Day #17

If you are not the kind of person who thanks others for helping you, I hope you will make a change in your life and attitude.
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Yesterday you read about the ten lepers Jesus healed in Luke 17:11f. ("f" when giving a scripture reference means "and the following verses.") Only one out of ten returned to thank Jesus. How ungrateful! If you are not the kind of person who thanks others for helping you, I hope you will make a change in your life and attitude. Thank the person who cared enough about you to teach you the gospel, the elders at church, the one who teaches your Bible class or preaches the sermons. Thank your Christian partner for helping you grow these past seventeen days. Have an attitude of gratitude.


For Day Seventeen you will be reading Luke 18-21. Remember that if you see something you do not understand, write down the verse and what your question is in your notes. Never be afraid to have something explained to you. Ask your discipling partner to help you understand God's Word.


Polish your spectacles and focus in on Luke 20:20. (Get it? "Focus", "20/20"? Never mind.) The text says, "So they watched Him, and sent spies who pretended to be righteous." Or another translation says "… who pretended to be honest." They PRETENDED to be honest? That's pretty sad. If you have to PRETEND to be honest, are you honestly being honest? Honest is something you are or you aren't. If you are pretending, then you aren't. In your notes, write down an honest appraisal of your own honesty. Can people trust what you say? Is your word as "good as gold"? Reputation is a valuable commodity to be gained, a terrible thing to lose. In your profession, or prospective profession, be honest.