
87 Results
Gospel Math
Understanding Christian mathematics involves more than just addition and subtraction - it's about being added to the body of Christ and multiplying blessings in the Kingdom of God.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9
21. Who was the "Naked Man in the Garden" in Mark 14?
Delve into the intriguing speculation surrounding the identity of the "naked man in the garden" in Mark 14:51-52, as scholars suggest he could be John Mark, the Gospel author, based on narrative details, authorial techniques, and early church traditions.
Joy of Irresponsibility
Reflect on the freedom found in releasing responsibilities that do not belong to us, as Jesus bears our sins, oversees the church, and determines salvation, allowing us to focus on living out the gospel in our daily lives.
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
Not Ashamed
This lesson is based on Romans 1:16 and promotes the notion that the church needs to rediscover the manner and core message of the gospel in order to have a true impact on today's world.
Romans 1:16
The Dream Church
The ideal church, as described in the New Testament, is characterized by a single leader, Jesus Christ, a unified body, a commitment to holiness, a mission to preach the gospel, and a systematic approach to fulfilling this mission, inviting individuals to reflect on their role in becoming part of this dream church.
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
When We Respond
When responding to the gospel invitation, remember it's not about giving but about receiving God's mercy through the blood of Christ, offering forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who respond.
Ten Reasons Not to Go to Montreal
Mike shares his journey of faith and gratitude towards those who supported his mission to preach the gospel in Montreal, highlighting the importance of stepping out in faith despite challenges and doubts.
Soul Saving Speech
Learn from the insightful words of Paul in I Thessalonians 2 on the importance of speaking confidently, honestly, lovingly, patiently, and authoritatively when sharing the gospel to win souls for Christ.
I Thessalonians 2:1-12
Evangelism is Job #1
In this sermon, Mike emphasizes that evangelism is the primary mission of the church, citing Jesus' initial directive to spread the gospel as foundational to all other church ministries, which only become relevant after successful evangelistic efforts have begun.
Characteristics of Church
The importance of following the pattern theology for church growth is highlighted through the three pillars of preaching the gospel, teaching Christ's commands, and fostering a fellowship among believers, as discussed in Acts chapter 2.