Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
April, 2020
How to Love Someone You Hate

This small group series and title are based on a book by Milton Jones that explores the biblical strategy we can use to obey Jesus' difficult command to love our enemies.

April, 2020
Out of Season
Enough cowering! Enough hiding out and social distancing from getting things done because of the virus!
Church 101
April, 2020
How do I take communion at home?
Mike explains how to obtain and use the elements for taking the Lord's Supper (communion) when you are not able to meet at the church building.
April, 2020
The Desire for What is Forbidden
In this final lesson dealing with the tenth commandment, Mike explains the thin line that separates good versus evil desires and how to avoid the sinful trap of covetousness.
Church 101
April, 2020
How to Include A cappella Music in Your Live Stream Worship
In this video, Hal Gatewood will show you how we are using Praise and Harmony TV singing videos in our live stream services each week.
March, 2020
Truth Equals Integrity
Mike explores the everyday requirements demanded by this command beyond its primary application in a court of law.
Church 101
March, 2020
Is worshiping online, true worship?
Churches are turning to live streaming to solve the problem at hand, but is this actually biblical and acceptable? Are we really just forsaking the assembly?
March, 2020
Unconditional Surrender
Mike explains the nature of our submission to Christ when we become His disciples.
Church 101
March, 2020
How to Build a Church Website
We're asked pretty regularly about websites for churches. Here are our recommendations for both.
March, 2020
Taking without Permission
Mike demonstrates the many ways this command can be violated, and how we can build a defense against dishonest tendencies.
Church 101
March, 2020
Does God speak through our pets?
In this video, Mike explains how God speaks to us today.
March, 2020
God's Plan for Sexual Fulfillment
In this lesson, Mike reviews the basic rules about sexual intimacy as well as the various strategies one can use to keep this commandment.
March, 2020
The Problem of Abortion
Mike continues with the second lesson on the sixth commandment dealing with the issue of abortion in which he reviews arguments for and against this practice.
March, 2020
The Sanctity of Life
Mike discusses the reasoning behind the sixth commandment not to kill and the various ways it applies to our lives.
March, 2020
Knowing God
Mike looks at the joys and challenges that are part of the experience of knowing God more intimately.
March, 2020
Daniel 11 – Outline of Kings
Daniel 11 predicts events that will take place between the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires.
February, 2020
The Command with a Promise
Mike discusses what the fifth commandment requires of both parents and their children.
February, 2020
The Sabbath Rest
Mike explains the difference between the Sabbath Day and the Lord's Day.
Church 101
February, 2020
What happens after we die?
In this video, Mike answers questions dealing with the end times. Including how the Holy Trinity plays into this.
February, 2020
Use the System!
In this lesson, Mike reviews the system of ministry established by the Apostles in the early church and how it can be adapted for modern church use.
February, 2020
The Holy Name
This lesson reviews the various ways the commandments have been listed and explains the reason for the reverence of God's name.
February, 2020
From Religion to Conversion
Mike recalls the spiritual steps he took in his journey from hearing the call to conversion to hearing the call to ministry.
January, 2020
Idol and Likeness
Mike explains the various ways the second commandment forbidding idolatry is violated in modern times.
January, 2020
The Commandments in the 21st Century
In this first session, Mike establishes both the importance and relevance of the 10 Commandments for the Christian in the modern world.
January, 2020
God First and Only
Mike discusses the reasons for the first commandment and how we both break and keep it today.
January, 2020
Understanding and Obeying the 10 Commandments

This series reviews the purpose and meaning of the 10 Commandments as they were originally given to the Jews under Moses, along with their spiritual value and proper function in the modern Christian's life.

January, 2020
Christ, Culture and the Church
In this sermon, Mike reviews the various ways that the church has dealt with the pressure of contemporary culture, and how it can maintain the culture of Christ as an ever-present response to the forces of cultural change in every generation.
December, 2019
Christians and Christmas
Mike answers some of the major objections that many believers have concerning the celebration of Christmas.
November, 2019
The 4 Components of Saving Faith
This sermon examines the type of faith required in the process of salvation.
November, 2019
Pruning the Church
In this sermon, Mike reviews the various ways Jesus uses to remove and renew Christians in order to save or strengthen His church.
November, 2019
What 40 Years of Ministry Has Taught Me
Mike shares two primary lessons that he has learned on this his 40th anniversary of full-time preaching ministry.
Church 101
October, 2019
How to Broadcast your Church Worship Services Live Online
A comprehensive guide to streaming video in your church building. In this guide, we cover everything from microphones to the most important item: patience.
Church 101
October, 2019
How We Edit Our Videos
In this video, we'll dive into Premiere Pro and edit a class together.
Church 101
October, 2019
Guidelines for Skill-Building Classes
The following guidelines use a method of skill-building referred to as the "Whole-Part-Whole" method.
Church 101
October, 2019
Guidelines for Guided Discussion Classes
The guided discussion is one of the most effective methods used for Bible study lessons. It is also one of the most challenging to use.
Church 101
October, 2019
Guidelines for Lecture Presentations
A lecture is a common technique used in most Bible class presentations. It can range from a formal, one-way presentation or an informal presentation where questions are encouraged.
Church 101
October, 2019
3 Basic Steps of Teaching
Teaching involves a basic three-step process: preparation, delivery, and evaluation.
Church 101
October, 2019
Improving the Effectiveness of our Adult Bible Class Teaching
A teacher of God's word, no matter the level or scope is one of the most important and influential roles in congregations. It is so important that it was among the final words of our Lord as he was preparing to ascend back into heaven.
Church 101
October, 2019
Designing Greatness into our Teaching Programs
God requires two things from us as teachers: our best effort and faithfulness. He does not demand perfection but at the same time, he does not accept mediocrity.
Church 101
October, 2019
How to Motivate Adults to Learn
We do not "motivate" learners. Motivation is an internal element unique to the individual. What motivates one person is not the same as what motivates another.
Church 101
October, 2019
Characteristics of Adult Learners
Adults are more attuned to comfortable surroundings, more sensitive and reactive to discomfort. Teachers must do what they can to compensate for these differences as best they can.
Church 101
October, 2019
How to Setup a Wireless High Definition Confidence Monitor on Your Pulpit
In this article, we'll show you how to use an iPad or another tablet to control a remote computer containing your powerpoint slides.
October, 2019
Accessing on TVs
October, 2019
Watching our Videos with a USB Drive and a Projector
In this guide, we will show you how to use a Projector and a USB drive to show our video Bible material in your congregation without an internet connection.
October, 2019
How to Use in Your Congregation
Here are some step-by-step guides to help get your church up and running using our free Bible material.
October, 2019
It Depends on Your Interpretation
In this lesson, Mike summarizes the great contribution made by the Restoration Movement to the world of religion.
September, 2019
Great Sex for Life
Mike finishes the series by revealing the key ingredient necessary to maintain and improve sexual intimacy.
September, 2019
8 Steps to Intimacy
In this lesson, Mike reviews the true meaning, value and method of creating as well as maintaining the core element of every successful marriage, intimacy.
September, 2019
The Blessings of Marital Fidelity
Mike reviews the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of faithfulness in marriage.
September, 2019
Bringing Home the Prodigals
This lesson gives the parents of unfaithful children some practical things they can do to encourage their prodigals to return home.
September, 2019
Keeping Love Alive and Finding it Again When You Lose it
This lesson offers some practical and effective ways to mature existing love and rekindle marital love that has grown cold.
September, 2019
What Makes a Marriage Christian?
In this lesson, Mike reviews not only God's plan for all marriages but what elements are necessary to make this union Christian in nature.
August, 2019
4-Letter Words to Teach Your Kids
Four letter expletives are common occurrences in public discourse and are teaching today's young people that this is somehow normal. Mike counters this trend by suggesting that parents become proactive in teaching their children four-letter words that will bless their lives.
August, 2019
The 4 A's of a Successful Marriage
Mike concludes this two-part lesson by reviewing the four important things married people need to do for each other in order to improve and thus create happiness in their relationship.
August, 2019
The Blessings of a Long Married Life
Mike shares some of the priceless benefits awaiting those who remain together in Christ for a lifetime.
August, 2019
The 4 A's of a Successful Marriage
Everyone expects to be happy when they marry but few understand the basic ingredients necessary to reach and sustain this goal.
August, 2019
Now that We are Together
In this session, Mike discusses the various life changes that take place once a couple is officially married.
August, 2019
Top 10 Marriage Myths
Mike compares some of the common misunderstandings about marriage in our modern society to God's original design for this union.
July, 2019
What to Look for in a Woman
In this lesson, Mike reviews what the Bible describes when it refers to an ideal spouse.
July, 2019
What to Look for in a Man
This lesson looks at the type of things to look for in a man that makes him true marriage material.
July, 2019
Mature Enough for Marriage?
The very first thing that couples need to know if they want to have a loving marriage is the difference between romance and love.
July, 2019
Desperately Seeking Someone
This first lesson in the series deals with one of the most stressful and discouraging phases in life, searching for a suitable marriage partner.
July, 2019
Marriage Prep 101

This series is designed for those hoping to marry or re-marry. It will provide information to help shorten the learning curve in relationship building and establishing priorities and guidelines when seeking a mate for life.

July, 2019
Principles of the Plate
In this final lesson, Mike outlines five time-tested giving principles that help both individuals and churches grow in the ministry of giving.
June, 2019
A Practical Plan for Generous Giving
Mike shares some practical ways good stewards can prepare themselves for growth opportunities in the church.
June, 2019
Truth or Consequences
Mike demonstrates the parallels between the broken society in Israel during the time of the Judges and American in the present time.
June, 2019
The Reward for Greatness
After Nehemiah finished the task given to him by the Lord, God blessed His servant. In this final lesson, Mike examines the reward for those who are great in the Kingdom, like Nehemiah.
June, 2019
What About Tithing?
Mike looks at the practice of tithing and the reasons why this approach to collecting money for the church is no longer imposed on the faithful.
June, 2019
The Power of Giving
In this lesson, Mike describes the three ways that God blesses those who regularly give to Him.
June, 2019
The Character of Greatness - Part 2
Mike adds one other characteristic to the profile of those who are great in the Kingdom - effective service.
June, 2019
Motivated Giving
In this first lesson, Mike reviews some of the common attitudes concerning giving as well as Biblical attitudes we should cultivate.
June, 2019
Successful Stewardship

This series examines the various false and true ideas about giving to the Lord as well as biblical strategies to better understand the role of giving in our spiritual lives and improve our rate of giving to the church.

June, 2019
The Character of Greatness - Part 1
In this lesson, Mike examines what Nehemiah's prayer says about his character.
May, 2019
The Christian Lifestyle
A final lesson describing the new motivation and lifestyle that God has designed for those who are followers of Jesus Christ.
May, 2019
Kingdom Greatness
In this opening lesson, Mike compares the criteria for achieving greatness both in the world and in the Spirit.
May, 2019
Achieving Greatness

In this short series, Mike explores the idea of biblical Kingdom greatness using Nehemiah's life as a profile for achieving this state.

May, 2019
The Church
The church is the physical presence of Jesus Christ in the world today. In this lesson we will examine the New Testament in order to determine what the inspired text says the church should be like and how it should function.
May, 2019
Life in the Fast Lane
Mike explores the advantages and risks faced by those who are naturally drawn to a fast-paced lifestyle that features constant change and challenge.
May, 2019
Passage #7 – John 17:1-3
The final lesson ties together the seven passages and explains the ultimate goal of salvation.
May, 2019
This lesson lays out the simple yet powerful plan that God has initiated to save mankind from eternal condemnation due to personal sin and how Jesus Christ fits into this plan of salvation.
May, 2019
Honor Thy Mother
In this lesson, Mike explains the various ways a person can fulfill the command to honor one's mother.
May, 2019
Passage #6 – Romans 6:1-14
This passage explains how God's promise was realized through Christ and properly appropriated by guilty sinners.
May, 2019
Jesus Christ
The Christian faith is based on the person of Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will look closely at this person in order to more clearly define His true nature and character.
May, 2019
Passage #5 – John 3:14-16
Mike tackles the fifth passage which not only connects to the previous four passages selected but also summarizes the message of the gospel in three verses.
May, 2019
What's in it for God?
Ever wonder why God wants us to obey Him? What exactly does God receive from our faithfulness and obedience?
April, 2019
Why People Quit
Mike reviews the main reasons why people fall away from the faith and how this tendency can be reversed in a person's life.
April, 2019
Passages #3 & #4 – Genesis 11:27-12:7; Isaiah 53:1-12
In this lesson, Mike will look at the Old Testament passages that identify the person and the mission of the One promised by God.
April, 2019
The Bible
This lesson examines the history of Bible authorship, how the Bible was organized into its present form, and some key reasons why Christians believe that it is inspired by God.
April, 2019
Passage #2 – Genesis 3:1-24 - Part 2
Mike reviews the judgment, consequences and promise made by God as a result of Adam and Eve's disobedience.
April, 2019
The Christian Religion
In this lesson, we will examine the Christian religion and see how it compares to the other major religions in the world.
April, 2019
Passage #2 – Genesis 3:1-24 - Part 1
The second of the seven passages reveals why the world is the way it is and the promise that God makes that makes life worth living.
April, 2019
Belief in God
This first lesson in the series reviews the reasons why Christians believe in a Supreme Being. This idea is looked at from both a philosophical and theological perspective.
April, 2019
Christianity for Beginners

This series explains basic topics such as belief in God, the history and writing of the Bible, the person of Jesus, the nature of salvation and more. All presented in an easy-to-understand approach suitable for those less familiar with the Bible or the Christian religion.

April, 2019
Why People Don't Believe
Some say that if they were alive when Jesus was on the earth they would have surely believed in Him. However, the gospel writers' records show that this was not the case since the majority of people at that time did not believe. In this lesson, Mike will try to answer why this was so then and why it is so even to this day.
April, 2019
Passage #1 – Genesis 1:1
Mike discusses the first and foundational passage preserved that would eventually serve to denounce various false ideas invented by sinful men through history.
April, 2019
The Bible in Seven Passages

In this series, Mike describes a future world where the Bible is no longer accessible and believers have memorized 7 key passages from the Scriptures in order to keep the faith that leads to salvation alive until Jesus returns.

March, 2019
What Does it Take to get to Heaven?
Getting to heaven requires more than wanting to go there. In this lesson, Mike takes a sobering look at the road to heaven and the many obstacles that make getting there a bumpy ride.
March, 2019
A Pattern for Sound Teaching
Paul closes out his letter by giving Titus a pattern or blueprint with which he can measure the soundness of his teaching now and into the future.
March, 2019
Titus' Mission
In this section, Paul provides more information concerning the qualifications necessary for church leadership and the type of challenge these men will face as leaders.
March, 2019
Honor Thy Leaders
This lesson highlights 3 important ways that a congregation can honor its spiritual leaders.