Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
February, 2018
The Most Important Thing in the World
This lesson examines the most important thing in the world. You may think it is family, health, happiness and all of these are very important but more important than these is the Church.
February, 2018
The Most Important Event in History
The resurrection of Jesus remains the single most volatile and important event of our age.
February, 2018
The Ideal Woman
In this sermon, we examine the portrait of an ideal woman designed by God and revealed some 3,000 years ago in Solomon's book of Proverbs.
January, 2018
Faithful Through Failure
In this sermon, Mike reviews a spectacular failure in Aaron's life and how God used this to prepare him for one of the most important roles in Jewish history.
January, 2018
Why Joseph?
This sermon examines the character and faith of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.
Church 101
January, 2018
How to Perform a Water Immersion Baptism
In this video, Mike gives many tips and guidelines to successfully administer a water baptism to an individual.
January, 2018
How can God die if Jesus is God?
In this last lesson in the series, Mike will be answering more miscellaneous questions posed in the survey. This includes questions about lent, various church rituals and our state of mind in heaven.
December, 2017
Beyond Fasting
Mike examines the spiritual characteristics and virtues that cannot be developed simply by self-denial.
December, 2017
Paul's Journey to Rome
Luke's excellent historical and nautical record of Paul's voyage to Rome and final scene preaching and teaching while awaiting trial.
December, 2017
Garden of Eden and Noah's Flood Questions
This lesson is devoted to miscellaneous questions concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; dinosaurs; the population of the world before the great flood, etc.
December, 2017
Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment
Luke describes Paul's hearing before a third Roman official, Agrippa, and his subsequent appeal to be judged at the Imperial Court in Rome by Caesar himself.
December, 2017
Church Organization
In this lesson, Mike answers questions regarding the Biblical pattern for church organization and function, and how this is different from the structure of many churches in the modern era.
December, 2017
Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment
In this lesson, Luke describes Paul's appearances before Roman governors Felix and Festus and the outcome of those hearings.
December, 2017
What Other Religions Teach About Salvation
In this lesson, Mike will review the beliefs of the 11 major world religions concerning salvation and compare these with the teachings of Christianity on this important subject.
December, 2017
The Most Excellent Way
This sermon examines the circumstances that led Paul to write this beautiful ode to Christian love.
December, 2017
Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment
Paul returns to Jerusalem where he is arrested and a long period of confinement in various locations begins.
November, 2017
Is Church Attendance/Baptism Mandatory?
Mike deals with the often-used arguments against the necessity of regular worship and the importance of a proper biblical baptism.
November, 2017
A Changeless Faith in a Changing World
In this sermon, Mike reviews the timeless spiritual truths that can buffer the storms of change that are challenging this nation.
November, 2017
Paul's Third Missionary Journey
Luke describes Paul's final journey as a free man working primarily in Ephesus establishing the church that would eventually spread the gospel throughout Asia Minor.
November, 2017
Paul's Second Missionary Journey
Mike continues the section describing Paul's second missionary journey and an important meeting at the church in Jerusalem to decide the future of Paul's work among the Gentiles.
November, 2017
Using Pattern Theology to Answer Questions
In this lesson, Mike reviews the arguments used to support the inspiration of the Bible and how to answer questions concerning the faith using the device of pattern theology.
November, 2017
Veiled Religion
The ongoing controversy over accommodating Muslim women wearing various head coverings is more a debate over religious statements than demonstrating true spirituality.
November, 2017
Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?
Why does God allow so much evil in this world especially if He is supposed to be a good and merciful God? Hopefully, the answers provided in this lesson will help bring to faith those who doubt there is a God because of the suffering that they see in the world.
November, 2017
The Ministry of Paul
Mike traces out the beginning and completion of Paul's first missionary journey with the many interesting and challenging stops along the way.
November, 2017
What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?
In this lesson, Mike continues to answers the most asked questions about the Churches of Christ and how it is different from other churches claiming Jesus as Lord.
November, 2017
Which War Are You Fighting?
There is a lot of talk concerning war these days. The war on America, war on drugs, and the war against youth violence to name a few.
November, 2017
In the World – Not of the World
In this sermon, Mike tackles one of the Christian's greatest challenges - how can Christians who live and engage in the human experience avoid becoming worldly?
November, 2017
Peter Preaches to the Gentiles
In this lesson, Luke describes the important breakthrough for the early church as Peter begins to proclaim the gospel to non-Jews for the first time.
November, 2017
What Makes the Churches of Christ Unique?
In this lesson, Mike answers the most asked questions about the Churches of Christ and how it is different from other churches claiming Jesus as Lord.
October, 2017
Persecution of the Church
Luke continues to describe the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.
October, 2017
4 Principles of Personal Evangelism
In this lesson, we see how to share your faith with people of different religious backgrounds. We also examine four principles of evangelism found in the New Testament.
October, 2017
The Decline of the American Empire?
Mike reviews the repeated claims that America's best days are in the past and offers a plan for our nation's renewal.
October, 2017
Persecution of the Church
Luke describes the events taking place and the people who were part of the first congregation of the church in Jerusalem.
October, 2017
Miscellaneous Questions about Baptism and Forgiveness
Mike answers questions concerning which baptism is the one true baptism found in the Bible, and when forgiveness is applied.
October, 2017
The Glory of Singing in Worship
This final lesson will review the Biblical foundation and historical record that establish vocal singing as the Spirit ordained manner of musical praise in public worship.
October, 2017
Persecution of Peter and Apostles
Luke describes the amazing case of Ananias and Sapphira's sudden death and the continued persecution of the Apostles by the Jewish leadership.
October, 2017
Only the Church of Christ Saved?
In this lesson, Mike explains the history and attitude behind the most asked question for members of the Church of Christ, 'why do you think you're the only ones going to heaven?'
October, 2017
The Result of Biblical Worship: Transcendence
Many people come away from public worship unfulfilled but not knowing why. This lesson will explain what the Bible says we should receive from our worship in Spirit and Truth.
October, 2017
Peter's Post Pentecost Ministry
The amazing success of Peter's Pentecost sermon is quickly followed by another miracle, a subsequent arrest and Peter's defense of the Gospel.
October, 2017
The Basics
In any type of warfare, there are rules of engagement. These are put in place for the protection of all parties involved and to also help the battle (or discussion) move forward.
October, 2017
Bible Warfare

This series is a training session to help Christians understand their own religion and prepare them to answer common challenges and questions concerning the Bible and its teachings.

October, 2017
The Ministry of Peter
In the first lesson of Acts, Mike explains the difference between the empowering and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The class will also review the events surrounding the day of Pentecost and begin to follow the ministry of Peter the Apostle.
September, 2017
The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission
This lesson reviews the spiritual exercise that prepares the Christian for worship as a lifestyle and not simply a regular activity at an appointed time.
September, 2017
The Consummation
Luke describes the final scene of Jesus' death and burial as well as the glorious aftermath of His resurrection on the 3rd day following His crucifixion.
September, 2017
The Nature of Biblical Worship: Communication
This opening session examines the core activity of public worship - communication with God, and how this essential component can be enhanced by learning the language of communication with God.
September, 2017
The Consummation
The first of a two-part lesson describing the early events leading to Jesus' death on the cross.
September, 2017
In Spirit and In Truth

This 4-part series examines the area of public worship. Each lesson looks not only at the practice of worship but also explores the purpose and personal experience that the Bible describes for those who worship in Spirit and Truth.

September, 2017
Stalled on the Highway to Heaven
In this lesson, Mike discusses the ways Christians can maintain their spiritual momentum as they journey onward to their heavenly home.
September, 2017
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Here Jesus confronts and rebukes the religious leaders (who should have been first to recognize and accept Him) for rejecting Him and blocking people from going to Him.
September, 2017
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Luke describes three key events during Jesus' time in the city of Jerusalem: Prophecy concerning His death and resurrection; healing of a blind man; His triumphal entry into the city riding a donkey.
August, 2017
Jesus Facing Jerusalem
Jesus heals 10 lepers and makes a prophecy concerning the coming judgment on the city of Jerusalem for having rejected its divine Messiah.
August, 2017
Head to Heart
In this sermon, Mike traces out the various stops on the journey of faith that begins in a person's head but must travel to the heart for that believer to become a true disciple of Jesus.
August, 2017
Jesus Facing Jerusalem
In this section, Jesus relays several parables in response to those who questioned His authority and mission, and as a way of teaching His disciples on the unseen reality of the Kingdom of God.
August, 2017
Jesus Facing Jerusalem
Now that Jesus approaches Jerusalem, He is met with stiff opposition from the Pharisees and Priests who question both His teachings and legitimacy to teach.
August, 2017
Fools 'R' Us
Mike reviews Paul's teaching in I Corinthians that establishes the difference between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world when it comes to death and dying.
August, 2017
Jesus Facing Jerusalem
Luke turns his attention to Jesus' preparation for His journey south to Jerusalem and the opposition that awaits Him there.
July, 2017
The Next 25 Years
Mike reviews past initiatives that have brought the congregation to this point and what will be needed to maintain our growth and development into the future.
July, 2017
Jesus in Galilee
In this final part of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, Luke continues to describe Jesus' miracles but adds a section explaining how He prepared and sent out disciples on their first missionary journey.
July, 2017
Jesus in Galilee
This section continues the description of the rise of Jesus' ministry with amazing miracles and includes the Lord's commendation of John the Baptist and his work now completed.
July, 2017
Jesus in Galilee
Luke describes the many miracles and teaching sessions by Jesus performed in and around his home town and neighboring area.
July, 2017
The Beginning
This lesson reviews the section in Luke that provides information on John the Baptist, Jesus' early life and the beginning of His ministry in Galilee.
July, 2017
Introduction to Luke/Acts
Mike begins with a critical review of all four gospels in order to prepare for a focused study of the Book of Luke.
July, 2017
Luke/Acts for Beginners

This series will review Luke's two-volume historical narrative concerning Jesus' life and ministry as well as the beginning and spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire as he experienced it.

June, 2017
Royal Psalms
Royal psalms were written for occasions such as royal coronations, anniversaries and weddings, or simply to honor the King.
June, 2017
Speed Parenting
For those who are using this book or the video version as a resource for a small group, this added section contains an exercise that can stimulate discussion.
June, 2017
Cultivating Obedience
This sermon summarizes all the instructions given by Moses to the Israelites in the thirty-four chapters of Deuteronomy down to a single word.
June, 2017
Family Mobile: Seven Ways to Look at the Christian Home
In this lesson, Mike continues to look at the family as a living mobile and examines the different elements that can create beauty, balance and form in the Sacred Family.
June, 2017
Praise Psalms
Praise psalms encompass the actual words sung and recited when worshipping God in various circumstances.
June, 2017
Assurance Psalms
The psalms that lift up God's name and providential care as protector and guide are referred to as assurance psalms.
June, 2017
Suffering Psalms
The suffering psalms described both the trouble and the effect on the author as he poured his heart out before God in prayer.
June, 2017
Family Mobile: Seven Ways to Look at the Christian Home
In this lesson, Mike looks at the family as a living mobile and examines the different elements that can create beauty, balance and form in the Sacred Family.
May, 2017
Worship Psalms
These beautiful and uplifting psalms describe the feelings of awe and joy experienced by those who traveled to the temple in Jerusalem in order to worship God and marvel at the city and temple at the heart of the Jewish religion.
May, 2017
Dealing with Anxiety
The world's solutions to stress involve things like drugs, vacations or some type of therapy. As Christians, however, we believe that even if these methods might be helpful, the most satisfying and permanent solution to the problems of worry and stress can only be found through faith, and specifically through faith in Christ.
May, 2017
Role Reversal
In this lesson, we look at several spiritual lessons our children teach us.
May, 2017
Penitential Psalms
The penitential psalms record expressions of personal lament and confession of sin by the psalmist.
May, 2017
The Grace of Giving
Mike outlines the rewards obtained by those who exercise the non-miraculous but very dynamic spiritual gift of liberality.
May, 2017
Preparing for Teen Parenting
Mike wraps up the section of teen parenting with a look a parenting tweens.
May, 2017
Word Psalms
Mike examines the psalms that highlight the value and power of God's Word.
May, 2017
Breaking the Habit
In this sermon, Mike reviews the factors that go into both making and ultimately breaking the many bad habits we acquire as sinful human beings.
May, 2017
Nature Psalms
This lesson examines "nature" type psalms and how they are designed to not only highlight the beauty of creation but also how the creation serves to honor and reveal the power of God.
May, 2017
Satan's Tactics
God tells us that Satan is actively trying to ruin us. In this lesson, Mike reveals the many tactics Satan uses to destroy God's church.
May, 2017
Preparing for Teen Parenting
There are three basic stages that children go through before they become adults, and how we parent them during these periods will have an impact on what kind of people they become.
April, 2017
The Hinge of History
In this lesson, Mike describes the words of Jesus that changed the world in 4 important ways.
April, 2017
Parenting 101
Mike will examine the last 3 ways we can breathe L.I.F.E. into our children.
April, 2017
Wisdom Psalms
This class will examine the three types of psalms that make up the "Wisdom" category of psalms.
April, 2017
Jesus: My Shepherd
This lesson explores the character of Jesus in His role of Good Shepherd rather than His suffering as sacrificial lamb.
April, 2017
Parenting 101
The parenting relationship should be focused on the parent providing for the child's needs, not the reverse. It is God, in His love, who provides for us, and in the same way we provide for our children in our love.
April, 2017
Hebrew Poetry
In this lesson, Mike reviews the various literary devices that make Hebrew poetry unique.
April, 2017
Productive Communication
Many couples desire to love and need love but are poor communicators. Mike examines some of the ways to improve communication skills within marriage.
April, 2017
What is Biblical Love?
In this third and final lesson, Mike explores the concept of Biblical love and answers the question, "Why is love greater than faith or hope?"
April, 2017
The Goal of Biblical Marriage
If God created marriage for life then God can provide the element that keeps us together for life - love.
April, 2017
Introduction to the Psalms
In this introductory lesson to the book of Psalms, Mike reviews the title, authorship, and use of this Jewish songbook.
April, 2017
Psalms for Beginners

This series will examine the different types of psalms as well as the various literary devices used by the authors of this book.

April, 2017
What is Biblical Hope?
In the second lesson in this series, Mike explains the main differences between hope as it is used and described here on earth and Biblical hope which is described and manifested in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
April, 2017
What is a Biblical Marriage?
It is during the effort to know each other that the couple lays down the groundwork for their "oneness."
April, 2017
Sacred Families

This series explores the true purpose of home and family in God's design. Lessons deal with child development, parental discipline, and preparing children for adolescence with a focus on the tween years. There is also a discussion about biblical marriage and the establishment of the home.

March, 2017
What is Biblical Faith?
This lesson not only reviews what the Bible teaches concerning faith but also describes the legitimate spiritual experience that comes with having biblical faith.
March, 2017
Positive Thinking
In his return journey to God, Solomon has found that wisdom and wise living are the surest way to find contentment and avoid wasting one's short lifespan.
March, 2017
And Now These Three Remain: Faith, Hope and Love

Mike reviews the meaning and purpose of these Christian virtues as well as the relationship each has with the other.

March, 2017
Comments on the Rat Race
Solomon has been sharing the fruit of his hard-won wisdom. After living apart from God he returns and notes some of the things he has learned concerning wisdom itself.