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The Bible teaches that everyone is guilty of sin but not necessarily the same sin. This series examines the most common sins and struggles that Mike has encountered in over thirty-five years of ministry, and provides practical advice on how to recognize and deal with these successfully.
Fisherman, Apostle, Elder, Martyr. The unique experience of Peter forms his teachings on the power of God's grace and the urgent need of the church to prepare for the return of Christ in all ages. From an ancient source comes a relevant message for the modern Christian.
Originally written for Jewish converts to Christianity, the book of Hebrews describes the many ways Jesus and the religion of Christianity fulfilled and surpassed the elements and practice of the Jewish faith.
This series explores the lives of both good and bad Jewish rulers in order to find timeless lessons that can be applied to Christian life today.
Mark's gospel is a rapid-fire account of Jesus' ministry focusing primarily on His many miracles. This eyewitness account presents the boldest and clearest witness of Jesus' identity as the Son of God with power!