Latest Lessons

Here are the most recent items added.
August, 2023
Day #39
We sing our hymns a'capella, without instruments because this is the type of music that was used in the first century church.
August, 2023
Day #38
Why was Paul upset with the churches in Galatia?
August, 2023
Day #37
It is important to keep yourself physically fit, but it is not more important than staying spiritually fit.
August, 2023
Day #36
What did Paul mean when he said, do not be bound together with unbelievers?
August, 2023
Day #35
The church in Corinth was a mess but God still loved them.
August, 2023
Day #34
Bible reading instills in you a constant awareness of the presence of God. It also encourages you to stay pure.
August, 2023
Day #33
Can you fall away from the Lord? Can a person who is saved become unsaved again?
August, 2023
Day #32
A Christian is not really a Christian if it is all about the outward appearance.
July, 2023
Day #31
They church in Rome did not get along and much of this letter is dedicated to healing the faction between them.
July, 2023
Day #30
Now it is time to see what God has to say to you. Today you will be reading the rest of the book of Acts.
July, 2023
Day #29
God's Word gives us strength to face the challenges of each new day.
July, 2023
Day #28
Have you ever thought about doing missionary work? The church is always in need of missionaries to strengthen the Lord's work.
July, 2023
Day #27
There are certain spiritual habits that mark healthy disciples of Christ.
July, 2023
Day #26
Saul's whole life is about to turn upside down. Saul is about to be transformed into the apostle Paul.
July, 2023
Day #25
The early church cared about each other and gave all they could.
July, 2023
Day #24
The book of Acts follows on the heels of the Gospel of Luke and explains what happens after Jesus ascends to heaven.
July, 2023
Day #23
This is no ordinary day. Today you will be reading John's account of the single most important event in human history.
July, 2023
Day #22
The Gospel of John teaches us how to identify a true Christian.
July, 2023
Day #21
God's kindness has resulted in forgiveness and salvation for you.
July, 2023
Day #20
Some who claim to be Christians treat their faith as a once-a-week activity, but Christianity is not just what you do on Sunday.
July, 2023
Day #19
This is the fourth and final gospel, written by the apostle who walked more closely with Jesus than anyone.
July, 2023
Day #18
How can we know for certain that Christ was truly resurrected?
July, 2023
Day #17
If you are not the kind of person who thanks others for helping you, I hope you will make a change in your life and attitude.
July, 2023
Day #16
Jesus never says following Him will be easy. But it is rewarding.
July, 2023
Day #15
It is so great to be a Christian. You wake up every morning knowing God loves you.
July, 2023
Day #14
Your wall against sin and Satan is rising up steadily, but you still have a few gaps to fill in.
July, 2023
Day #13
Are you grateful for the way God has chosen you to be part of His divine plan?
July, 2023
Day #12
Luke was a Gentile doctor. He was a traveling companion and possibly a convert of the Apostle Paul.
July, 2023
Day #11
Jesus was innocent of the crimes they accused Him of. After flogging and making fun of Him they nailed Him to the cross.
July, 2023
Day #10
Notice, as you are reading, the impact Jesus has on everyone He comes in contact with.
July, 2023
Day #9
Many Christians have wonderful daily quiet times year after year and never lose their enthusiasm.
July, 2023
Day #8
Why does God's Word contain four accounts of the life of Jesus?
July, 2023
Day #7
You have now been a Christian for one week and have spent a week in daily prayer and Bible study.
July, 2023
Day #6
Yesterday I quoted a couple of passages from the Bible to you. The wording might have been different from the way your Bible reads.
July, 2023
Day #5
As you are reading through the gospel of Matthew, notice how Jesus conducts His ministry and how He treats people. He genuinely cares about each lost soul.
July, 2023
Day #4
Yesterday you invited someone to come to church with you. How did it go? Were you nervous? The more you share your faith the more natural it will be for you.
July, 2023
Day #3
Make sure your mind is clear and you are alert before you begin your study. What if you had an appointment today with someone you wanted to get a job with?
July, 2023
Day #2
The Lord has blessed you with another opportunity to learn from His Word. Never take for granted the privilege of reading the Bible.
July, 2023
Day #1
The Lord has granted you a fresh start. This morning you are a brand-new person.
July, 2023
My First 52 Days in Christ

A new Christian emerges from baptism having just received the Holy Spirit and bursting with enthusiasm. They have obeyed the gospel, but now what? How do they strengthen and grow in their faith? This series provides a welcome answer for the newly baptized Christian. Through daily exercises, this series guides the reader on a journey of personal growth using the New Testament to explain the basics of Christianity. The course takes 52 days, which is how long it took Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Like that wall, this series will help the new Christian build a stronghold of faith.

June, 2023
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
May, 2023
Paris and the Church
In a marvelous book entitled "How Paris Became Paris" by author Joan DeJean, the author explains the unique concept that guided the building and development of the enchanting city of Paris.
May, 2023
What Grace Teaches Us
Mike reviews the 5 key things that can only be learned through the influence of grace.
May, 2023
The Spirit that is in me is Greater than the Spirit that is in AI!
The title says it all, doesn't it? All the fuss and handwringing over the Artificial Intelligence phenomena is quite anxiety producing for unbelievers.
Church 101
April, 2023
What is the Greeter's Role?
In this session, we review the role of the greeter and discuss the responsibilities of the Greeter Ministry Coordinator.
April, 2023
Rewinding the Clock!
Is the universe young or old? How would we know either way? Does it really matter? The current accepted age of the universe among many scientists is calculated to be 13.8 billion years (+/- 100my). While other scientists concur that the universe is much younger and cannot be older than 6,000 years (+/- 200y). In this session we will review both ages, how they were derived, underlying assumptions, and look closely at Genesis to see what God has recorded that may shed light on each approach. Ultimately, it becomes an important question as there are implications to the gospel itself depending on which path is taken.
Church 101
April, 2023
What is a Greeter?
In this session, Mike looks at seven words that describe what the greeter does.
April, 2023
What Heaven is Like
In the lesson, Mike examines the different ideas about heaven put forth by various world religions and philosophies and compares these with the biblical teaching of what heaven is really like.
Church 101
April, 2023
Are we Bound to the Laws in the Old Testament?
Do the Churches of Christ believe in Old Testament laws rather than New testament promises.
Church 101
April, 2023
Does the Holy Spirit only dwell in us through the Word of God?
In this message, we look into the dynamic indwelling of the Holy Spirit which also brings up the topic of division.
April, 2023
Practicing Holiness
In this final lesson Mike reviews the priestly, national and personal regulations for holy living given by God and the rewards or punishments received for compliance or neglect.
March, 2023
Keeping the Moral and Spiritual Laws
Mike begins the second part of the book which details how the Jewish people were to maintain the holy status required of God's own nation.
March, 2023
How to Create an Account
This help guide will show you the steps to create your free user account on the website or from your mobile device.
March, 2023
Observing the Day of Atonement
Mike reviews and explains the instructions and procedure for observing the holiest day in the Jewish Religious calendar - Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement.
March, 2023
Attaining Holiness
This lesson briefly reviews the various Laws concerning ritual purity and the procedures required to maintain that status and thus be allowed to come before God in worship.
March, 2023
What's So Good About the Choctaw Church of Christ?
This lesson will examine the great blessings that the Choctaw congregation has both received and bestowed on its members.
March, 2023
A Consecrated Priesthood - Part 2
This last lesson in the section on the priesthood focuses on two initial failures involving the priests and their duties as well as the consequences for each.
March, 2023
Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment
We examine ancient prophecies from the Hebrew Bible regarding the Messiah and how Jesus perfectly fulfilled each one.
March, 2023
A Consecrated Priesthood - Part 1
This lesson follows the step by step process Moses is given by God in order to initiate Aaron and his sons into the Jewish Priesthood and thus beginning the practice of the nation's sacrificial system as the basis of Jewish worship.
February, 2023
The Rocks Cry Out
In this lesson, we will examine the stratified layers of the earth and see how their existence is evidence for a worldwide flood.
February, 2023
Attaining Holiness
This lesson examines the fifth of the sacrifices, the Peace offering, and reviews the five sacrifices as to their purpose, procedure and correlation to similar offerings to God in the Christian age.
February, 2023
Ancient Chinese Secret
This lesson will reveal fascinating facts about ancient Chinese characters and how they bear witness to the Biblical accounts of creation, the flood, Babel, the nature of God and more.
February, 2023
Attaining Holiness
In this lesson we continue examining the type and significance of the guilt offerings as well as the manner in which the priests and Levites were supported.
February, 2023
Neanderthal and Company
In this presentation we will look at several of the "missing links" that purport to explain the existence of modern man and see what basis they have in real science.
February, 2023
Attaining Holiness
This lesson reviews the requirements of the Sin Offering for the different types of people who present it.
February, 2023
Did Dinosaurs and People Ever Live Together?
Based on the Bible's account of both creation and the flood, we should expect that dinosaurs and men were contemporaries. We are continually told, however, that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago. Since both claims cannot be true, I ask you to consider the following evidence for the relatively recent coexistence of dinosaurs with man.
February, 2023
Things You Probably Did Not Learn in School

In this series of lessons Marty Kessler demonstrates the power of ancient things in the service of modern apologetics.

January, 2023
The Act of Marriage
This lesson examines marriage in its various forms in light of the Respect of Marriage Act and lays out the innate physical and spiritual limits of cohabitation (common law) as well as same-sex unions.
January, 2023
About, the "Chosen"
I have mixed emotions concerning this latest runaway hit streaming online called the "Chosen."
January, 2023
Attaining Holiness
Mike continues to break down the procedure and meaning of the second and third types of sacrifices offering - grain and peace.
January, 2023
Attaining Holiness
In this lesson Mike begins his review of the various types of sacrifices offered by the Jews, their individual manner of offerings, symbolism and how they are related to Christ as "types" to His "Antitype."
January, 2023
Holy People Then and Now
As the title suggests, Mike will review the requirements for holiness that God set forth for the Jews in the Old Testament and how these differ from acquiring and maintaining holiness in the New Testament period.
January, 2023
Critical Introduction of Leviticus
In this first lesson Mike presents a critical introduction of this third book of the Pentateuch which includes the source, name, history, theme and other introductory material to help viewers understand the purpose and context of this often difficult to understand text.
January, 2023
Leviticus for Beginners

Leviticus provides instructions concerning God's basic nature (holy) and how the Israelites then, and Christians today, should pursue this same state to which God calls all who wish to please Him.

December, 2022
Obeying the Plain Gospel
This tenth and final class guides us through four places where the New Testament says we need to obey the good news, the gospel. Then using only the Bible, we will see how each soul is invited to obey the gospel as a means of receiving salvation.
December, 2022
What Grace Produces
In this lesson Mike explains what God's grace enables a Christian to do.
December, 2022
Thessalonica: The Impact of the Plain Gospel
This class covers both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians looking at the tremendous impact the gospel had on the city of Thessalonica from the day Paul and Silas first preached the gospel at their synagogue, Acts 17:1-2.
November, 2022
Philippians: Defense of the Plain Gospel
The church of Christ is God's army equipped and mobilized for the defense of the gospel, Philippians 1:16. The short book of Philippians has much to teach us in this class about how to ensure the furtherance of the gospel.
November, 2022
Input and Output
In this lesson Mike sheds light on many "sayings" or concepts about grace that are either inaccurate or unbiblical.
November, 2022
Ephesians: The Plain Saving Gospel
In this seventh class of our series we will look at the undeniable correlation between the gospel and salvation. We will also see where the church comes into play with regards to the gospel.
November, 2022
Galatians: When the Gospel is Not the Gospel
The churches in Galatia did something to the gospel that made it no longer the gospel. This sixth class will expose the mistake our first century brethren made with the hope we will not make the same mistake.
November, 2022
1 Corinthians: The Core of the Gospel
When teaching the gospel to unbelievers we should start at the center, the core. Then we explain in more detail what the gospel is as time permits. This class on 1 Corinthians shows what the core of the gospel is.
October, 2022
Romans: Obligated to the Plain Gospel
This fourth class delves into Paul's explanation of why he was obligated to teach the gospel accurately to those whom others were unwilling to teach. Romans also explains why each Christian is obligated to share the gospel with others.
October, 2022
Sanctified Leadership
This sermon is taken from the account of the spies chosen by Moses to search out the Promised Land and the lessons on good leadership this episode provides for church leaders today.
October, 2022
The Plain Gospel and Acts
Acts is the gospel in motion. In this class we will see word for word how the gospel was taught to unbelievers and adapt it to the way we should be teaching it today.
October, 2022
Marks of the Plain Gospel
The Gospel of Mark does a fabulous job of showing the good news about Jesus from the beginning, Mark 1:1. This class focuses on how God orchestrated the establishment of the gospel, the good news about the coming Messiah and how He presented it with absolute clarity.
October, 2022
How to Auto-Translate YouTube Videos
This Help Guide will show you how to translate the closed captions/subtitles into your preferred language.
October, 2022
A Plain Introduction to the Gospel
This first class will give us a better understanding of the word "Gospel." How does the Bible use the word? We will see where the concept of gospel comes from and discover whether there is any Old Testament connection to what was taught in the New Testament.
October, 2022
The Plain Gospel

Christian denominations all claim to be teaching the gospel, but some have added to the original message and some have left things out. The gospel has been presented in so many different ways that today it takes Bible knowledge to separate the real gospel from man-made traditions. This class will reveal what Jesus and His followers were saying when they taught people the gospel. During this course we will strip away what has been added, insert the original truths which have been left out and get back to the Plain Gospel. By the time you finish all 10 of these classes you will know what the plain gospel is and you will know what you are supposed to do with it.

September, 2022
Woke or Awake?
This lesson reviews the religion-like tenets of the Woke ideology and how Christians can guard their faith against the onslaught of this powerful movement in our society today.
September, 2022
The Ark and the Priests
In this final lesson the narrator will focus on the most important feature of the Tabernacle (the Ark of the Covenant) and describe the qualifications and service of the Tabernacle's worship leader, the High Priest.
September, 2022
How to Download a Book
In this guide we will look at the steps required to download books on our website and in our apps.
September, 2022
Deeper Meanings
In this lesson the narrator describes in greater detail not only the rooms and furnishings of the Tabernacle but also the reasons why the structure and its furnishings were built in a particular way, and the significance of some of the rituals performed there.
September, 2022
The Look and Function of the Tabernacle
This lesson describes the finished appearance of the Tabernacle and how it was to be used in the offering of worship to God.
September, 2022
The Purpose of the Tabernacle
The first lesson contains the introductory information about the Tabernacle. The narrator explains the reasons it was built and the role God intended for it in Jewish worship.
September, 2022
The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle is a series of 4 lessons that explains in detail, using graphics and narration, the materials, methods and meanings of the Tabernacle built in the wilderness by the Jewish people under the inspired direction of Moses, God's chosen leader.

August, 2022
The Chocolate Cross
In this lesson, Mike demonstrates the disbelieving world's misunderstanding as well as many believer's underestimation of what it takes to follow Jesus.
August, 2022
Aaron's Sin
Mike completes the series by summarizing the final building of the Tabernacle while telling the story of the first person to need the purpose for which it was built – Aaron.
August, 2022
The Covenant Between God and Israel
Mike reviews the priestly garments, the consecration process, types of sacrifices and God's final summary and instructions to Moses.
August, 2022
The Covenant Between God and Israel
Moses describes the plans for the Tabernacle complex, how it is to be laid out as well as the objects that will later be used by the priests in their practice of the sacrificial system.