Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
March, 2019
Introduction to Titus
Mike reviews the history, author, recipient and context in which the letter to Titus was written.
March, 2019
Titus for Beginners

Paul's letter to Titus is focused on preparing leaders to accurately teach the church and recognize the type of results this should produce.

February, 2019
The Blind Poetess
Mike reviews the life and work of Fanny J. Crosby, one of the most prolific composers of sacred poetry and hymns.
February, 2019
Paul's Final Exhortation, Testimony and Benediction
In this final section, Paul will provide Timothy the reasons and resources necessary to be successful in ministry as well as in life.
February, 2019
Warnings and Assurance for the Future
Paul transitions from encouragement and instructions to warnings about the dangerous people Timothy will face in the world as well as in the church.
February, 2019
Very Real Blessings
Mike talks about the specific blessings we enjoy as Christians and what these should motivate us to do in the here and now.
February, 2019
Encouragement and Instructions: Remain Faithful
In this section, Paul details the various activities Timothy needs to pursue in order to carry out an effective ministry in a church where he faces opposition from false teachers.
January, 2019
Encouragement and Instructions: Remain Faithful
Paul provides Timothy with both examples and motivation to remain faithful in his service to the church.
January, 2019
The 4 Funerals
Mike explains that the type of funeral he will preach for you will largely depend on the life you have lived.
January, 2019
Encouragement and Instructions: Remain Faithful
Paul encourages Timothy to remain faithful and describes several ways that Timothy could assure himself that he was keeping this charge.
January, 2019
Pass the Salt
How Christians can influence the spiritual tone of their surroundings and their need to do so.
January, 2019
Introduction to II Timothy
Mike quickly reviews the time and circumstances for the writing of this, Paul's final epistle, and explores the many ideas expressed in Paul's greeting.
January, 2019
II Timothy for Beginners

Although this is a second letter sent by Paul to the young evangelist, Timothy, the tone and circumstances of this communication could not be more different. Commonly regarded as Paul's last epistle, Paul's final letter summarizes his most important teachings and bids a touching farewell to a trusted and loved disciple.

January, 2019
Paul's Final Instructions to the Church and Timothy
Paul completes his letter with a series of warnings directed at the church and Timothy in order to preserve their faith and his ministry.
December, 2018
His Last Gift
Mike wraps up this series by examining the amazing final gift to all believers by Jesus, the actual indwelling of God's Holy Spirit to transform Christians into the very image of Christ Himself.
December, 2018
Making Sense of Evil at Christmas
Mike examines the problem of evil and how the Bible responds to the irony of evil's existence, even at Christmas.
December, 2018
His Last Command
After His resurrection, Jesus appeared several times to His Apostles and the instructions He gave them would change the world in three significant ways.
December, 2018
Paul's Teaching on Slavery
Mike reviews the issue of slavery in the ancient times in order to give context to Paul's teaching regarding slaves in his letter to Timothy.
December, 2018
His Last Miracle
In this lesson, Mike will look closely at the events surrounding Jesus' resurrection and describe His twelve recorded appearances in Chronological order.
December, 2018
Disciplining Leaders
In this section, Paul instructs Timothy concerning the way he should deal with church leaders who cause trouble.
December, 2018
Total Conversion
In this sermon, Mike breaks down the difference between indoctrination and conversion.
December, 2018
His Last Words
In this lesson, Mike reviews the last things that Jesus saw and experienced, and the seven last things He said.
December, 2018
The Care of Widows
In this section of his letter, Paul will move away from instruction on doctrinal matters and provide guidance on not only the care of widows in the church but also which women were eligible for the church's assistance.
December, 2018
His Last Supper
In this first part of a five-part series, Mike follows Jesus' steps as He eats a final meal with His Apostles and experiences the first pangs of His long night of suffering in the lonely garden called Gethsemane.
December, 2018
The Passion and the Glory

In this series, Mike will examine in detail the final hours of Jesus' life as He experienced the events leading to His death on the cross followed by His glorious resurrection.

November, 2018
The Minister and His Ministry
In the fourth chapter of this epistle, Paul will both warn Timothy about the apostasy to come and the false teaching that cause it and remind the young evangelists about the ministry for which he is responsible.
November, 2018
K.O.'d by Sin
Mike compares the science of the knock-out in boxing with the way sin can destroy us if we don't properly defend ourselves.
November, 2018
The Mature Christian Lives Righteously
In the final section of his letter, Paul reviews the elements that demonstrate Christian maturity in one's life and the ultimate blessing that these bring to the believer who pursues them.
November, 2018
The Reason for Paul's Letter to Timothy
Mike reviews and summarizes the reasons why Paul wrote this letter, and points out the consequences that the church has, over time, suffered because it has not followed these instructions.
November, 2018
Why Are We Rich?
Mike explores some of the spiritual reasons America has been blessed with great wealth.
November, 2018
The Mature Christian Seeks Righteousness by Faith
Paul concludes his argument that the gospel he has preached and modeled is superior in its ability to save and reward those who believe and remain faithful to the end.
November, 2018
Elders, Deacons and the Church
The section on church leadership continues with an examination of the qualifications Paul describes for those men who would serve as deacons.
November, 2018
The Right Response
In this lesson, Mike focuses on the invitation part of every sermon and examines its biblical purpose and relevance in preaching to today's church.
November, 2018
The Mature Christian Seeks Righteousness by Faith
This series continues with Paul explaining and comparing both the physical and spiritual circumcisions as well as the teachers who promote each of these.
November, 2018
Elders, Deacons and the Church
In this lesson, Mike reviews the attitude that the church should have towards their leaders, and begins explaining the role and qualifications for those who want to serve as deacons.
November, 2018
Mouth Traffic
In this lesson, Mike monitors the type of things that go in and out of our mouths and offers some basic rules to avoid mouth-traffic 'accidents.'
November, 2018
The Mature Christian Rejoices in Trial
Paul uses his situation and coworkers to sketch out how a mature Christian uses trials to make a statement about Christ and his faith.
October, 2018
The Role, Work and Qualifications of Elders
As the title suggests this lesson will briefly look at what type of men should have the important responsibility of church leadership.
October, 2018
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Of all the concepts and philosophies promoted throughout history, Christianity's main idea has, and continues to have, the greatest impact and ongoing influence in the world.
October, 2018
The Mature Christian Stands Firm and Imitates Christ
In this section, Paul lays out the journey for one who would be mature in Christ and includes the fascinating transformation Christ underwent in His incarnation as man.
October, 2018
Paul's Instructions on Prayer and the Role of Men and Women in the Church
Paul provides teaching on the importance and various types of prayers to be offered, as well as valuable background information concerning the proper roles men and women have in the church.
October, 2018
Paul's Condition
This portion of Philippians provides us with a rare glimpse of Paul's feelings concerning his personal situation and how he resolved an important dilemma facing him and his ministry.
October, 2018
Paul's Personal Witness
Before continuing his charge to Timothy, Paul shares his own witness of salvation through Christ.
October, 2018
The Mechanics of Forgiveness
In this sermon, Mike examines the things we must actually do in order to forgive completely.
October, 2018
Paul's Greeting and Prayer
After Paul's brief greeting the Apostle sets forth in prayer the manner in which he directs the Philippians to pursue spiritual development and its ultimate result.
October, 2018
Paul's Charge to Timothy
In this section, Paul lays out both the problem and Timothy's proper response to resolve the trouble being caused by the false teachers at Ephesus.
October, 2018
Introduction to Philippians
In this introductory lesson, Mike will review the history and unusual background of the city of Philippi along with the beginnings of the church there and the occasion of his writing of this epistle.
October, 2018
Philippians for Beginners

Philippians is the Apostle Paul's most joyful letter in which he shares rich and encouraging spiritual insights with a church he loved and, because of his imprisonment, greatly missed.

October, 2018
Introduction to I Timothy
In this initial lesson, Mike reviews the background information about Timothy himself, the church where he served as evangelist and the issue that moved Paul to write this letter to his young protégé, Timothy.
October, 2018
I Timothy for Beginners

The two letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to the young evangelist, Timothy, provided him with clear instructions for the divinely ordained way the church of the New Testament was to organize and function not only in the first century but throughout history to this day and beyond.

September, 2018
Sexual Immorality
In this lesson, Mike will talk about sexual immorality and what God's word says about today's attitude and practice in this area of human behavior.
September, 2018
Angels: Fact or Fiction
This sermon attempts to separate the various legends and false ideas about these spiritual beings found in pop culture, and establish a more accurate picture of them based solely on biblical information.
September, 2018
Three Sets of Spiritual Fruit
Mike closes out the series with a closer look at the spiritual fruit created in the believer as he continues to walk in the Spirit.
August, 2018
Top 10 Reasons for Missing Church
As the title suggests, this lesson will not only name the excuses but also demonstrate the legitimacy of some and spiritual illness often disguised as simple reasons for non-attendance.
August, 2018
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
In this second lesson, Mike describes in detail the first of the spiritual fruit developed by God's Holy Spirit in man which is love.
August, 2018
In this sermon, Mike briefly reviews the major belief systems of Western Civilization throughout history and how the acceptance or rejection of God in each of these has impacted society.
August, 2018
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit
In this first of a two-part lesson, Mike describes the way that spiritual life and character are actually produced in the life of every disciple great and small.
August, 2018
In order to motivate more people to experience the very special joy that comes with exercising this virtue, Mike will review what the Bible teaches concerning 'the love of strangers.'
August, 2018
The Deeds of the Flesh
In this lesson, Mike examines the four groups of activities that Paul describes and condemns as those that will lead a Christian away from the kingdom of God.
August, 2018
Spiritual Athletes
Mike compares the 6 elements found in every sporting event to the challenge of living as a Christian in today's world.
August, 2018
Actual Perfection
In this lesson, Mike explains the reasons why the pursuit of Actual Perfection is not another form of "Law keeping."
July, 2018
Paul's Teaching on Perfection
Mike examines the words and ideas that Paul lays before us in Galatians 5 as he describes the actual perfection Christians can achieve through the power of the Holy Spirit.
July, 2018
The Holy Spirit and Perfection
In this lesson, we look at how the Holy Spirit works in creating these states of conditional and actual perfection.
July, 2018
Conditional or Actual Perfection?
For believers, becoming more perfect in Christ is the essence of life. Of course, this only makes sense if you understand that there are two aspects of perfection in the Christian's understanding.
July, 2018
Once Saved, Always Saved?
Mike drills down into the Word and lays out what the New Testament actually says concerning the possibility of a Christian losing their salvation, once having been saved.
July, 2018
Why I Chose the USA
Becoming an American was a choice for me. In this lesson, I want to share the main reasons why this decision was an easy one to make.
July, 2018
Perfection: The Absolute Standard
There is something wrong with the title of this series, can you spot it? Here it is: You cannot have a 'more' perfect something or someone. You are perfect or you are not. Once something is perfect (without blemish or error) you cannot improve on it.
July, 2018
A More Perfect You

The Bible tells us to seek perfection yet we know that perfection is not attainable in this sinful flesh. These contradictory ideas are reconciled in this study of Christian perfection.

June, 2018
Slavery and the Early Church
In this brief epistle, the Apostle Paul provides faith's solution to the problem of reconciling a Christian slave to his Christian master.
June, 2018
Philemon for Beginners

This one chapter epistle addresses the issue of slavery which was common in the Roman Empire of the first century.

June, 2018
Immovable Cheese
Mike contrasts some of the things that are always changing with those that never do.
June, 2018
Life in the Early Church
John gives us a view of the inner workings of a first-century church as he mediates a dispute among three men over the issue of hospitality and its role in the life of the early church.
June, 2018
How Christians Succeed
Christians pursue and define success differently than those not guided by their faith in Jesus Christ.
June, 2018
John's Cover Letter
This epistle serves as a cover letter for the epistle (I John) that the Apostle has sent to a particular church having problems with false teachers and teachings.
June, 2018
The Four Calls
Mike reviews the various ways that God calls each Christian at one time or another in life.
June, 2018
Abiding in Faith
John closes out his first letter with a final way to be confident in salvation and adds a warning about the Antichrist.
May, 2018
Misconceptions of Godly Parenting
As parents, we sincerely want our children to be faithful but sometimes because of our misconceptions of what Godly parenting ought to be, the exact opposite takes place.
May, 2018
Abiding in Love
In this lesson, John explains how one can determine who truly belongs to the Lord, and adds two other ways Christians can be confident about their salvation.
May, 2018
Walking in the Light
John lists the first of four ways an individual can be assured of personal salvation.
May, 2018
The Cracked Cup
This sermon outlines some of the attitudes Christians need to cultivate in order to promote unity and peace within the church.
May, 2018
Introduction to I John
Mike begins this study by listing 10 facts about the Apostle John and the heresy that prompted his writing of this epistle.
May, 2018
I, II & III John for Beginners

This series will provide both a historical and theological overview as well as a textual study of these brief but powerful epistles which are a good source of apologetic material.

May, 2018
Apostolic Defense
In this section, Paul explains why he is a true Apostle and then shows us how he exercises his Apostolic authority over this church.
Church 101
May, 2018
Preparing and Delivering a Devo
In this lesson, Mike shares his list of do's and don'ts when presenting a devotional to a group.
April, 2018
Apostolic Fellowship
Our general idea of fellowship is usually the socializing we participate in while at church. These are common types of fellowship but not the only kinds described in the Bible.
Church 101
April, 2018
Public Speaking
Mike gives several tips for when you find yourself in front of an audience. We'll also look at several Bible readings and give a critique.
April, 2018
Destructive Power
This lesson examines the use of power by God and its misuse by angels and mankind.
April, 2018
Apostolic Ministry
Paul the Apostle describes his ministry and gives a comparison of his work to that of the false teachers.
April, 2018
Respect His Name
I'm on a one-man crusade against the movie industry. Here's why.
April, 2018
In this lesson, Mike compares the liberating practice of Christianity to the suffocating legalism of Islam.
April, 2018
Apostolic Explanation
In this section of II Corinthians, Paul the Apostle will offer his readers an explanation concerning his conduct which had been questioned by some at Corinth.
Church 101
April, 2018
Why Men?
In this lesson, Mike reviews the New Testament teaching and examples that support the idea of male spiritual leadership in the organization and public worship of the church.
Church 101
April, 2018
Public Worship
In this first lesson, Mike will explain what worship really is as well as discuss the difference between public and private worship.
April, 2018
The Experience of Apostleship
In the introductory chapter, Mike provides some basic information about Corinth and its people as well as the church and the background of these letters.
April, 2018
How to Deal with Low Self-Esteem
One of the overlooked factors that contribute to the mindless gun violence we have experienced in this nation is low self-esteem. In this lesson, Mike explores the roots and connection between this condition and the depraved acts recently committed by young shooters.
April, 2018
Review of I Corinthians
In order to understand II Corinthians, it is assumed that you have studied I Corinthians, and since there is no guarantee that this is so, I'd like to begin with a brief review of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.
April, 2018
II Corinthians for Beginners

Unlike l Corinthians, II Corinthians is a subjective book. I Corinthians teaches the church how to do things and how Christians conduct themselves in various situations. II Corinthians reveals what it is like to be an Apostle.

March, 2018
What Jesus Himself Teaches About Salvation
Using only quotations from Jesus, this lesson outlines what the Lord Himself taught about salvation.
March, 2018
A Father's Love
In the story of the prodigal son, we see the intimate, human ways that God, our Father, loves us. Ways that we as humans can understand and relate to ─ ways that a father loves a son.
February, 2018
Jewish Numerology