
Pump It Up

I suppose one sign that I'm truly over the hill is that I can no longer stand loud, aggressive music. I never thought that I'd be the one to yell, "Turn it down!"
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I suppose one sign that I'm truly over the hill is that I can no longer stand loud, aggressive music. I never thought that I'd be the one to yell, "Turn it down!" when my youngest son is blasting the system in his room, but alas, I've come to this.

In an effort to convert me, William says that bass is awesome and to really get the most out of the music you've go to "…pump it up…" Dad. Of course, all I get out of it is a headache and another reason to avoid anything to do with rap music. Of course, being a preacher means that I can usually salvage a grain of truth out of most situations and build some kind of lesson from it, so here it is.

We get a lot more out of our Christian lives when we "…pump it up…"! Jesus said it this way,

You are the light of the world…let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven.
- Matthew 5:16

Easy listening Christianity doesn't get anybody's attention, doesn't get anyone moving. In order to make an impression, get people to sit up and notice, we've got to "pump it up" as far as our good works, our evangelism, and our pure lives are concerned.

The Bible is correct, faith does come by hearing (Romans 10:17), but without some volume on our part the lost won't be able to hear our message in this noisy world.

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