Day #30

Now it is time to see what God has to say to you. Today you will be reading the rest of the book of Acts.
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It is time to update your prayer list, if you haven't already. Add any new names you need to and delete those that no longer need your prayers. You can do this daily if you like. You should update it at least once a week.


Now it is time to see what God has to say to you. Today you will be reading the rest of the book of Acts. Go ahead and do that at this time.


You may remember the process of change we discussed on Day Sixteen. We see a similar pattern in Acts 26. Paul said, "I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus of Nazareth" (Acts 26:9). Paul's beliefs affected how he thought and felt about Jesus and His followers. This resulted in the actions that are described in verses 10-11. In order to change his actions Paul had to change how he thought and felt about Christ. His thoughts and feelings did not change until he changed his beliefs. This process is described in verses 12-18. If you want to change your behavior, start by changing what you believe about what makes the behavior right or wrong. That will effect the way you think and feel about the behavior which leads to change.

Acts ends abruptly. What happened to Paul in the end? After the two years of probation mentioned in Acts 28:30, Paul was acquitted. Historians believe he went from there to Spain and then to Asia Minor for a couple of years. He was arrested again for religious upheaval and convicted in Rome. Historians believe he was beheaded about AD 67. Only in eternity will we know the amount of good this brother accomplished. Tomorrow we will start reading his letters.

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