Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
January, 2013
Aspiring To Spiritual Greatness
When I was a young Christian the preacher who baptized me warned me that I had to be careful of "selfish ambition". This term is only used three times in the N.T. and each time there is a warning that those who are this way, who have this attitude, will suffer in this world and the next.
January, 2013
Sitting on the Puck
I hated the Toronto Maple Leafs. Back in the fifties and sixties they were the arch rivals of the Montreal Canadiens when hockey in Canada only had six teams.
January, 2013
Be Strong and Courageous
Lessons on Christian perseverance from Joshua's leadership experience in the desert and in the Promised land.
January, 2013
Fervent in Worship
This lessons examines the who, what, where, when, and why of worship according to the New Testament.
January, 2013
Don't Worry, Be Happy
This lesson, based on the popular song by Bobby McFerrin, encourages people to replace worry with other specific responses to life's trials that will create the happiness that all of us search for.
January, 2013
Surviving the "Worst Case" Scenario
There are greater dangers in the world than suicide bombers and madmen weilding guns. This lesson prepares a person to survive the absolute worst case scenario.
January, 2013
How do I Deal with my Anger?
When one becomes a Christian however, the old man of sin dies, is buried in the water of baptism and a new man emerges. And this new man emerges with new ways of thinking and new ways of acting.
January, 2013
There is No Place Like Home
As a preacher, I've long ago discovered that home is where you're preaching at the moment. My wife and I often talk about the disconnect we feel because of a ministry that leads us to move an average of every seven years or so.
January, 2013
Gay Rights or Wrongs?
President Obama is so wrong. His enthusiastic support of legislation legalizing same-sex marriage is born out of his mistaken idea that this is a civil rights issue...
January, 2013
Is Baptism Really Necessary?
It seems that sooner or later every idea in the Bible is challenged in one way or another. In this video blog we'll answer those who challenge the following type of questions: "Is it necessary to be baptized in order to be saved?" or "Is baptism really necessary for me to be a Christian?"
December, 2012
Teaching vs. Tradition
In this lesson we examine how we conduct worship and determine which elements are God's teachings and which are just traditions passed on through the years.
December, 2012
Building a Christian Home
In this lesson we look at the many factors in building a successful Christian family. I'll describe how families are more than just a father, mother and some kids. We'll also examine the types of relationships needed to make a truly wonderful and Christian home possible.
December, 2012
3 Choices Christians Need To Make
Peace or conflict? Being a Christian will always bring the disciple into conflict with one's surroundings. Christianity goes against the grain of this world - its ideas, actions, desires.
December, 2012
The Christmas Shooter
Last minute Christmas sales and talk of the "fiscal cliff" were brutally replaced by headlines reporting that twenty children and six adults were murdered in a Connecticut elementary school last week.
December, 2012
Dental Theology
Which would you choose: Loss of body function or loss of mind function?
December, 2012
The Two Wisdoms
This lesson compares the wisdom that has been developed by thinkers and philosophers throughout history with the wisdom revealed by God in the Bible.
December, 2012
Angry Words
There's a lot of misunderstanding about how a Christian should deal with anger issues. In this blog we look at how Christians can deal with anger issues.
December, 2012
Penguin Love
The amazing ability of some creatures to know the true voice of their mates is compared to a disciple's devotion to Christ and His word.
November, 2012
The Joy of Church Attendance
This lesson motivates Christians to attend Worship and Bible Study regularly and answers questions like, do I need to come every week and is it a sin to not attend church? Stop dreading going to church and enjoy it!
November, 2012
God's Promises
Three promises that God makes to us that will never be broken.
November, 2012
Satan's Strategies
In this lesson we examine 3 strategies Satan uses to steal your soul. We'll also give you 3 strategies to combat his attach and teach you how to fight back.
October, 2012
Three Powerful Things the Cross of Jesus Does for you
The cross of Jesus Christ has the power to do three things that nothing or no one else can accomplish.
October, 2012
In this lesson we look at the history of miracles and try to determine if there is evidence that miracles can still be performed today?
October, 2012
What Under 40's Want
Every generation finds a way to distinguish itself from the previous one, whether it's by social custom, new philosophies or advancing technology.
October, 2012
What Would Google Do?
In this lesson we compare some similarities between how Google the company functions and how churches should function. It is based off the book by Jeff Jarvis entitled 'What Would Google Do?'
September, 2012
Progressive Conservatives
Finding the balance between the biblical pattern for public worship and the on-going changes in culture and technology.
September, 2012
You know you're a senior when the kid at the box office doesn't want to see proof of age when you ask for the senior discount at the movies. This scene along with the other signs of age have gotten me thinking about the future and what I want and don't want as I go from being a senior to just being old.
September, 2012
Victim or Victor?
Practical ways to overcome the reality of failure, injustice, and adversity in our present lives.
August, 2012
Seeing the Unseen
In verse 8 Matthew says that the people, after hearing Jesus forgive the paralytic, and then heal him, praised God for giving authority (to heal and forgive) to men. They heard and saw what Jesus did and glorified God for giving to a man such authority and power. The people in this story gave honor to God but they "didn't get it".
August, 2012
This section concludes the letter by establishing faithfulness as the crowning glory in the believer's proper response to God's offer of salvation and the blessings that come with it.
August, 2012
The Lesson of the Leaven
This sermon examines the similarities between the making of bread with flour and yeast and the spiritual kingdom of heaven. A short parable with a wide application to our spiritual lives.
August, 2012
An Ordered Life
Paul adds an ordered life as another response from those who receive God's blessings of salvation.
August, 2012
God Given Rights
The recent trend in education and politics to remove any mention of God or the Bible is really a subtle attack on individual rights and freedoms.
August, 2012
Satan's Deadliest Weapon
Among Satan's various strategies to destroy us morally, physically, and spiritually, words and how he uses them are his deadliest weapons.
August, 2012
True Piety
This section builds on the previous two by adding piety as a true response of the church to God because of His blessings.
July, 2012
Who Can You Trust?
In this world of spin doctors and fake advocacy one Person stands out as reliable and trustworthy in every way, every day!
July, 2012
The Response of Righteousness
Paul continues to describe the proper response of the saved to God in the form of righteous living.
July, 2012
Peter's PR Plan
Peter the Apostle describes the Public Relations plan that all churches should have to witness Christ to their communities.
July, 2012
Unity of the Church
This section of the epistle describes the proper response to God's offer of salvation and the blessings attached to it, the first of which is to maintain the unity of the Spirit.
July, 2012
Dirty Feet
Jesus uses a "Living Parable" to teach His apostles about brotherly love.
July, 2012
God's Blessing to the Gentiles
The Apostle describes God's efforts to reach out to the Gentiles in order to save them.
July, 2012
Christ: The Power and Wisdom of God
Paul the Apostle compares God's method of conveying wisdom and power to man-made methods of achieving these virtues.
July, 2012
The Basis for Unity in the Church
Paul explains the universal nature of the church by outlining the way God has brought together the most disparate groups of that era - Jews and Gentiles.
July, 2012
The Problem of Pain
One of the main objectives people who do not believe in God use is the argument of pain. If God is good and kind why is there pain in the world? This lesson will discuss the reasons why people suffer and offer some solutions as to how we can deal with the pain in our lives and maintain faith.
July, 2012
Past-Present-Future of the Church
Beginning in chapter two Paul begins to describe the universal nature of the church as it existed in the past, present, and future.
June, 2012
The Cross-Centered Church
The witness of Mike Mazzalongo and the many lessons we can learn from it. Follow his Spiritual Journey towards finding a true biblical church.
June, 2012
All Spiritual Blessings in Christ
Paul begins his letter by describing the incredible blessings given by God to those who believe in Jesus Christ.
June, 2012
Ephesians for Beginners

Paul's most eloquent teaching on God's plan of salvation and life in the body of Christ. A great textual study for those who want to go "deep" into God's word.

June, 2012
Big Lessons from Small Things
The seemingly unimportant details contained in the Bible often contain important lessons if we look closely enough.
June, 2012
What to do While you Wait For Jesus
Regardless of what one believes concerning the return of Christ, there are things that every Christian needs to do before the second coming.
June, 2012
The City and Church of Ephesus
This lesson examines the historical and social settings in which the church at Ephesus was established.
June, 2012
Miracle in the Water
A lesson reviewing the symbolic significance of water in both the physical and spiritual aspects of God's creation.
June, 2012
Repentance has 5 R's
One of the most climatic moments in the entire Bible is described by Luke in the book of Acts. After an incredible three years of ministry Jesus is executed on a Roman cross and miraculously resurrected.
June, 2012
Review of Re-Baptism
A study of the issue of re-baptism focusing on the first converts of the church at Ephesus.
June, 2012
Introduction to Ephesians
A review of the Apostle Paul's life and ministry and the circumstances leading up to the writing of this epistle.
May, 2012
Loving my Everyday Enemies
The command to love one's enemies is explored in the context of everyday life as well as the specific case of America's most active enemies among Muslim terrorists.
May, 2012
Why Mary?
One of the most difficult decisions that parents must make is who to appoint as guardians for their children in case both parents die at the same time. You think about who you would give your kids to if you are gone.
May, 2012
Recipe for a Successful Spiritual Life
Part 3 of a series looking at family, career and the way to experience a true spiritual regeneration in this life and an eternal existence in the next.
May, 2012
Recipe for a Successful Career
Part 2 of a 3 part series looking at the ingredients for success in the family as well as the pursuit of satisfying and rewarding careers.
May, 2012
The Voice of Faith
Critics often refer to the maturing of authors as the process of "finding one's voice." For example, writers who hit upon a message or theme in their books that make an impact on their readers are said to have found their "true voice."
April, 2012
Recipe for a Successful Family
The first of a 3 part series examining the qualities that promote harmony, joy, and intimacy in family settings.
April, 2012
Regular Worship
Let's look at the bigger picture that God has designed for New Testament worship.
March, 2012
A Time for Everything
In this lesson we talk about Ecclesiastes 3:1 where Solomon describes there is a time for everything. When we realize there is a time for everything it will add so much to our lives.
Church 101
March, 2012
The Use of Media in Ministry
Media is the vehicle for communication and we as Christians are really in the business of communication.
March, 2012
Video Blog

This series presents a collection of short and engaging lessons that not only provide insights into these subjects through the lens of the Christian perspective. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding or simply curious about how faith intersects with various aspects of life, these lessons offer an enlightening journey that's both thought-provoking and enjoyable.

March, 2012
Jesus our Everyday Savior
Often, we've known God as the object of our prayers and praise, but do we truly see Him as our Savior in moments of need?
March, 2012
From Zero to Faith
How does one go from having no faith to having complete faith? OK I have faith, now what? These are the questions we discuss in this video blog.
March, 2012
Parable of the Cork
Don't let the weight of sin keep you from coming back to Christ
March, 2012
4 Rules for a Happy Life
The most sincere thing we can desire for somebody else is their happiness. It's usually the thing parents want the most for their children. They want their children to be happy. In this entry we'll look at the 4 rules for a happy life.
March, 2012
Carrying the Cross of Jesus Christ
The Cross has always been a powerful reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ. It has also been a reference point for things Christians must suffer to serve the Lord. In this lesson we will look at how 'Carrying the Cross' demonstrates the way we respond to hardships and suffering.
March, 2012
Leading Your Child to Christ
This sermon examines the issue of when it is proper to baptize children.
March, 2012
Breaking the Sin Habit
Most of our sins are little ones. Our sins rarely get us on the 10 o'clock news. Few of us are ever convicted of robbery, murder, rape. The majority of Christians manage to avoid the big "whopping" sins most of the time. That's why when a Christian does break the law, it's news.
March, 2012
Fighting the Boredom Bear
If you were to ask marriage counselors what is one of the top reasons that marriages fail they would tell you that boredom leads or is near the top of the list.
March, 2012
Senior Moments
Senior "moments" usually refer to bouts of forgetfulness that seem to overtake all of us as we grow older. However, these moments can also refer to insights and lessons that come if you have been around for a while.
February, 2012
Making the Unknown God Known
This lesson gives several examples of smart men who wanted change the world without God and how they succeeded.
February, 2012
The Supremacy of Jesus Christ
The preeminence of Christ over all in the material and the spiritual world is demonstrated through the teachings of Paul the Apostle in the epistle to the Colossian church.
February, 2012
The Gift That Got Them There
In several weeks, we'll be celebrating the graduation of our high school and college seniors.
February, 2012
You Can't Clone a Soul
Let's get it straight. The road to immortality does not run through the uncertain terrain of cloning.
February, 2012
What Are They Learning?
"Bad company corrupts good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33), has always been the parent's most reliable come back to their children's lack of judgment in choosing friends. It's Biblical, easy to remember, and so to the point.
February, 2012
The Good Life
In I Chronicles 29:28, the writer summarizes David's life at his passing by enumerating three blessings any one of us today can relate to:
January, 2012
It's Still Called Stealing
The recent arrest of Kim Dotcom, CEO of the website Megaupload, for copyright crimes reminds us that stealing is still stealing...
January, 2012
Pump It Up
I suppose one sign that I'm truly over the hill is that I can no longer stand loud, aggressive music. I never thought that I'd be the one to yell, "Turn it down!"
January, 2012
The Blessing
One of the treasured memories of growing up in a French family in Quebec was the New Year's Day "blessing
January, 2012
Why Jesus Had to Resurrect
In the Church of Christ we have no "special" services for religious holidays like Easter but the fact that Easter Sunday is celebrated by many seems to motivate people to make an extra effort to be at church service at this time.
January, 2012
Mary - The Single Parent
A look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a woman, wife, and ultimately, a widow.
January, 2012
Does God Care About the Super Bowl?
Quarterback Tim Tebow's public display of faith has ignited a debate over the role that religion plays in sports. Does God care about who wins or loses? Can prayer alter the results of a sporting event? Will the most spiritually minded team win Super Bowl XLVI?
December, 2011
The First Christmas Gifts
A review of the significance represented in each of the gifts presented to Jesus by the Magi.
December, 2011
Divine Justice
As the execution of Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, approaches there will surely be a rise in the debate over the issue of the death penalty. Unfortunately, both sides often talk, over each others' heads and the discussion rarely moves toward any kind of resolution.
December, 2011
Common vs. Holy
Ezekiel outlines the duties of the newly appointed priests and he says that one of their tasks was to teach the people the difference between what is holy and what is common; what is clean and unclean.
December, 2011
Complexity or Courage?
President Bush struck a compromise in his decision over stem cell research. He had three Federal government funding options.
December, 2011
7 Things That Don't Matter
It doesn't matter what the world thinks of long as Christ thinks of me.
December, 2011
Born Again Virgins
Recently I heard a report on the radio about a movement where people were once again choosing to remain celibate before marriage. A spokesperson for this group explained that reclaiming one's sexuality in this way was an effort to produce sexual rebirth and renewal.
December, 2011
3 Things to Make You Happy
The pursuit of true happiness requires 3 basic changes regardless of the person or circumstances.
December, 2011
Spiritual Security
There has been much talk concerning Social Security that has a lot of folks in a lather. The government is suggesting a variety of ways to save it or make it more viable.
December, 2011
For Men Only
December, 2011
They Could Have Been Champions
So you’re the disputed winners of the Olympic gold medal in pairs’ figure skating from Russia, what do you do? You could hang on to your prize and fight off criticism that your victory is tainted, never really exulting in, or being recognized for, this achievement. Or...
December, 2011
The Silence of the Lamb
Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged (John 19:1). When I try to imagine the reality of these words, I become indignant. What impudence, what arrogance, what monumental ignorance for a godless petty official to rain such humiliation on the Author of Life!
December, 2011
Tongue Trouble
Ever notice the amount of trouble your tongue gets you into? I think this type of weakness was on Jesus' mind when He chose Peter to become an apostle. A classic story that typified the problem occurs in Matthew 26:35 where Peter blurts out that no matter what, he will never deny or abandon Jesus.
December, 2011
Remember Your Enemies
As Memorial Day approaches, the nation honors those in the military past and present who have served and died to protect this nation.
December, 2011
Tobacco Statistics
Let's decide it once and for all. Is tobacco use sinful or not? If it isn't, we'll leave well enough alone. If it is, then all the Christians who use it need to stop.