Day #47

Hopefully you want your faith to grow. It won't happen by accident. Crave growth. Crave the Word.
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James 5:16 succinctly describes something we should always remember about prayer. For the righteous man, prayer is powerful and effective. This is another verse you should have on your heart all day long. Take a moment to commit it to memory as you begin your quiet time today.


Peter was a fascinating disciple of Jesus. He only wrote two letters that are canonized, belong in the Bible. You will be reading both of them today. His first letter is addressed to the Christians throughout the regions of Asia Minor. The second letter's audience is not mentioned. Listen carefully to the words of this polished veteran of Christian doctrine as you read 1st and 2nd Peter.


"Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation," (I Peter 2:2). If there was ever a verse in the Bible you could relate to, this ought to be it. It takes humility to admit you are still a babe in Christ, but you are. And like a babe you should crave the nourishing milk which will help you grow. Hopefully you want your faith to grow. It won't happen by accident. Crave growth. Crave the Word.

A few verses later in this chapter, Peter explained how you are built into a holy priesthood (I Peter 2:5). All Christians are priests on equal terms with God. The elders, deacons and ministers we talked about a few days ago have important responsibilities, but those in leadership are not any more important in God's eyes than you are. You are part of this priesthood of believers. You have a part in the Lord's church. We are all one in Christ.

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