Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
May, 2016
The Dividing Line
Regardless of what point you start from, most religious discussions boil down to one issue - where's the dividing line?
May, 2016
Colossians 3:12-17
This lesson continues the discussion on Christian ethics and how various elements come together to establish a Christian "Standard" for life and morality.
May, 2016
Freedom Through Faith
In this section Paul will explain how freedom, like all other spiritual blessings, is obtained through a system of faith and not law.
May, 2016
Colossians 3:1-11
Paul begins to explore another area where Christ is first or preeminent and that is in the determination of what is ultimately right or wrong.
May, 2016
How Law and Faith Work Together
In this lesson Paul establishes the main argument of his letter to the Galatians, that spiritual blessings have always been obtained through a system of faith and not through a system of merit.
May, 2016
Who is Your Jesus?
The resurrection of Lazarus reveals how different people perceive Jesus in different ways.
May, 2016
Colossians 2:15-23
In this lesson the Apostle delves into the heart of the gospel message by listing the blessings accomplished by the cross of Christ. He also encourages the church not to be pulled away from the core doctrine of the cross.
May, 2016
Spirit and Power Through Faith
The Apostle rebukes and questions his readers for their foolish and dangerous attempt at returning to a system of law/works in order to obtain salvation and sanctification.
May, 2016
It's Not Easy Being A Mother
Mike shows why mothers deserve honor not only on Mother's Day but every day for their special role in God's plan for life.
May, 2016
Colossians 2:1-14
Paul transitions to a discussion concerning the preeminent position of Jesus' doctrine.
May, 2016
Paul Confronts Peter
Paul goes into detail describing the core idea of the gospel message, that we are saved by a system of faith and not by a system of law which the false teachers were promoting.
May, 2016
What Does God Want From You?
In this lesson, we learn that God wants the very same thing from us today as He required from the Jews who wandered in the desert during the time of Moses.
May, 2016
Colossians 1:18b-29
The third part of a series of lessons exploring the teaching on Jesus' preeminence in personal relationships.
April, 2016
Paul's Conversion and Commission
Paul continues to describe his own conversion to Christianity from Judaism and his early contact with the Apostles at Jerusalem as a way of establishing his legitimacy as a teacher and Apostle.
April, 2016
Colossians 1:13-18a
This lesson continues to develop the thought that Christ is first and foremost as far as a relationship with God is concerned.
April, 2016
Chronology of the Apostle Paul's Life
Paul recounts his own personal history of faith and early work as a missionary establishing churches throughout the Roman Empire. He also describes an important confrontation with another Apostle over the very issues that existed in the Galatian church.
April, 2016
The Changeless Role of Women
In this sermon, Mike reviews those Scripture passages that detail the precise role that women play in the home and church in every generation.
April, 2016
Colossians 1:3-12
Paul offers a prayer which will serve as a bridge to the idea that Christ is pre-eminent in their relationship with God.
April, 2016
The Dangers of False Teaching
In this lesson Paul describes the false teaching that was being promoted by certain teachers at the Galatian church and the dangerous consequences that would result.
April, 2016
Outsmarting Your Smart TV
Mike outlines how a Christian can maintain holy thinking and behavior in our media-drenched society.
April, 2016
Colossians 1:1-2
Paul argues for the all sufficiency of Christ and His teachings over the false wisdom being touted by heretical teachers.
April, 2016
Introduction and Outline
This first lesson in this series contains the background information on the history of the Galatian church, Paul's reason for writing this letter, and the general division of the topics that the Apostle addresses in his epistle to these people.
April, 2016
145 Year-Old Man Baptized
Here are three lessons we learn from the baptism of a 145 year-old man.
April, 2016
Introduction to Colossians
Background information on the date and circumstance surrounding the writing of this epistle by Paul, the apostle.
April, 2016
Colossians for Beginners

This 12 part series is an easy to understand explanation of Paul's epistle to the Colossian church. In it, the Apostle describes the many facets of Christ's pre-eminence (superiority) in both the physical and spiritual worlds thus establishing the reasons for His Lordship over all.

April, 2016
Galatians for Beginners

The Galatian letter is Paul's response to those in every age who would try to tamper with the essential message of the Gospel: That salvation is obtained by faith, not law, and that freedom in Christ moves us to live by the Spirit of God, not the spirit of this world.

March, 2016
#1 - Bad Eating Habits
In this last lesson, Mike will discuss the #1 issue in the survey - Bad Eating Habits and how one can turn this bad habit into a productive and healthy one.
March, 2016
A Christian's Benefit Package
In the Old Testament I came across Psalm 103 that describes the kind of benefit package that God provides to everyone who trusts in Him, and serves Him faithfully.
March, 2016
The God Who is Able
In the final lesson in this series, Mike explains the relationship that we have with God when we face trials and trouble.
March, 2016
#1 - Lack of Personal Discipline
Mike tackles the number one struggle in the survey, lack of personal discipline and highlights the difference between the popular notion of self-discipline and the Bible's teaching concerning this issue.
March, 2016
The God Who Listens
This lesson deals with the discouragement one feels when repeated prayers over a long period of time go unanswered.
March, 2016
#2 - Overly Critical
Mike reviews the ways we fall into being overly critical and how we can arm ourselves to resist this easy impulse.
March, 2016
No Fool Like a Rich Fool
This sermon reviews the parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12 and cautions of worldly-mindedness and selfish ambition.
March, 2016
The God Who Knows
In this lesson Mike will examine how God's all-knowing character affects our everyday lives and our spiritual development.
March, 2016
Surviving the Opposition's Candidate
According to the pundits, the possible presidency of either candidate would be the final step in the destruction of this nation. This election has so polarized the American people that each side views the other as the agent of the apocalypse should the other's candidate ascend to the top position in the land...
March, 2016
#3 - Overanxious
Mike tackles the most common of struggles, worry, and provides Biblical antidotes to this most debilitating human problem.
March, 2016
You Know You're a Christian When...
Mike uses the popular 'Redneck' joke format to examine the signs that indicate who the true Christians are in the eyes of unbelievers.
March, 2016
The Character of God: Holiness
In this lesson, we dig deeper into the essential character of God and find out that what He wants from us is that we get to know Him intimately and learn how to do this.
March, 2016
Where Will the Devil Find you?
March, 2016
Witness for Truth
March, 2016
March, 2016
#4 - Easily Discouraged
In this lesson, Mike explains the different emotions and reactions present in discouragement and easy discouragement, and provides ways to deal with both.
February, 2016
Is God a He, She or It?
This first lesson explores the essential nature of God and how we can relate to Him effectively.
February, 2016
Getting to Know You, God

This 5-part series explores better ways to develop an intimate relationship with God.

February, 2016
#5 - Coping with Conflict
Tied at #5 with Coping with Change is another coping struggle - coping with conflict. This lesson will attempt to define conflict and offer strategies to help decrease the instances of conflict in our everyday lives.
February, 2016
#5 - Coping with Change
Tied for 5th place in our countdown was the issue of coping with change. This lesson provides practical strategies that help people deal with the anxiety often caused by life's many changes.
February, 2016
Don't Worry, Be Ready
In the final chapter of Peter's letter, the Apostle provides the way Christians in every era should respond to discouragement and persecution.
February, 2016
4 Ways to Create a Happy Marriage
Mike outlines the 4 "A's" necessary to build a lasting and happy marriage.
February, 2016
Beware of False Teachers
Peter continues his last letter to the church by emphasizing the important role of God's word in the development of the Christian character and the need to be on guard for those who would teach false things in God's name.
February, 2016
#6 - Neglecting Church
Neglecting attendance and involvement is the 6th most problematic issue according to our church survey. Mike will discuss this problem, its consequences and provide the top ten reasons why people neglect church services.
February, 2016
Trouble in Paradise
In this lesson, Mike develops five principles that Jesus gives the church to use in times of trouble.
February, 2016
Peter's Last Sermon
In II Peter, the Apostle writes a final letter before his execution in Rome, and in it, he instructs the church concerning the spiritual development they must have to truly experience the Christian life and hope of heaven.
January, 2016
#7 - Pride
The sin of Pride comes in at 7th place in our Sins and Struggles survey. This lesson will examine the roots of pride, how it is expressed, why it is a sin and ways to deal with this common problem.
January, 2016
The Meaning of Grace
In this final lesson from Peter's first epistle, Mike will review the last of grace's enabling features, Christian service and how Peter says that the leaders of the church should embody this virtue.
January, 2016
The Power of Praise
Mike explains what worship and praise do for those who participate, no matter who you are or how many have gathered in the name of the Lord.
January, 2016
The Meaning of Grace
Peter continues to list the various ways God's grace affects Christians. In this section, he describes the suffering many Christians experience because of their faith and how to properly respond when it does.
January, 2016
The Glory of the Church of Christ
The writer completes this great homage to Christ with some final thoughts on holy living and a final word of encouragement and greeting.
January, 2016
#8 - Cursing and Gossiping
Two sins tied for position number 8 in our survey. Mike will discuss the root cause of each, what the Bible says about these sins, and have some practical ways to manage and overcome these in our everyday lives.
January, 2016
Lessons from the Flood
During a trip to help clean up in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, I spoke to and interviewed over 500 people about the effect that these hurricanes had on them and the resulting lessons I learned from the flood.
January, 2016
The Meaning of Grace
Peter continues to describe the very real effects of grace on a Christian's character by cultivating a more submissive heart.
January, 2016
#9 - Anger
In this lesson Mike profiles 3 Biblical characters and described how each dealt with the problem of anger.
January, 2016
The Glory of the Church of Christ
The author continues his description of the type of people who belong in Christ's Church as those who have a holy lifestyle.
January, 2016
Multiplying by Faith
People use different methods to fulfill their needs. In this lesson, we will see that the way we use to see to our needs largely determines how well they are met.
January, 2016
The Meaning of Grace
This lesson demonstrates how grace produces a new sobriety in one's soul and the natural spiritual outcome of this new influence.
January, 2016
Powerball Fever
The applied math site explains what the recent changes in Powerball lottery rulings meant for the "players" who buy tickets...
January, 2016
7 Lessons from a 7 Day Cold
I have happily recovered from a nasty cold that never seemed to end. The experience led me to think about some very basic things that even the common cold can teach us.
January, 2016
#10 - Laziness
This class will explore the mindset of the lazy person, how this sin affects a person and how to deal with laziness in one's life.
January, 2016
The Glory of the Church of Christ
In this lesson Mike diagrams and explains the famous chapter that describes the 'heroes of faith.'
January, 2016
The Challenge of Change
Change is very difficult. Whether it's changing a habit or attitude or job or city - change is always a challenge, and change is even more difficult when it's imposed on us suddenly or without our approval.
January, 2016
The Meaning of Grace
This introductory lesson on Peter's first epistle examines the many facets of Peter's life and begins exploring the different meanings this Apostle attributed to God's grace.
January, 2016
Top Ten Sins and Struggles

The Bible teaches that everyone is guilty of sin but not necessarily the same sin. This series examines the most common sins and struggles that Mike has encountered in over thirty-five years of ministry, and provides practical advice on how to recognize and deal with these successfully.

December, 2015
The Almighty or the Almighty Dollar
This lesson looks at the dangers of materialism and the need to establish spiritual priorities in order to guard against the influence of the world.
December, 2015
The Three Marys
In this lesson, Mike describes the relationships between three Mary's and how they ended up at the cross of Christ.
December, 2015
The Glory of the Church of Christ
Having finished describing Jesus' glorious life and ministry the author now focuses on the type of church that carries His glorious name.
December, 2015
I & II Peter

Fisherman, Apostle, Elder, Martyr. The unique experience of Peter forms his teachings on the power of God's grace and the urgent need of the church to prepare for the return of Christ in all ages. From an ancient source comes a relevant message for the modern Christian.

December, 2015
The 7 Blessings of Salvation
In this sermon, Mike enumerates and explains the benefits that believers receive and experience as 'saved' people.
December, 2015
The Life and Times of Hezekiah
Mike wraps up this series with a final lesson on Hezekiah by reviewing how God's grace was extended to this great man's physical and moral weakness.
December, 2015
Jesus: Greater than the Jewish Religion
In the final part of the first section of Hebrews, the writer summarizes the reasons why Jesus' ministry is superior to that of the Jewish High Priest but also that the results of the Lord's ministry on behalf of all men yields a superior final result.
December, 2015
The Life and Times of Hezekiah
Mike continues the study on King Hezekiah with a look at this leader's greatest victory coming at his nation's worst moment.
December, 2015
Jesus: Greater than the Jewish Religion
This lesson demonstrates how Jesus' ministry was superior to that of the Jewish High Priest in its service to the people by producing superior results.
December, 2015
Restoring the True Christmas Spirit
Preparing the minds and hearts of Christians for the materialism, confusion, and conflict that often arises at a time when there should be peace, joy and love in the world.
December, 2015
The Life and Times of Hezekiah
Hezekiah has long been used as a model for revival and restoration. In this lesson, we look at the basic principles of revival that we learn from Hezekiah's life and times.
December, 2015
Jesus: Greater than the Jewish Religion
In this lesson, the author will review Jesus' work as High Priest, not only His credentials to serve in this role.
December, 2015
Who is the Greatest?
November, 2015
Reward and Punishment
When I was in Junior High my English teacher taught our class how to write a "precis". A precis is a shortened version of an essay or article that maintains the meaning of the original piece of writing.
November, 2015
Church was Made for Man not Man for Church
November, 2015
Canadian Thanksgiving
This lesson looks at the relationship between the national holiday of "Thanksgiving" and the ongoing gratitude that all Christians have which nourishes their faith.
November, 2015
Solomon's Strategy for Success
Solomon lays out 7 easy to understand principles that promote success in any area of one's life here on earth.
November, 2015
King Hanun's Suspicious Mind
An obscure pagan king teaches every generation a lesson about the dangers of having an overly suspicious attitude.
November, 2015
Jesus: Greater than Aaron
In this final section on Melchizedek, the writer explains the relationship between Aaron, Melchizedek and Jesus.
November, 2015
David's Charge to Solomon
David's final charge to his son provides timeless wisdom for the changing of the guard in church leadership.
November, 2015
Jesus: Greater than Aaron
In this lesson, Mike examines the passages that demonstrate that Christianity's priesthood is superior to the Aaronic priesthood.
November, 2015
The Acappella Church
Mike reviews the reasons why the Churches of Christ do not use instruments of music in the public worship services.
November, 2015
A Model for Repentance
Mike looks at David's 39th psalm and how the author outlines the various steps leading to true and sincere repentance.
November, 2015
Jesus: Greater than Aaron
This lesson examines what the writer of Hebrews says about the 4th element of the Jewish religion, the priesthood, and especially the High Priest.
November, 2015
Slave or Free?
In Romans chapters 7 and 8 the Apostle Paul zeros in on one of the most perplexing questions concerning our experience with sin - are we slaves of it or are we free from it? Understanding the answer to this question usually dictates the quality of life we have as Christians.
November, 2015
David and Abigail
The story of David's relationship with Abigail highlights a time when he nearly ruined his potential reign as king and reveals the character of one of the Bible's most remarkable women.
October, 2015
Christian is a Christian
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
October, 2015
Jesus: Greater than Moses
Mike begins to develop the Hebrew writer's next argument for Christianity's superiority over Judaism - Jesus' greater authority than Moses.
October, 2015
Getting Even Without Getting Into Trouble
A Christian's guide in dealing with personal offense and the desire to seek revenge.