Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
October, 2015
This lesson describes the dramatic entrance of young David to the stage of Israel's history and recounts the model story from which all later 'underdog' narratives are taken.
October, 2015
Jesus: Greater than the Angels
After demonstrating from Scripture that Jesus is greater than the angels, the author focuses on what Jesus accomplished when, for a while, He took a position lower than angels.
October, 2015
King Saul
This final lesson traces King Saul's sad decline into madness and ignoble death at the hands of the enemy he was originally sent to defeat.
October, 2015
Jesus: Greater than the Angels
In this section the Hebrew writer lists the many passages in the Old Testament that demonstrate Jesus' exalted position above the angels.
October, 2015
Gross vs. Godly
Mike reviews the three main reasons why the trend towards gross material in media and society in general will never win out over what is godly.
October, 2015
King Saul
This second lesson examines the various patterns of behavior that lead to King Saul's eventual downfall.
October, 2015
Introduction to Hebrews
This first lesson in the series establishes the historical and religious context for the writing of this book.
October, 2015

Originally written for Jewish converts to Christianity, the book of Hebrews describes the many ways Jesus and the religion of Christianity fulfilled and surpassed the elements and practice of the Jewish faith.

October, 2015
Why Do the Righteous Suffer?
This sermon looks at the very real reasons why everyone, even the very good, suffers and what is ultimately gained by experiences of sorrow and pain.
October, 2015
King Saul
Saul, the first King of Israel, provides a lesson on what not to do when given blessings and privileges by God.
October, 2015
Drifting Away
September, 2015
The Celebrity Pope
Pope Francis has good teeth. I noticed this about him in a picture connected with his recent visit to the U.S. This is as it should be for one who strives to be the new face of the Catholic church witnessed by the carefully choreographed Papal appearances in New York and other cities recently.
September, 2015
Going with God
In this sermon Mike explores the types of feelings experienced when one is in a personal and intimate relationship with God.
September, 2015
The Passion
In this last class in the series, Mike will focus on the key passages that describe Jesus' death, burial and resurrection - an experience referred to as the Lord's "Passion."
September, 2015
Principles of Good Stewardship
In this sermon Mike reviews the broader implications of stewardship beyond the simple giving of money.
September, 2015
The Doctrine of the Second Coming - Part 2
In this last lesson of the series, Mike reviews key passages about the end-times in the New Testament and provides a summary of the four main "Millennial" teaching positions.
September, 2015
Final Teachings
In the last hours before His suffering Jesus will provide teaching concerning the judgment coming on the Jewish nation, and how His Apostles will remember Him after He is gone.
September, 2015
Lessons from the Kings

This series explores the lives of both good and bad Jewish rulers in order to find timeless lessons that can be applied to Christian life today.

September, 2015
Jesus Describes the End
In this next to last lesson, Mike tackles Christianity's most exciting and complex doctrine - the events and timing of the return of Jesus and the end of the world as we know it.
September, 2015
Wait on God
September, 2015
Praise: A Mark of God's People
This lesson explores the motivation that creates a heart tuned to worship and praise.
September, 2015
Final Confrontations
As the time for Jesus' death grows near Mark recounts several confrontations with various Jewish leaders and groups that will seal their rejection of Him as their Messiah.
Church 101
September, 2015
Top Ten Things that Kill Church Growth
In this lesson we examine 10 things that hinder church growth.
August, 2015
Why Judas Fell
This lesson explores the series of decisions and weaknesses that led one of Jesus' chosen Apostles to commit history's most treacherous act.
August, 2015
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
In this lesson, Mike reviews the development of the idea of 'Kingdom' in the Bible as well as the understanding of this idea in the secular world throughout history.
August, 2015
Advanced Training
Now that the Apostles have acknowledged Jesus' true identity as the Son of God, the Lord begins more in-depth teaching on the subjects of His mission and the nature of His Kingdom.
August, 2015
What to do When They Don't Accept You
August, 2015
The 'student-friendly' testing methods of today don't adequately prepare young people for the real life testing they will encounter after school is over. Mike discusses three such life tests.
August, 2015
The Role of Baptism and Communion
In this lesson, Mike answers four of the most asked questions about the role of baptism in the process of salvation.
August, 2015
Lessons for Hard Times
August, 2015
Truth, Tradition and Other Miracles
In this section of Mark's gospel, the writer uses the miracles where Jesus heals the blind and deaf as a preview of the opening of the Apostles' unbelieving eyes and ears.
August, 2015
In this sermon Mike compares some of the priorities important in his hockey playing days to the ordering of goals in every day christian living.
August, 2015
The Role of Baptism
In this lesson, Mike reviews the "summary" doctrine of Salvation and how water baptism fits into the context of all 10 sub-doctrines that explain the reconciliation of God and Man.
August, 2015
Jesus: Lord of All
In this section of Mark's gospel, the author profiles four powerful situations where those who witness Christ's power believe in Him as Lord and Savior.
August, 2015
The Process of Sanctification
This lesson examines common errors made in teaching the doctrine of sanctification, and provides a guide to the stages of this spiritual process in each Christian.
August, 2015
Advice on Leaving Home
Fall brings with it the start of school and for many students bound for college, their first experience of living away from family. In this lesson Mike provides some wise advice from the Bible for those leaving home for whatever reason.
August, 2015
How Mankind Becomes Holy
The doctrine of sanctification provides a view of salvation from an "inward" perspective and explains how God enables mankind to share in His holiness.
July, 2015
Encounters and Parables
In this lesson, we get an overview of how Mark sets out to prove his opening declaration that Jesus is the Son of God.
July, 2015
God's New Vision of Mankind
This lesson explains why and how God now sees mankind in a different light.
July, 2015
Jesus the Divine
From the opening verse, we immediately see Mark's goal of presenting Jesus as a divine being through the witness of His teaching and miracles.
July, 2015
Becoming Acceptable to God (continued)
The doctrine of Justification explains how God resolves the legal dilemma in justifying guilty sinners without compromising the Law.
July, 2015
The Wrong Side of History
Mike reviews the Supreme Court's recent ruling on same-sex marriage and lays out a proper Christian response to this change in the nation's moral order.
July, 2015
Becoming Acceptable to God
This lesson seeks to understand God's plan of salvation from a legal perspective.
July, 2015
Introduction and Background
The first lesson in this series reviews the background information on the author of this gospel and the style he uses in presenting Jesus' life and ministry.
July, 2015
Mark for Beginners

Mark's gospel is a rapid-fire account of Jesus' ministry focusing primarily on His many miracles. This eyewitness account presents the boldest and clearest witness of Jesus' identity as the Son of God with power!

July, 2015
Living Temples
This sermon looks at some of the things parents must do in order to prepare their children for a life of faith.
July, 2015
Becoming Children of God
This lesson begins an explanation of those sub-doctrines that describe God's plan of salvation from different perspectives.
June, 2015
What Growing Churches Believe
All churches can and do experience growth but there are core beliefs that promote the growth of those churches that strive to do Bible things in Bible ways.
June, 2015
A New Life in Christ
Once a person is redeemed from sin, he can live a new life. This lesson explains the very different lifestyle of the regenerated person.
June, 2015
A Child's Glory
June, 2015
What Atonement Achieves
Mike will explain the difference between the act of Atonement and its natural result of Redemption.
June, 2015
Why Wait For Eternal Life
We think eternal life is the "good life" transported to another place and made to continue without end.
June, 2015
This sermon examines the motivation, purpose and results of a dynamic benevolence ministry.
June, 2015
God's Method of Reconciliation (continued)
This second part on the subject of atonement examines the Biblical language used to describe Jesus' act of atonement.
June, 2015
In this biographical study Mike looks at the character and ministry of one of the most influential ministers of the Apostolic age.
May, 2015
Diligent Discipline
May, 2015
God's Method of Reconciliation
This lesson will review how Christ's sacrifice (atonement) satisfies the requirements of God's perfect justice and love.
May, 2015
Error and Consequence
This lesson explains some of the results in teaching caused by a faulty understanding of two sub-doctrines (election and predestination) that explain the major doctrine of Reconciliation, and provides a more Biblically accurate view of these important teachings.
May, 2015
Why Do People Reject the Bible?
In this sermon Mike will review the most common reasons that people use to reject the message of the Bible, and provide answers to these arguments.
May, 2015
The Complete History of Mankind
This lesson begins the study of the three doctrines that describe the history of man's relationship with God from creation to eternal life in heaven.
May, 2015
10,000 Slapshots
May, 2015
Sacrificial Giving
May, 2015
Billions and Counting
This lesson examines the various reasons and resources that God has provided modern day disciples in their effort to proclaim the gospel to all nations.
May, 2015
The Resurrection as Proof
This lesson looks at the resurrection of Jesus as both evidence for the claim of the inspiration of the Bible and as the pivotal teaching of the Christian faith.
May, 2015
The Apology Line
May, 2015
May, 2015
The Poverty of Riches
This sermon examines Jesus' dialogue with the "rich young ruler" in Mark 10:17. The great spiritual challenge of earthly wealth and the rewards of discipleship are reviewed.
May, 2015
What the Bible Says About Jesus
The main subject of the Bible record is not only the story of Jesus Christ but also a presentation of the reasons why He is considered the divine Son of God.
May, 2015
Seven Steps to Killing off the Debt Demon
May, 2015
Life Priorities for Disciples who are Addicts
May, 2015
The Remote Control Life
In a society where machines are taking precedent over people, the church has an opportunity to offer something sorely lacking in the lives of many people -- real relationships with real people.
May, 2015
6 Proofs of Inspiration (continued)
This lesson will examine the remaining 5 arguments that support the claim of Divine Inspiration for the Bible.
April, 2015
6 Proofs of Inspiration
This lesson will explain the first of six arguments that support the idea that the bible is an inspired text.
April, 2015
Solomon's Advice to America
Of all the leaders whose lives are described in the Bible, Solomon reflects our times and problems most exactly.
April, 2015
The New Testament Record
This lesson continues the review of the making of the bible with a discussion on how the Old and New Testaments were gathered and the criteria used to select the inspired books into the canon.
April, 2015
From Passover to Communion
In the final lesson of this series Mike will review the main events of Jesus' 'Passion' and focus in on the history of the Jewish Passover and its transition to the meal of remembrance that Christians around the world observe.
April, 2015
7 Spiritual Birthday Gifts
In this lesson Mike examines six gifts we receive from God at our conversion and the one gift that powers all of them.
April, 2015
The Writing of the Bible
This lesson examines the basis for all other doctrines contained in the Bible - the inspiration of this book by God.
April, 2015
I Love You, God
I've often been uncomfortable in leading a prayer with the words "I love you, Lord." After all, who am I to say these words to such a one as God?
April, 2015
Impressing the Boss
April, 2015
April, 2015
Why Study Doctrine?
In this lesson, we will discuss why it is important to study the main doctrines contained in the Bible.
April, 2015
Understanding Your Religion

This series presents 7 basic doctrinal ideas that help the viewer have a "big picture" view of the Christian religion. Done in an informal style with helpful graphics and summaries, Understanding Your Religion is a useful guide for those seeking to know what Christians believe and how these beliefs affect what they do.

April, 2015
Rejection and Judgment
In this lesson Mike examines Jesus' response to those who rejected Him. A response that will pronounce a judgment on the religious leaders of that time as well as a long prophetic discourse about the destruction of Jerusalem and His return at the end of the world.
March, 2015
Top 10 Ways to Lose Your Soul
There are many ways a person can lose their salvation once they've obtained it. In this lesson we look at the top 10 ways people lose this precious gift from God.
March, 2015
Who are the Saints?
This final lesson in the series compares the Biblical description of a saint to popular misconceptions of who and what this person should be.
March, 2015
The Role of Women in Ministry
This lesson explores the role of women in ministry and compares the arguments for their participation in full or limited ministry.
March, 2015
Marriage - Divorce - Remarriage
Matthew 19 contains key information about Jesus' teaching concerning marriage and divorce. This study tries to correct certain misunderstandings about what Jesus is actually saying about who is guilty or innocent in these situations.
March, 2015
Leaving Home
March, 2015
March, 2015
3 Reasons for Becoming a Disciple
March, 2015
Threescore and Ten
March, 2015
Divine Desire
This sermon explores the things God truly desires from us beyond the rituals of public worship.
March, 2015
The Role of the Preacher
This lesson compares the many modern views of the minister to the Biblical description of the role, qualifications and work of a local evangelist.
March, 2015
Relationships in the Kingdom
In this passage Jesus will explain the nature of relationships that people have in the Kingdom and how to repair them when they are broken.
March, 2015
The Selection Process
In this practical lesson, Mike reviews the process that the church can use to select, confirm and appoint deacons and elders in the local congregation.
March, 2015
Ministry to the Masses, Ministry to the Few
Jesus performs miracles for the crowds as well as private demonstrations of His power for His Apostles in order to strengthen their faith and prepare them for His own suffering and death on the cross.
March, 2015
The Laying on of Hands
In this lesson Mike will discuss the symbolism and practice of the laying on of hands from both the Old and New Testament perspective.
March, 2015
The Aroma of Christ
The lesson review the 4 ingredients necessary to create a life (aroma) that is pleasing to God.
February, 2015
The Use of Parables in Jesus' Teaching
This lesson will examine the reasons why Jesus used parables in His teaching ministry and what rules we need to follow in order to understand their original meaning and how to draw applications from them today.