Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
May, 2017
Role Reversal
In this lesson, we look at several spiritual lessons our children teach us.
May, 2017
Penitential Psalms
The penitential psalms record expressions of personal lament and confession of sin by the psalmist.
May, 2017
The Grace of Giving
Mike outlines the rewards obtained by those who exercise the non-miraculous but very dynamic spiritual gift of liberality.
May, 2017
Preparing for Teen Parenting
Mike wraps up the section of teen parenting with a look a parenting tweens.
May, 2017
Word Psalms
Mike examines the psalms that highlight the value and power of God's Word.
May, 2017
Breaking the Habit
In this sermon, Mike reviews the factors that go into both making and ultimately breaking the many bad habits we acquire as sinful human beings.
May, 2017
Nature Psalms
This lesson examines "nature" type psalms and how they are designed to not only highlight the beauty of creation but also how the creation serves to honor and reveal the power of God.
May, 2017
Satan's Tactics
God tells us that Satan is actively trying to ruin us. In this lesson, Mike reveals the many tactics Satan uses to destroy God's church.
May, 2017
Preparing for Teen Parenting
There are three basic stages that children go through before they become adults, and how we parent them during these periods will have an impact on what kind of people they become.
April, 2017
The Hinge of History
In this lesson, Mike describes the words of Jesus that changed the world in 4 important ways.
April, 2017
Parenting 101
Mike will examine the last 3 ways we can breathe L.I.F.E. into our children.
April, 2017
Wisdom Psalms
This class will examine the three types of psalms that make up the "Wisdom" category of psalms.
April, 2017
Jesus: My Shepherd
This lesson explores the character of Jesus in His role of Good Shepherd rather than His suffering as sacrificial lamb.
April, 2017
Parenting 101
The parenting relationship should be focused on the parent providing for the child's needs, not the reverse. It is God, in His love, who provides for us, and in the same way we provide for our children in our love.
April, 2017
Hebrew Poetry
In this lesson, Mike reviews the various literary devices that make Hebrew poetry unique.
April, 2017
Productive Communication
Many couples desire to love and need love but are poor communicators. Mike examines some of the ways to improve communication skills within marriage.
April, 2017
What is Biblical Love?
In this third and final lesson, Mike explores the concept of Biblical love and answers the question, "Why is love greater than faith or hope?"
April, 2017
The Goal of Biblical Marriage
If God created marriage for life then God can provide the element that keeps us together for life - love.
April, 2017
Introduction to the Psalms
In this introductory lesson to the book of Psalms, Mike reviews the title, authorship, and use of this Jewish songbook.
April, 2017
Psalms for Beginners

This series will examine the different types of psalms as well as the various literary devices used by the authors of this book.

April, 2017
What is Biblical Hope?
In the second lesson in this series, Mike explains the main differences between hope as it is used and described here on earth and Biblical hope which is described and manifested in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
April, 2017
What is a Biblical Marriage?
It is during the effort to know each other that the couple lays down the groundwork for their "oneness."
April, 2017
Sacred Families

This series explores the true purpose of home and family in God's design. Lessons deal with child development, parental discipline, and preparing children for adolescence with a focus on the tween years. There is also a discussion about biblical marriage and the establishment of the home.

March, 2017
What is Biblical Faith?
This lesson not only reviews what the Bible teaches concerning faith but also describes the legitimate spiritual experience that comes with having biblical faith.
March, 2017
Positive Thinking
In his return journey to God, Solomon has found that wisdom and wise living are the surest way to find contentment and avoid wasting one's short lifespan.
March, 2017
And Now These Three Remain: Faith, Hope and Love

Mike reviews the meaning and purpose of these Christian virtues as well as the relationship each has with the other.

March, 2017
Comments on the Rat Race
Solomon has been sharing the fruit of his hard-won wisdom. After living apart from God he returns and notes some of the things he has learned concerning wisdom itself.
March, 2017
Qualities of a Wise Leader
Solomon is no longer exploring and writing about the various experiences and pursuits of worldly living, which have left him unfulfilled and depressed. He now turns his attention to leadership and the qualities that leaders need to possess.
March, 2017
Wisdom Proverbs
In the first 6 chapters of the book we see the fruit of Solomon's rebellion. By chapter six he has exhausted his search, sees that his results are empty, and comments on this discovery using several parables.
March, 2017
Parables of: Seed, Mustard Seed and Workers
This parable likens the mustard seed and plant to God's word and the church that grows from it.
February, 2017
Politically Correct or Biblically Correct?
In this lesson, Mike reviews the thinking and goals of the Politically Correct movement in America and how Christians can respond to and live in a nation that is heavily influenced by this cause.
February, 2017
Worship Attitude
In chapter five there is an abrupt change as Solomon comments on the attitude necessary for proper worship and then goes on to talk about the enemy of spirituality - materialism.
February, 2017
Parable of the Wheat and Tares
By using parables, Jesus was able to teach large crowds but keep the true meaning of His lessons only for those who believed in Him.
February, 2017
Things That are "For Sure"
David, despite his difficult life filled with trials, was able to rejoice in some of the things that were certain in life, things that he (and we) could count on.
February, 2017
How to Measure Spiritual Success
Measuring progress is an important factor in the success of any enterprise, whether it is physical growth, the development of a talent, the success of a business or organization, you need to be able to see and measure your progress!
February, 2017
One Plus One Equals Survival
In Solomon's experiment with wealth and power, he concludes that life at the "top" is filled with grief (oppression, envy, disillusionment).
February, 2017
The Cardinal Sin
February, 2017
Make Me a Servant
February, 2017
Parable of the Sower and the Seed
This lesson begins the final series of parables on the kingdom - the five parables that use agriculture as a base for their stories.
February, 2017
Breaking Me Softly
February, 2017
The Baptism Wheel
Mike presents a unique visual in explaining biblical baptism.
February, 2017
A View from the Top
Solomon examines one final area of life (the pursuit of wealth and power) in order to find contentment apart from God.
February, 2017
Pray For My Enemies?
February, 2017
Parables of: Hidden Treasure, Pearl and Debt
Parables are lessons that use physical things and situations in the material world to explain or mirror principles and situations that exist in the spiritual or unseen world. These three parables are excellent examples of this teaching method.
February, 2017
Wall of Righteousness
January, 2017
The Point of No Return
This lesson deals with the difficult issue concerning the possibility that a Christian could actually lose salvation.
January, 2017
A Time for Everything
In his journal, Solomon has described the various ways he has sought for satisfaction and joy apart from God. In the balance of this chapter he provides some final thoughts on the search for meaning in the events of one's life here on earth.
January, 2017
Holy Hunger
January, 2017
Parable of the Bridesmaids and Talents
The parable of the Bridesmaids or Foolish Virgins and the one that follows it, the parable of the Talents are both looking forward to the time when the kingdom on earth will be examined and purged.
January, 2017
Introduction to Holy Hunger
January, 2017
A Time for Everything
Solomon now explores the context in which a person's life and work is carried out - the framework of time.
January, 2017
Parable of the Wedding Feast
In this parable, Jesus tells the story itself and then the true meaning of the story as it relates to the kingdom.
January, 2017
The Burden of Leadership
This lesson explores the personal and spiritual demands and responsibilities required of church elders.
January, 2017
The Pursuit of Meaning Through Work
Solomon now explores the context in which a person's life and work is carried out - the framework of time.
January, 2017
Types of Parables on the Kingdom
Once people heard Jesus' teachings many turned away from Him because He was not describing the "kingdom" that they had hoped would come.
January, 2017
Response Killers
Mike looks at the Bible basis for the "invitation" feature of public worship and some of the reasons why many are hindered in coming forward at the appropriate time.
January, 2017
The Pursuit of Pleasure
Solomon begins his search for happiness and contentment with the exploration of sensory pleasures and reports on his findings.
January, 2017
Introduction to The Kingdom Parables
In this first lesson, Mike will briefly review the history of thought concerning the King and the Kingdom, from the Old Testament prophets to New Testament times.
January, 2017
The Kingdom Parables

This series reviews the parables that define the central theme of Jesus' preaching ministry: seeking and finding the Kingdom of heaven.

January, 2017
Loving the Invisible God
Mike outlines several ways that believers can deepen not only their expression of love for God but also their experience of His love as well.
January, 2017
Introduction to Ecclesiastes
In this first lesson, Mike reviews some of the basic information about this book. The class will review the life of the author, Solomon, and the circumstances surrounding the writing of this text.
January, 2017
Ecclesiastes for Beginners

Ecclesiastes is the fascinating journal of a wise man's search for satisfaction and meaning without reference to God. In his life journey Solomon ultimately learns the valuable lesson that without God in one's life, that life is meaningless.

December, 2016
Love and Marriage
In the final lesson of this series, Mike discusses the various types of love that we express and focuses on the type of love necessary to make a marriage last a lifetime.
December, 2016
Four PS's from James
In this final lesson, Mike will review the six ways Christians are different and James' final words of encouragement to his readers.
December, 2016
Grieving at Christmas
Despite the pain of grief at Christmas there are ways that God helps us carry on.
December, 2016
Divorce Busters - Part 2
In this second part of the Divorce Busters lesson, Mike provides three key suggestions that can help those who are experiencing marriage trouble.
December, 2016
Who's the Boss?
James outlines the basic rules for success that Christian business people should follow.
December, 2016
Divorce Busters - Part 1
In this lesson, Mike gives seven suggestions to single people to help them find the right marriage partner.
December, 2016
Who Do You Think You Are?
James addresses the causes and cures for the destructive sins of harsh criticism and gossip.
December, 2016
Three Resurrections
Mike explains the nature and purpose of the three permanent resurrections described in the New Testament.
December, 2016
Succeeding at Remarriage
In this lesson, Mike outlines various strategies to create happy and healthy subsequent marriages.
December, 2016
Love's Goodbye
In my job as a minister I have watched many people die. As awful as this sounds, there is a sameness to the process that, with time...
November, 2016
The Most Asked Questions About Divorce and Remarriage
This lesson drills down into the arguments for or against a Christian's permission to remarry after a divorce.
November, 2016
Divorce and the Gospel of Grace
This lesson examines the impact of the gospel message on those who have been divorced.
November, 2016
Prescription for Worldliness
In this section of this epistle, James performs a spiritual check-up on his readers.
November, 2016
The God of Second Chances
The story of David and Bathsheba is used to illustrate the gracious nature of God's character and the power of His forgiveness.
November, 2016
Mixed Religious Marriages
This lesson will deal with the difficult task of balancing one's faith while maintaining a positive relationship with a non-believing spouse.
November, 2016
Teaching Teachers' Tongues
In this lesson, James reviews both the qualifications and results that Christian teachers should aspire to.
November, 2016
The Seven Heavens
This sermon compares the various ideas that exist about heaven with the Bible's description of this dimension.
November, 2016
Domestic Violence
The second part of this lesson on Domestic Violence examines the Bible's instructions concerning marriages struggling with this problem.
November, 2016
Michael Jackson and James
Michael Jackson's old song, "Black or White" reflects the attitude that James says Christians should have towards other people.
November, 2016
Preacher Count
It has long been held that preachers can't count. I suppose it's because they usually overestimate the size of attendance or count the unborn babies as present.
October, 2016
Domestic Violence
This lesson focuses on the profile of the typical abuser and reasons why women stay in these types of marital situations.
October, 2016
The Bottom Line
This section in the Book of James defines the type of thinking and behavior that constitutes the "bottom line" in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
October, 2016
Building the Faith Muscle
A faith building program that has been used to help Christians build up their faith muscle and protect them from poor spiritual health.
October, 2016
The Marriage Bed
This lesson reviews the basic instructions God provides concerning the subject of sex in marriage.
October, 2016
Dealing with the Dragon
Sin is everybody's problem and in this lesson Mike reviews the true tested method that James provides to successfully deal with the everyday temptations to sin.
October, 2016
Dealing with your Enemies
Christians are in a unique situation when called on to deal with their enemies. This lesson will outline the various strategies that the Bible provides when believers must face those who injure them in some way.
October, 2016
What to do in Case of Divorce
Mike finishes up this section of the course by laying out some of the basic dos and don'ts for people caught up in a personal divorce.
October, 2016
Beyond the Trouble
James explains the radically different way Christians deal with trouble in life, and why they do so.
October, 2016
Saved by What?
A discussion about the core element of the gospel message - by what power are we saved and how does it work? The lesson will explain the ideas of faith and grace in their proper biblical contexts.
October, 2016
What to do in Case of Divorce
This class reviews the dos and don'ts for those people who are experiencing a divorce in their family circle or among their friends or co-workers.
October, 2016
Christianity: More Than Ceremony
This introductory lesson reviews the author, date written and general purpose for this practical book on Christian living.
October, 2016
James for Beginners

James' practical approach to Christian living makes his discussion of complex spiritual issues both easy to understand and implement in one's life.

October, 2016
7 Steps to a Successful Divorce
This lesson reviews what not to do if you want to succeed at marriage.
October, 2016
Dealing with Divorce

This series will examine the various causes for divorce and how to cope when you or someone close is going through a divorce as well as recovering from a broken marriage.

September, 2016
The Result of Grace
Paul concludes his teaching on grace by describing the final results in a person's life after being saved by faith in response to God's grace.
September, 2016
The Perseverance of God
This sermon examines how God perseveres in His efforts to seek and save sinful man.
September, 2016
The Refusal of Grace
Paul answers a critical question concerning the Jews - "Why weren't the Jews saved?"
September, 2016
The Request of Grace
Paul explains what this grace demands and how that very same grace enables us to meet those demands.