Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
November, 2014
Preparing for the End
In this lesson, Paul outlines the actual order of events that will take place when Jesus returns.
October, 2014
Waiting out the Storm
I was watching the endless rain. Saturday, Sunday and now a third day of gray drizzle continued as I found my way to work on a cold damp Monday morning. Folks came in telling stories of swollen creeks and flooded roads as the earth could no longer soak in the deluge.
October, 2014
And When I Die...
The lesson outlines three important steps in preparing for one's own death.
October, 2014
True Churches
After having laid out the necessary credentials for recognizing true ministers of the gospel, Paul does the same for true churches.
October, 2014
The Beginning of the End
This lesson begins the story of Joseph, Jacob's son with Rachel, who will become the bridge for the family's travel to and 400-year settlement in Egypt.
October, 2014
On the Run Again
After a long period of silence Jacob's story picks up again as his sons cause trouble and we see Jacob in the familiar role of being on the run.
October, 2014
Knowing Your Spiritual Limits
This lesson examines the ways and reasons God limits our opportunities and results in ministry.
October, 2014
True Ministers
In this lesson, Paul defends against attacks by the false teachers in the Thessalonian church by listing the credentials that identify true ministers of God's word in every age.
October, 2014
Jacob and Esau - Round 2
After gathering his wives and children and leaving Laban behind, Jacob faces the dangerous confrontation with his brother Esau who had vowed to kill him because of his deception in the matter of the blessing from Isaac.
October, 2014
Genuine Conversion
In the opening section of his letter Paul, the Apostle, describes the attributes that reveal a genuine conversion to Christ.
October, 2014
Jacob's Family
In this section of Genesis, we learn how Jacob came to have two wives who would, in addition to their female slaves, bear the 12 sons of Jacob.
October, 2014
Jacob Leaves Laban
After 20 years of service, Jacob prepares for his departure from Laban by offering him a potentially lucrative proposal.
October, 2014
I & II Thessalonians

No other book of the Bible gives a clearer sequence and detail of the events surrounding the glorious return of Jesus Christ than the two letters Paul writes to a young church at Thessalonica (Greece) who fear that their departed loved ones will be left behind when that great day comes.

October, 2014
Introduction to I & II Thessalonians
This first lesson will review the history of the city of Thessalonica as well as the circumstances surrounding the writing of these two epistles (letters).
October, 2014
Jesus Above All Else
This lesson warns against the easy complacency Christians become used to when living in peaceful and prosperous times.
September, 2014
School Daze!
The Bible doesn't mention the back to school experience but there are a couple of principles that might make the experience a little smoother for both. Try reading these to each other.
September, 2014
The King's Victory
This final lesson reviews the main events in Jesus' last days on earth.
September, 2014
The Battle for the Blessing
In this lesson, we will see the outcome of Jacob's deceit in obtaining Esau's blessing and how God's will is completed despite the manipulations of men.
September, 2014
How to Witness to Roman Catholics
Roman Catholics have a very distinctive view of Christianity. This lesson explores the best ways to engage and share, with a Catholic, a more biblical approach to the Christian faith.
September, 2014
The Life of Esau and Jacob
After the death of Abraham, the promise is passed on to one of his sons but not without difficulty and division in his family.
September, 2014
Types in Genesis
This lesson reviews some important types or previews that are contained in Genesis and realized centuries later in the New Testament.
September, 2014
The King's Judgment
Chapters 24 and 25 of Matthew contain 3 views that Jesus uses to describe the destruction of Jerusalem, the second coming, and the cycle of devolution present in the world since Adam's sin.
September, 2014
What Angels Teach Us
We don't know much about angels but the little information the Bible does give yields some very important life lessons.
September, 2014
The King's House
Matthew describes the scene as Jesus enters the holy city where He will suffer a series of challenges and rejections culminating in His crucifixion.
September, 2014
Abraham's Test
This lesson leads to the climax of Abraham's journey of faith and describes the events surrounding Sarah's death.
August, 2014
Growing Up in Christ
In this sermon Mike describes the normal pattern of growth necessary for a healthy Christian life.
August, 2014
The Kingdom's Loss
In this lesson, Matthew recounts the story of a young man who typifies the greatest loss to the kingdom.
August, 2014
Who is the King?
As the time for His suffering and death draws near Jesus prepares His disciples for His departure by establishing His true identity with them.
August, 2014
The Source of Islam
In chapters 20 and 21 of Genesis, we read about Abraham's continued walk of faith and a description of the people who were the source for the religion of Islam.
August, 2014
Lot's Poor Choices
In this lesson, we see the very real consequences of Lot's choices concerning where he chose to live with his family after separating from Abraham.
August, 2014
Sarai and Hagar's Conflict / Abram and Circumcision
This lesson looks at the very source of the Jewish/Arab conflict as well as the distinguishing mark given to Abraham and all his male descendants... circumcision.
August, 2014
The Passion as Witness
Most discussions concerning "miracles" usually devolve into a semantics exercise wherein the exact nature of what a miracle is becomes foremost and the idea of power is left aside. And yet the two are inseparable since the miracle and the power behind it are one.
August, 2014
Kingdom Kindness
This lesson will examine the many acts of simple kindness done by Jesus as He established His kingdom.
August, 2014
The Kingdom Grows
Jesus used parables as a mainstay of His teaching. This lesson looks at the definition, use and meaning of parables used by the Lord and recorded by Matthew.
August, 2014
Wholly Devoted
In this lesson Mike demonstrates the superior way man can devote himself to God through Christ in comparison to the Old Testament's system of sacrifice and giving.
August, 2014
Biblical Invitations
This sermon examines the biblical basis for the tradition in most Churches of Christ to extend an "invitation" at the end of each sermon.
August, 2014
The Kingdom in Conflict
In this lesson, we begin to see the "push back" from the Jewish religious leaders in response to Jesus' popularity and effectiveness in establishing His kingdom through His teaching and miracles.
July, 2014
The Gospel in the Old Testament
In this section of Genesis God reveals the core principle of the Gospel to Abraham, salvation by a process of faith.
July, 2014
What Kids Need to Know
Three important things today's children need to know if they are to grow up to become well balanced adults leading faithful lives.
July, 2014
The King in Action
In this study, we will examine how Matthew describes the incredible pace and impact of Jesus' ministry in establishing His kingdom.
July, 2014
Melchizedek: A 'Type' for Christ
This lesson introduces the fascinating figure of Melchizedek, one of the earliest types or previews for Christ in the Bible.
July, 2014
Spiritual Toughness
One of our seniors suffered chest pains and had to be rushed to the hospital recently. They told her to take it easy and not do so much, she wasn't getting any younger and neither was her heart.
July, 2014
The Kingdom Character
In this lesson on the Beatitudes, we will note the differences between the imputed righteousness of Christians in the Kingdom and those who seek to be right by upholding the "law."
July, 2014
Abraham and Lot
This lesson reviews the relationship between Abraham and his nephew Lot as well as the godly wisdom the family leader used to resolve a serious dispute.
July, 2014
The King's Temptation
Matthew continues his portrayal of Jesus as King with the description of Jesus' encounter with the Prince of darkness in the desert.
July, 2014
How to Develop Self-Control
In this lesson Mike reviews 5 things that every Christian must do in order to develop this virtue.
July, 2014
Abraham: Father of a Nation
With the beginning of chapter twelve, the book of Genesis focuses once again on one specific individual. This time the writers will detail the life of Abraham who was to become the father of the Jewish nation and how the Seed of Promise was kept alive through him.
July, 2014
The King's Birth
Each gospel writer viewed Jesus from his own perspective and each writes about Him with a particular audience and objective in mind. This series of lessons examine Matthew's gospel and his presentation of Jesus as a King. The first lesson sees Matthew developing this idea by describing a royal birth.
July, 2014
The King and His Kingdom

Each gospel writer presents Jesus from different perspectives. Matthew focuses on the royal nature of the Lord and how He established His Kingdom here on earth. Our course will examine Jesus as King and the nature of His Kingdom.

July, 2014
Close to Greatness
The Bible is filled with stories of heroes and their feats of great faith and perseverance. In this lesson those who only come close to greatness are discussed and what their near misses can teach us today.
July, 2014
The Table and the Tower
Lesson #26 looks at two fascinating source events that explain the origins of all the different nations and languages in the world today.
July, 2014
Do Not Grow Weary
In this sermon we look at four remedies God provides to keep us from growing weary in the faith. We also look at some of the good works of the Choctaw Church of Christ in Oklahoma City as examples of faith in action.
July, 2014
Solomon's Summary
Solomon spent much of his life searching in all the wrong places for the things that would satisfy him. He tried wealth, sensual pleasure, building projects and various intellectual pursuits. But he found that with each new peak experience there was a valley of dissatisfaction that soon followed.
June, 2014
The Preacher's Wife
She is not appointed but expected to serve, rarely mentioned but ever present. I speak, of course, of the minister's wife
June, 2014
The Rainbow Covenant
This lesson explains the promises made by God to Noah concerning the survival of his family and Noah's prophecy about the future of each of his sons and their descendants.
June, 2014
Power of Love
I saw Mohammed Ali making an appearance on TV the other day. He was frail and shaky, a victim of Parkinson's disease. His spokesperson said the former champ was here to promote love and unity and Ali's eyes lit up when the kids approached to hug him and shake his hand - a response of love.
June, 2014
The Impact of Grace
The final lesson in the Grace for Beginners series examines the very real changes that the grace of God produces in our everyday lives.
June, 2014
Effects of the Great Flood
The book of Genesis records the extent of the damage caused by the worldwide flood and the changes that resulted from this cataclysmic event.
June, 2014
My Grace is Sufficient
Paul describes how God's grace empowered him to deal successfully with the thorns in his life.
June, 2014
Flood Details
In this lesson, we get a "close-up" view of the final preparations for the impending flood and physical details concerning the cause and destructive power of this cataclysmic event.
June, 2014
The Building of the Ark
This lesson contains many details concerning the dimensions and building of the Ark as well as its use as a "type" for the church.
June, 2014
No Grace - No Gospel
This lesson examines other mistaken images used to explain the concept of grace and reviews the stories of King David and Paul the Apostle to demonstrate how God's grace actually worked in producing their forgiveness.
June, 2014
The Times of Noah
This lesson looks at the condition of the antediluvian world that Noah lived in and examines the information the Bible gives us about this Old Testament Patriarch.
May, 2014
Reality over Religion
The Jewish nation of Jesus' day sought a savior who could free them from Roman authority. They molded their religious hopes around this false human dream.
May, 2014
God's Most Precious Gift
This lesson describes the actual benefits in one's life produced by God's grace.
May, 2014
Seniors and Sin
In Genesis 27 we read the story of how Isaac's attempt to bless Esau (against God's will) was foiled by Rebekah's devious intervention. Isaac's disobedience and Rebekah's scheming demonstrate that even in old age, as they were, it is possible to fall into serious sin.
May, 2014
The Seed of Promise
In this section of Genesis the author identifies and traces the lineage of those people who will eventually deliver the Seed of Promise to mankind.
May, 2014
The True Plan of Salvation
This lesson explores the common misunderstandings of how grace and faith work in the salvation of one's soul.
May, 2014
The Punishment of Cain
This passage looks at the result of Cain's sin and the punishment meted out to him by God.
May, 2014
8 Universal Principles for Natural Church Growth
A review of C.A. Schwartz's book "Natural Church Development" and its application to the New Testament ministry system being studied from Acts chapter 2 in this seminar.
May, 2014
Implementing the New Testament Plan for Growth
The "nuts and bolts" of how to implement the Biblical plan for church organization and growth.
May, 2014
The 5 Biblical Ministries
An in-depth study of Acts chapter 2 where Luke clearly explains the biblical ministry system and how ministry and growth are interrelated.
May, 2014
A Biblical Plan for Growth
This lesson argues for the idea that the New Testament has a specific plan for organizing and growing a local congregation.
May, 2014
Polite Conversation
One of the more subtle mistakes we make in our spiritual lives is to substitute polite conversation for heartfelt prayer with God. Polite conversation tends to review the things we know God likes to hear; praise for His kindness, petition for our needs, a reference to others and their needs.
May, 2014
Remembering Who We Are
The basis for growth is faithfulness. This lesson reviews the Restoration principles that first led to the church's tremendous growth in the past.
May, 2014
Church Growth Questionnaire/Discussion Groups
A kick-off discussion session where participants share their thoughts on what is necessary to promote church growth.
May, 2014
Unlimited Growth

All churches want growth but never know how to produce it. The Unlimited Growth series sets forth a step by step approach to generating church growth which is biblically-based and easily implemented in any congregation regardless of size, age or location.

May, 2014
What's so Good About the Good News?
This lesson will examine the mistaken ideas that many have concerning the concept of grace as well as the core reason why the "Good News" is truly good.
May, 2014
The First Liberated Woman
Luke's gospel describes a "modern" woman of that age who became the first truly liberated woman of the New Testament.
May, 2014
Grace for Beginners

This 6-part series explores the meaning and value of God's grace expressed in Jesus' cross as well as some common misconceptions concerning this blessing.

May, 2014
Cain and Abel
This lesson explores the series of events leading up to the first murder.
April, 2014
Paradise Lost
In this lesson God describes the consequences of sin on Adam, Eve, and the creation.
April, 2014
The Judgment
After Adam and Eve's sin the Bible describes the judgment imposed on Satan, Eve and Adam.
April, 2014
Eve's 5 Mistakes
This lesson reviews the mistakes Eve made which led her to commit the first sin in human history.
April, 2014
What Does it Take to Believe?
This lesson explores the elements necessary in one's character and spirit in order to be able to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
April, 2014
What 60+ Years Has Taught Me
My birthday was in April and with each celebration I see more clearly some of the basic realities of my life.
April, 2014
Parable of the Arrow
A modern parable comparing the construction of a hunting arrow to the construction of a healthy and growing congregation.
April, 2014
Who's Your Person?
As Christians, we are our brother's keeper whether we realize it or not. How we care for each other in society, family or the church is a true measure of our moral health.
April, 2014
The First Appearance of Satan in the Bible
This lesson explains the first glimpse of Satan in the physical world and examines information about this spiritual being from various Bible writers.
April, 2014
Rock Throwing
The Old Testament law stated that in capital offenses, the primary witness was to cast the first stone at the point of execution. (Deuteronomy 17:7) In the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) Jesus refers to this point of law when addressing the woman's accusers, however He reverses the rules for this occasion.
April, 2014
The Non-Negotiables
One of Christianity's main features is it's exclusivity. This lesson will examine several non-negotiable demands that contribute to its exclusive nature.
April, 2014
The Creation of Woman
In this section the writer of Genesis not only describes the unique creation of woman but also sets forth God's foundational principles for marriage and the family unit.
March, 2014
The Moral Choice
This lesson will examine how God created the impulse in man that is his will as well as his sense of need.
March, 2014
Keeping Your Spouse Happy
The last lesson in this series provides practical biblical advice to both husbands and wives on how to make each other happy.
March, 2014
They Knew Who He Was By How He Was
Reviewing the evidence of Jesus' divine nature through His teachings and miracles.
March, 2014
Blended Families
The final lesson about blended families deals with how to successfully be a step-parent.
March, 2014
Winning the War
The old adage, "Winning the battle, losing the war", is a warning to those involved in a struggle that it is important to keep one's eye on what you're fighting for.
March, 2014
God's Rest and Man's Creation
This lesson continues to describe in greater detail the creation of human beings as well as the nature of the "rest" God takes after His creative activity.
March, 2014
Successful Suffering
While no one is exempt for suffering in various ways during one's lifetime, there are some who profit from their sorrowful experiences. This lesson explores what successful suffering actually produces in concrete terms.
March, 2014
Blended Families
This lesson examines the day to day challenges of raising children in a blended family environment.