How Do You Suggest I Study the Bible and Use Commentaries?

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Dear Mike,
How do you suggest I study the Bible and use commentaries?

My suggestion for how to study the Bible would be to begin with the Study Plans, which are available for free on the website. These courses take you from a beginner's level to a more advanced level by studying various books and topics contained on the site. Answering the questions at the end of each lesson will also help you build up your Bible knowledge. There are even certificates that you will receive establishing the level of competency that you have reached. (Study Plans)

As for commentaries, the two I can recommend are the New Testament Commentaries by R.C.H. Lenski and the complete Bible Commentary series entitled, Truth for Today commentaries published by Resource Publishing. Each book in this set is by a different author/scholar.

The Interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles
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Truth for Today Commentary on Exodus
The Book of Exodus tells the compelling story of how God delivered the Israelites from bondage and gave them hope. Drawing from a lifetime of study and ministry, Dr. Coy Roper guides readers through a journey which highlights God's power, law, and desire to dwell among His people. Every reader will benefit by studying this great book of the Bible.
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Understanding Your Religion
7 Major Doctrines that Define Christianity
This series presents 7 basic doctrinal ideas that help the viewer have a "big picture" view of the Christian religion. Done in an informal style with helpful graphics and summaries, Understanding Your Religion is a useful guide for those seeking to know what Christians believe and how these beliefs affect what they do.
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