Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
January, 2011
7 Steps to Joy
Homecoming can become a joyful opportunity for every single person in the congregation. Here are the seven steps that will take one there:
January, 2011
After countless advances in medical technology, doctors tell us that our average lifespan is 75.8 years. These figures teach us a couple of interesting lessons no matter what our age is.
January, 2011
80 million to 1
My cousin was a gambler. He died last year of self-inflicted wounds, but while alive he taught me the definitive lesson about gambling. He said, "When you win, you lose; and when you lose, you lose."
January, 2011
A Shred of Doubt
January, 2011
Be All You Can Be
The military's catchy recruiting slogan is, "Be all you can be." The call is to achieve your utmost potential.
January, 2011
Best of Both Worlds
January, 2011
Christ Lovers
January, 2011
Christian Style Christmas
At one time or another I've tried and taught most of the ideas that Christians think about Christmas and its celebration; denouncing it, ignoring it or simply accepting its inevitability.
January, 2011
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
January, 2011
Clinging Faith
January, 2011
Common Ground
January, 2011
Doing the Right Thing
January, 2011
Drive-Thru Religion
I remember reading about a church that met at a drive-in movie lot. People would park, clip on the speakers, and honk to say "Amen". I don't think there's a trend here but this is a good example of the "drive-thru religion" mentality.
January, 2011
Every Excuse Works
January, 2011
Feel of Salvation
January, 2011
Forever Thanksgiving
January, 2011
Getting the Rite Right
January, 2011
God Loves... Even Superman
January, 2011
Grass Wisdom
January, 2011
Happy Dying
January, 2011
He Could've Been a Role Model
Tommy Morrison, the heavyweight boxer from Oklahoma, has tested positive for the H.I.V. virus. He faced the media with this announcement recently and finished his news conference with the words, "I could have been a role model but I blew my chance."
January, 2011
Him or Me
January, 2011
Intensity vs. Accuracy
January, 2011
Jerry's Kids
If there's a TV in the restaurant, chances are that it's blaring out the Jerry Springer show at noon. Whether it's Pizza Hut or Tasty Burger, people are tuning in to the lunch time slug-fest each day as part of their midday routine.
January, 2011
Joy of Irresponsibility
January, 2011
Keep Climbing!
Our youth group recently went on a hiking and rock climbing trip. Nineteen teenagers scurrying up a mountain with two guides and a middle-aged preacher making sure nobody fell – it wasn't a pretty sight.
January, 2011
Lord of Weather
The weather is much in the news at this time of year and there is endless discussion about its impact on the earth. We know, however, that regardless of its severity or change, the weather is meant to be a ministering agent for the Lord.
January, 2011
Loss of the Cross
As many of you already know, the courts have ordered the city of Edmond to remove the cross symbol from their city seal. This action, in a town where the church is quite numerous, should teach us a few important lessons for the future.
January, 2011
Mary was a Single Mom
January, 2011
Mining the Word
January, 2011
Not Guilty
I knew the moment she said, "Not Guilty," that this trial was an emotional loser. Had Mr. Simpson been found guilty (football hero, movie nice guy, etc.) was going to spend a lifetime in prison. The "not guilty" decision left me feeling anguish for the victims and their families.
January, 2011
Total Pointlessness
Tom Whittaker, a mountaineer who lost his leg in a 1979 car accident, continues to climb challenging slopes with the help of a special prosthesis. When interviewed recently he said, "One of the things that really attracts me to mountaineering is its total pointlessness. So I've dedicated my life to it."
December, 2010
The 3 R's in Labor Day
The last thing we want to do on the Labor Day weekend is think about "work." But before we leave for the lake or start on the Labor Day project, let's spend a moment reviewing a few main ideas that the Bible has about our work that might be helpful when we get back to the job after the holiday is over.
December, 2010
7 Gift Suggestions for Dad
If you've purchases your Father's Day gift, this article is not for you. The other 99% listen up. Here's a little help to choose for the hardest man to shop for – Dad.
December, 2010
Abstinence vs. Moderation
December, 2010
Baseball Blues
December, 2010
Dare You
December, 2010
Don't - Just do it
December, 2010
Goodfinder Trait
December, 2010
Gospel Math
December, 2010
Invisible Gifts
December, 2010
It's a Comforting Thought...
December, 2010
Lord Will Provide
December, 2010
My Retirement
December, 2010
Successful Parenting
December, 2010
Things my Mother Taught me
The Bible teaches us to honor our fathers and mothers. One way to do this is to live in such a way that they receive honor from what we say and do. I'd like to honor my own mother, Jane Rose Mazzalongo, by sharing three important lessons she has taught me.
December, 2010
Fathers and Sons
When I was fifty two years old I learned that my father was not my real father. The man I had known as "dad" was long dead by the time this revelation came so it did not change anything between him and me.
December, 2010
So You Want To Be A Missionary?
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
Church 101
December, 2010
4 Resources for Missionaries
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
Church 101
September, 2010
Preaching or Meddling?
The oldest joke about preachers is that when they begin to deal with our true bad habits and sins in their sermons, we say that "they've gone from preaching to meddling".
August, 2010
Random Blessings
Sometimes God surprises us. Not just with big things but with random blessings that sprinkle our day with evidence of His constant love and incredible kindness towards us. Here are a few random blessings that immediately come to mind.
July, 2010
Passover Sleep
May, 2010
Twister Religion
The recent storms that spawned at least a dozen tornadoes across the state of Oklahoma in the U.S. also sparked a spike in some peoples' faith.
March, 2010
Loneliness is a catchword for a variety of feelings associated with being by oneself. The "feelings" associated with being alone are usually caused by the reasons why a person finds themselves alone to begin with.
Church 101
March, 2010
The Origin of The Bible
This article looks at the history of writing and examines how the Bible originated and closes with information on how the Old Testament was organized.
January, 2010
The Eternal Church
Jesus said that nothing will or can destroy the church. The Bible says that it will continue to grow until it fills and dominates every other kingdom in the world and remain that way forever.
December, 2009
Mike reviews two different types of materialism and how we are to deal with it.
December, 2009
Jesus Loves Tiger Woods
I prayed for Tiger Woods today. From now on he will be referred to by the media as "disgraced golfer" Tiger Woods... a heavy burden to carry at such a young age, hence my prayer on his behalf.
November, 2009
The Promise Land
A lesson that parallels an immigrant's experience with the experience of Christians who come into the kingdom and seek the promise of heaven.
November, 2009
Heroes Are Made Not Born
What makes someone a champion? Is it courage, training, ability or strength of character? In this lesson, we're going to study about David and see how God took a young unknown shepherd boy and transformed him into one of the greatest heroes in Jewish history.
November, 2009
The Power of the Cross
People come to God because of the cross of Jesus. It is the magnetic force within Christianity that has the power to pull people toward God. In this lesson, will try to explain what it is about the cross that attracts people to Jesus.
November, 2009
Religious Myths
In this lesson we're going to try to separate myth from reality. We're going to try to separate what people think the Bible teaches from what is actually written.
November, 2009
The End of the World
I'm no prophet and I don't know when the end of the world is going to be but I do know that the Bible does teach very specific and easily understood things about the end of the world
November, 2009
He is There and We Can Know Him
In this lesson we will look at good and bad reasons for believing in God.
November, 2009
I Will Build My Church
When I say the word church what do you think of? A building with arches and a cross on it? Perhaps a place where you can go to sit, pray and think? When Jesus said, I will build my church, what did He mean did? In this lesson, we're going to try to find out exactly that.
November, 2009
Why People Reject the Bible
More copies of the Bible exist in the world than any other book. It has been translated into more languages distributed in more countries made accessible to more people than any other publication since the invention of the printing press and yet the majority of people who own Bibles don't read them or refuse to follow the teachings that the Bible gives.
November, 2009
In this lesson we see the relationship between the Jewish Passover and the communion that Christians celebrate throughout the world.
November, 2009
When we talk about baptism what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe babies having a priest putting water on their forehead. In this lesson, we're going to find out the biblical idea of baptism.
November, 2009
When the court puts a man into prison it is providing the punishment that justice demands for his crimes. God also demands justice for crimes or sins but God is able to give something that prisons can't offer, that is forgiveness for those sins. In this study we're going to look at a man who was guilty of two of the worst sins that a person can commit, adultery and murder. We're also going to see how God dramatically changed his life by forgiving him of these sins.
November, 2009
One thing is sure in life and that is that sooner or later, we or someone we love, will have to face the problem of suffering. When we talk about this problem of suffering the key question to answer is this how do we respond to suffering. In this lesson we will explore the wonderful epistle of james as he talks to us about the problem of suffering.
November, 2009
The Bible: Who Wrote it?
When you read the Bible, what exactly are you reading? Are you really looking at something that has been created by God, inspired by God and given to men or are you merely reading something that was created by human thinking or invention.
November, 2009
Who is this Jesus?
2,000 years ago there was a man called Jesus who had quite an impact on his people and now 2,000 years later people are usually uncomfortable when discussing Him. Why? Who is this person that's so long after He lived on this earth the mere mention of his name immediately creates tension.
September, 2009
The Discipline of Failure
July, 2009
The King Who Matters
The "King of Pop," Michael Jackson, died last week. He will be remembered for his music, performance style, and unfortunate allegations of child molestation as well as the grotesque degeneration of his appearance largely due to an overdependence on plastic surgery.
June, 2009
Just A Minute
June, 2009
When I review the qualities in men who are fathers, the one that I find most appealing and helpful for the well-being of the family is a man's ability and willingness to be a servant-leader.
May, 2009
Not All Will Die
May, 2009
Stand-By Service
When it comes to caring and serving there are some members who are always on "stand-by."
May, 2009
The 10 Stages of Motherhood
Every parent looks forward to the day when their child will truly understand what being a parent is all about
April, 2009
Christian Worship in 150 AD
Justin Martyr was a Samarian Christian who lived in the second century. He was a Platonist philosopher who was converted to Christianity and became a strong defender of the faith. In one of his works, "Apology of the Christian Religion", written in around 150AD, he describes a typical Christian worship service of that day.
April, 2009
Present Pain, Future Gain
March, 2009
The Modern Church
It seems that there are three elements that help identify the "modern" church. One is a focus on music in worship. Orchestras, choirs, even drama with music are a must if a church is to appeal to today's church goer.
March, 2009
The Survival Church
In this lesson, Mike reviews the main reasons why churches die and why, in most cases, there's no way to bring them back to good health unless they are survival churches.
March, 2009
Slavery to Perfection
February, 2009
God Has Planned Something Better for Us
February, 2009
The Deacon of Blame
I've often said that the church should appoint a deacon in charge of blame - the deacon of blame. That way when anything ever goes wrong, or something doesn't get done, this deacon's only job would be to accept the blame for it.
February, 2009
Before You Leave for Heaven
February, 2009
Grace - The Favor of God
February, 2009
Honor Thy Father
February, 2009
It's Our Turn
February, 2009
The Last Supper - In Round
February, 2009
Jesus Died on the Cross to Save Us
February, 2009
Media and Christianity
February, 2009
Moses' Final Instructions
February, 2009
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
February, 2009
February, 2009
Adultery in the 90's
February, 2009
Brown Bag Christmas
February, 2009
Cults and Their Effects - Part 2
February, 2009
Cults and Their Effects - Part 1