Bible classes sharing ideas and questions.

However, we maintain the spirit of Paul's teaching so long as the class/group is under the authority of a male teacher who guides and permits all discussion. In this way we maintain the intent of this teaching (male spiritual leadership in the church) while adjusting its implementation to today's cultural realities.

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