
Who's Your Person?

As Christians, we are our brother's keeper whether we realize it or not. How we care for each other in society, family or the church is a true measure of our moral health.
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As Christians, we are our brother's keeper whether we realize it or not. How we care for each other in society, family or the church is a true measure of our moral health.

Of course there is a higher expectation for us in the church because how we care for each other is not only a measure of our spiritual health but away of witnessing the sincerity of our faith.

Our concern for each other's well being therefore is not based solely on altruism or cultural identity but rather on the impetus of our faith in an unseen God and coming Lord.

Of course, this "talk" about the well being of another has to become a reality in the life of an actual person for it to become more than just a Christian ideal.

To this end I ask the question, "Who's your person?" more specifically, "What is the name of the person you are concerned about, and what exactly is your concern moving you to do?"

You see, if you can't actually name a real person and describe what it is that you're doing for them out of faith, in love – then what you're keeping is a theory, not your brother. Remember:

  • No name = No keeping
  • No keeping = No witness
  • No witness = No faith

Maybe this year would be a good time to start asking ourselves, "Who's my person?"

Discussion Questions

  1. Describe a good deed done for you in the past.
  2. In your experience, what is the main obstacle that prevents you from answering the impulse to help others?
  3. How does one deal with the problem of "needs" outstripping "resources" in the work of benevolence?
  4. How does one balance the twin requirements of security and the love of neighbor when it comes to immigration, especially among Muslim refugees escaping war?
  5. Would Jesus build a wall on the southern border of the United States? Why?
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