Church service attendance

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Dear Mike,
Is it necessary to attend multiple church services per week?

As to the evening or midweek service, it's interesting that people don't find it strange that there are several football games broadcast on various days and nights of each week. They broadcast these because there's an audience for it. Some people love football.

The New Testament teaches that Christians should gather each Lord's day to partake of the Lord's supper - Acts 20:7; 1Cor.16:2; Heb.10:25.

Sunday night worship was the usual time in the first century because Sunday was not a day off and believers, many of whom were servants and slaves, had to work on Sundays. Eventually, with the spread of Christianity, Sunday mornings became the norm and Sunday evenings were added as a convenience for those who worked on Sundays.

Wednesday or midweek services were also added to provide an additional opportunity for study and fellowship.

Taking communion each Lord's day is the example we have from the Apostles to anchor our faith, have an opportunity to hear the word and fellowship and serve one another in the church. Sunday evenings and midweek are simply opportunities to feed on the Word and enjoy the fellowship of those we love in the church. It's a question of love. Love is what motivates our church attendance. Our love for God (expressed in praise and prayer with the saints) as well as our love for our church family. It's simple, you want to be with and where there is love. Where there's much love, there's much attendance and the opposite is true as well.

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