Day #20

Some who claim to be Christians treat their faith as a once-a-week activity, but Christianity is not just what you do on Sunday.
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Christianity is a way of life. Some who claim to be Christians treat their faith as a once-a-week activity, but Christianity is not just what you do on Sunday. It's 24/7. Guard against an attitude of minimal Christianity. The world has enough people who merely attend church. God needs believers who are fully devoted to the work. Become a disciple who walks daily with God.


Now, walk with God through John 5-7.


The Gospel of John emphasizes the timing Jesus had in His ministry. In John 2 Jesus' mother wanted him to provide more to drink at a wedding. He told her, "Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come" (John 2:4). Jesus knew certain acts would call attention to Himself and hasten His own death and Jesus had specific tasks to accomplish before His time on earth was over. In John 7, Jesus' brothers wanted Him to go to Jerusalem for the feast. "My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune." (John 7:6). Again Jesus mentions the timing. You can trace this theme clear through the gospel of John up until Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane and He prays, "Father, the hour has come" (John 17:1). Timing is essential in the ministry. There are responsibilities in the kingdom you are ready for now. There are others you are not ready for. Be patient and learn this valuable lesson from Jesus. Your time will come.

Some mistakenly believe Jesus is teaching about the Lord's Supper in chapter 6. He is not. Look through 6:32f again and see if you can tell why this is not talking about the Lord's Supper. Take notes. Discuss it with your Christian partner. Make the effort to learn what this passage means.