Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
December, 2013
No Fear
I've noticed a trend in T.V. and movies of late and that is the marriage of the occult with science fiction or comedy or regular weekly soap operas. There was a time when the various characters and beliefs of the occult, such as witches and demons and fortunetelling etc. were relegated to scary movies or horror.
December, 2013
Daniel in Babylon
A background look at the person (Daniel) and the circumstances surrounding his exile from Jerusalem to Babylon as well as a first description of the dream that forms the basis for Daniel's prophecies.
December, 2013
The Holy Spirit and Christmas
Now when we think about it we might not at first see the connection between the two but hopefully, after this lesson, you will see that there would be no Christmas without the Holy Spirit.
December, 2013
Duck Dilemma
The duck people have gone and done it now. The patriarch of reality television's Duck Dynasty has actually shared his Christian perspective on the subject of homosexuality with a reporter for trendy GQ magazine.
December, 2013
Counterfeit Christmas
Where do they get these guys? I was listening to a National Public Radio discussion in the car recently where 3 "experts" we're parsing the latest pronouncement from the new Pope.
December, 2013
Gospel of John Review
A final look at the entire gospel and summary of its main theme. This lesson also includes a review test with questions over the entire book.
November, 2013
Planning for Death
The news of the passing of famous people reminds us once again that in the end we all must die, even celebrities.
November, 2013
This lesson is a devotional meditation on the core spiritual exercise of the Christian faith.
November, 2013
Appearances to the Apostles
In this lesson, we will review the 11 recorded appearances of Jesus after His resurrection and final ascension into heaven.
November, 2013
Death / Burial / Resurrection
The apostle John provides the details surrounding the actual burial of Christ as well as the flow of events immediately after Jesus' resurrection.
November, 2013
My Most Dangerous Sermon
This sermon looks at the reasons why the "money" sermon is dangerous for the preacher to preach but so necessary for the church to hear.
November, 2013
The Passion
This lesson examines the various trials and leaders Jesus faced before He is ultimately condemned to the cross. John also provides a brief description of the scene at the crucifixion.
November, 2013
What Christian Men and Women Want
This sermon looks at the qualities of character that are appealing in the opposite sex from a Christian perspective.
November, 2013
Daniel/Revelation for Beginners

This series explains in simple terms the relationship between these two books of the Bible. Each book will be reviewed to better understand the meaning of the symbolic language used in both and the message that the writers were communicating to their readers as well as a modern application for today's Christian.

October, 2013
Setting the Stage for Daniel/Revelation
This introductory lesson will situate the historical setting for the book of Daniel and its relationship to the Book of Revelation.
October, 2013
The Passion
John begins to describe the events that lead up to Jesus' torture and crucifixion.
October, 2013
Jesus' Final Teaching
In this last portion of Jesus' time with the Apostles before His death, the Lord makes what has been referred to as His "High Priestly" prayer where He prays for Himself, the Apostles and future generation of Christians.
October, 2013
Jesus' Final Teaching
In this section of the Lord's final teaching, He encourages the Apostles as He reviews with them what will take place in the near future.
October, 2013
The Aids Psalm
A psalm written by David goes through the phases that every victim of sin must go through (including the Modern Aids patient) in order to reach peace with self and God.
October, 2013
The 7 Powers of God's Word
God's power is revealed and experienced in His Word. This lesson outlines seven of these specific powers.
October, 2013
The New You
In I Corinthians 6 Paul talks about a radical change that is possible and permanent and describes the three steps that lead to this new you.
October, 2013
Jesus' Final Teaching
Jesus continues teaching and encouraging His disciples before He is betrayed by Judas.
September, 2013
Heaven's Employee
This lesson explores the qualifications necessary if one were to be considered for employment in Heaven. (Barnabas)
September, 2013
Jesus' Final Teaching
John recounts four dialogues that Jesus has with different apostles after they had shared the Passover meal.
September, 2013
Jude vs. 17-25
After a sharp rebuke of those who would teach false ideas in the church Jude goes on to show how believers can protect themselves against such men and their dangerous ideas.
September, 2013
The Last Supper
The final hours of Jesus' life begin with the Passover meal with His Apostles where He will demonstrate both His power and humility.
September, 2013
Jude vs. 1-16
In the first part of his letter Jude describes the dangerous men and their tactics in spreading false doctrine.
September, 2013
EQ, IQ or LQ?
EQ (Emotional quotient) and IQ (Intelligence Quotient) measure various parts of our personality and thinking but to be a well rounded Christian we must also measure our LQ (Love Quotient)
September, 2013
Reaction to Lazarus' Resurrection
In this section John describes the reaction that various people had to Lazarus' miraculous resurrection.
September, 2013
Freedom in Christ
This lesson examines the "freedom" that Paul mentions in Galatians 5:1 and what it means in both spiritual and practical terms in a Christian's life.
September, 2013
The Resurrection of Lazarus
The death and resurrection of Lazarus are viewed from the eyes of the principal characters who witnessed this great miracle by Jesus.
September, 2013
A Labor of Love
This lesson talks about the parable about workers and their work and how God rewards His laborers.
September, 2013
Salted Speech
Being effective in sharing our faith requires that we salt all our speech with grace, not just know the facts about religion.
September, 2013
Jesus Rebukes the Jewish Leaders
The parable of the Good Shepherd points to both the failings of the Jewish leadership and the eventual redemptive work of the true leader and shepherd of Israel.
August, 2013
The Healing and the Attack
Jesus performs a great miracle and is immediately attacked by His enemies in the Jewish leadership. This lesson details the dialogue the Lord has with the Pharisees.
August, 2013
What Defeats the Gospel
The Gospel is God's power to save but there are many things that defeat it in this world. This lesson examines those forces which win out in the short term.
August, 2013
Wall of Righteousness
In the book of Ezekiel, the Lord rebukes Jewish leaders for abandoning their role as spiritual shepherds over the nation.
August, 2013
Weak Link
I watched him sit on the bench for most of the game. His eyes looked pleadingly at the coach every time he came near. Just a chance to play coach, his eyes said, just one time at least.
August, 2013
Plane Thinking
It's amazing how being thirty thousand feet in the air can give you a whole new perspective on life. Recently, I few out to California and, as the plane cruised far above the desert and mountains, I realized how different life seemed from this precarious angle.
August, 2013
Pray for your Enemies
In Matthew 5:44, Jesus tells His disciples that they should "pray for those who persecute you." This is timely instruction for our nation especially during these turbulent times, but, have you ever wondered what praying for your enemies does? After all they don't see or hear the prayer so how can it affect them?
August, 2013
Wonderchild Gone Bad
The tragic story of an exceptionally gifted servant of God who fails to live up to his potential and calling. (Samson)
August, 2013
The Pharisees' Attack
More dialogue between Jesus and a woman caught in adultery as well as His denunciation of the hypocritical Jewish leaders.
August, 2013
Jesus in Jerusalem
In this lesson we examine the dialogue that Jesus has with various groups during one of His trips to Jerusalem.
August, 2013
The Pilgrim Spirit
This sermon examines the ways that Christians can maintain the pilgrim attitude so necessary to successfully navigate this world on the journey to the next.
August, 2013
In Defense of Martha
I believe Martha's gotten a bad rap as far as Bible characters go. The most quoted reference about Martha is where Jesus gently admonishes her concerning this good woman's frustration at not receiving help from her sister, Mary, in serving their guests.
July, 2013
Grandparent's Day
September 8th is "Grandparents' Day" according to the flower and gift industry. Certainly grandparents are worthy of a bouquet or an outing at the Golden Corral, but if we really want to please them, how about some things that would truly make a difference in their lives?
July, 2013
Jesus Knows His Own
In this final section of Jesus' dialogue with an unbelieving crowd, the Lord sets forth the acid test for true discipleship.
July, 2013
The Miracle Catch
Jesus teaches Peter the qualities necessary to become a "fisher of men".
July, 2013
Reassurance for New Elders
One of the most common reactions that new elders have at being selected for this position is a feeling of unworthiness. After all, we're giving a man the responsibility of watching over the eternal souls of hundreds of people. This is quite a responsibility and a certain hesitation and sense of humility is natural.
July, 2013
Belief is a Must
Jesus continues His dialogue with the unbelieving crowd and emphasizes that belief is a must if they are to receive the 2 promises He makes to them.
July, 2013
From an Early Age
The Apostle Paul's makes the case not only for the inspired source of the Bible but also the importance of learning it as soon as possible in one's life.
July, 2013
Decisions, Decisions
July, 2013
Why is Giving More Blessed Than Receiving?
This lesson reviews the actual reasons why the act of giving provides a greater reward than the act of receiving.
July, 2013
The Inspiration of the Bible
​Nobody just reads the Bible and says, "I think this book is inspired." It's not just a logical deduction. The Bible actually says this about itself in different places. Doesn't it seem natural that an inspired book would claim this about itself? The Old Testament takes this idea for granted since it continually describes dialogue between God and man.
July, 2013
Bearing the Cross in Church Relationships
Sometimes the cross we bear is our brother or sister in Christ.
July, 2013
Men in the 21st Century
Some think that the only thing that concerns men are sports and ties for Father's day. This lesson examines God's special requirements of men in this and every century.
July, 2013
Two Promises from Jesus
In chapter 6 of John, Jesus performs mighty miracles to prove His divine nature and makes two important promises to His followers.
July, 2013
Living on Less
Cross-country moves sure have a way of getting certain things into perspective. Take creature comfort for example. By the last days before we left Oklahoma, every lamp, comfortable chair, toothbrush holder and coffee cup had been packed away.
July, 2013
The Real Enemy
The new millennium has reminded us of the many ways we are vulnerable. It began with the New Year's Eve meltdown scare in 2000 and has continued with successive onslaughts like the 9/11 attack, financial scandals, a wave of child abductions across the country, and an imminent war with Iraq. Each one of these reminds us that our nation, our wealth, even our children are not safe in their own beds!
June, 2013
Six Ways to Lose Your Soul
In His response to the attacks by the Pharisees Jesus describes a variety of ways to lose one's soul. Each of these being demonstrated by the Jewish leaders who were opposing Him.
June, 2013
Full-Time Friend
When people compliment you on your friends, you know your friend is special. Such was the case this week as so many of you noted the kindness and generosity of our friends, Allen and Barbara Arnold, from Oklahoma.
June, 2013
Modesty is Always in Style
They say that if you keep your clothes long enough they'll come back into style. I guess the idea is that style is ever changing but never very new.
June, 2013
Labor of Love
Here are three rules to help brothers in Christ who want to do business together.
June, 2013
The Power of Grace
In this lesson we examine the engine of our faith and how it powers all that we do and hope to do in Christ.
June, 2013
Taking God at His Word
In this lesson Jesus teaches that the essence of faith is believing God based on His Word and not relying on "signs" or miracles.
June, 2013
Will He Find You Faithful
When speaking of His eventual return to judge the world and transport the church to heaven, Jesus had only one question expressed in Luke 8:8, "...when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" When applied in personal terms this question becomes, "When Jesus returns, will He find you faithful?"
June, 2013
Jesus' Method of Personal Evangelism
In the encounter with the woman at the well, Jesus demonstrates His method of multiplication evangelism.
June, 2013
Life in the Meantime
Solomon explains how one can live successfully through the long dry periods in between the high and low moments in life.
June, 2013
Three Little Devils
The story is told of three junior devils coming before Satan as they prepared to visit earth in order to destroy men's souls. The first one said that he'd try to trick men by telling that there is "no heaven." Satan replied that people have a natural hope and that this lie would not work very well.
June, 2013
The Disciple and Service
In this lesson, we learn the basic requirements for becoming and persevering as disciples of Christ.
May, 2013
The Woman at the Well
Jesus uses an encounter with the woman at the well in Samaria to reveal His true identity.
May, 2013
Little Pumpkin
I made my mother laugh. Not just a quiet smile or chuckle, but a stomach cramping, bent over, shriek of laughter that came in waves of delirious joy that caused her to smile and laugh all over again long after the initial surge was gone. This was quite a feat for an 82-year-old woman with stage-one Alzheimer's disease!
May, 2013
John's Final Witness
John describes John the Baptist's reaction to the growth of Jesus' ministry and the decline of his own.
May, 2013
The Mothers of Choctaw
This sermon profiles mothers from the past, present, and future that make this congregation a blessed church to serve and belong to.
May, 2013
Save Iran
The hidden danger in our conflict with Iran is the thought that it's okay to hate our enemies. The media likes to whip up a frenzy of conflict framing this situation as simply a good guy vs. bad guy scenario.
May, 2013
Testing the Spirits
The Apostle John teaches the church what to look for in spotting spiritual predators.
April, 2013
The Mystery Revealed
In this lesson Mike summarizes God's plan of salvation kept secret from angels and prophets.
April, 2013
The Higher Court
A review of the reasons why America is great along with a warning concerning the influences that are undermining that greatness.
April, 2013
Roadside Shrines
The cross and the plastic flowers along the side of the highway usually appear unexpectedly. You're rounding a curve or cruising along and suddenly someone's marked a spot where a life tragically ended in some terrible crash that is all but forgotten save for this roadside shrine.
April, 2013
A King's Challenge
An impossible situation with insurmountable odds, in this lesson we look at the book of Daniel and see how these men responded to the king's challenge.
April, 2013
What Survived On April 19th
April 19th is special because it is the anniversary date of the Oklahoma City bombing. It is important to remember this event and focus on some of the things that survived the blast on that day one year ago.
April, 2013
Humble Beginning
It is interesting to note that Judah, the man from whose human lineage Jesus would eventually come, was born under questionable circumstances. His mother, Leah, was given by trickery in marriage as a substitute for her sister, Rachel. She conceived, but not in love, and struggled with her sister for the affections of their common husband.
April, 2013
Changed by Faith
Nicodemus gains 3 important insights concerning the change needed in order to enter into the kingdom of God.
April, 2013
What to Pack for Summer Vacation
Tanning oil and a good book are not the only things we have to pack in order to enjoy summer vacations. This lesson explores the spiritual things that also need to be brought along so that our getaway is pleasing to God and not just ourselves.
April, 2013
Getting Beyond the Rules
March, 2013
The Cleansing of the Temple
In this lesson, we will examine the layout of the Temple in Jerusalem and the reasons why Jesus expelled the money changers and merchants.
March, 2013
Miracle at Cana
In this lesson, we witness the first of Jesus' amazing miracles that establish His God/Man nature.
March, 2013
Preacher Worries
This lesson probes deeper into the true life of ministers and goes beyond the usual stereotype of this type of work.
March, 2013
The Pattern of Witness
In this lesson we explore the pattern of witness used by the apostle John, John the Baptist, and Jesus Himself to recruit disciples.
March, 2013
The Prodigal Principle
A review of this familiar proverb examining the cycle that takes us from rebellion to restoration with God.
March, 2013
Dirge for an Atheist
Comment on the death of Atheist, Christopher Hitchens, who stated that only the weak turn to faith when facing death.
March, 2013
Catching Up
In Joshua 24:3, we read that God gave a homeland to Esau (the land of Seir) long before He gave one to Jacob, Esau's brother, and his descendents. Esau had a 400 year head start on building cities and fortifying towers. He had a great advantage in establishing an army and a permanent culture.
March, 2013
John's Witness
John picks up the earthly history of Jesus' ministry with a description of John the Baptist's work in preparing the people for the arrival of the Messiah.
March, 2013
How to Become a Better Person
The secret to correcting bad behavior and becoming better people is to replace the elements of bad behavior with good and positive things in our lives. In this lesson, we look at 3 changes that are necessary to become a better person.
March, 2013
Celebrating Jesus
If we expand our understanding of who Jesus is, according to the Bible, we will appreciate Him more.
March, 2013
In the opening verses of chapter one John goes back before the beginning of time to introduce Jesus and His relationship to God.
February, 2013
Gospel of John

This study of the fourth gospel by John the Apostle lays out the case for Jesus' dynamic nature as the God/Man and the various reactions people had when confronted by this amazing reality.

February, 2013
Let Go Your Ego
Pride and self-centeredness are the topics of this lesson. How to combat this natural human tendency and cultivate an accurate sense of self are discussed.
February, 2013
Fervent in Biblical Marriage
A review of the elements that form a uniquely Christian and biblical marriage.
February, 2013
Holy Habits
The Hebrew writer gives his readers four habits to cultivate in order to preserve their faith in difficult times.