98 Results
33. When Are Children Old Enough to Be Baptized?
Explore the age of accountability for baptism and the significance of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony in Jewish tradition, along with insights on when a young person may be ready for baptism based on faith and fear of God.
Successful Parenting
Encouraging parents to delve into John Croyle's insightful book on successful parenting, emphasizing the importance of unconditional love, belief in children, discipline, and continuous effort in shaping their future.
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
Baseball Blues
Witnessing the impact of parents' behavior at youth sports games sheds light on the importance of bringing positive values to the field, urging a reflection on the true essence of sportsmanship and character-building in our children.
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
Training for Eternity
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
35. Was Jesus Married and Did He Have Kids?
Discover the truth about Isaiah 53:10 and Jesus' sacrifice, salvation, and discipleship in this insightful explanation.
2. 4 Resources for Missionaries
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
22. Is It Okay to Belong to a Moose Lodge Organization?
Learn about the history, values, and charitable work of the Moose Lodge organization, a fraternal and service organization that provides social opportunities, mutual aid, and community service initiatives for its members and local communities.
16. Can Women Lead Adult Bible Classes?
Engage with the discussion on women's roles in teaching Bible classes, exploring how historical teachings can be adapted to modern contexts while maintaining respect for traditional beliefs and leadership structures.
Faithful in Little Things
The shooting deaths of the Amish girls in the U.S. has brought into much sharper focus what Jesus meant when He said that those who are faithful in small things are faithful in greater things as well (Lk.16:10).
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.
Him or Me
Reflect on the choices presented in life and consider whether your actions will please God or simply gratify yourself, as the battle against temptation becomes clearer when we question whose pleasure we are seeking to fulfill.
A Christian Father's Vision
Witness the profound impact of a Christian father's vision as he quietly observes and guides his family towards eternal blessings and values.
The Spirit that is in me is Greater than the Spirit that is in AI!
The title says it all, doesn't it? All the fuss and handwringing over the Artificial Intelligence phenomena is quite anxiety producing for
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
What More do you Want?
Reflect on the perfection of Jesus' sacrifice and the completeness of God's plan for salvation, leaving no room for improvement, but rather inspiring gratitude and a desire for self-improvement.
1. Characteristics of Adult Learners
Adults are more attuned to comfortable surroundings, more sensitive and reactive to discomfort. Teachers must do what they can to compensate for these differences as best they can.
Sheep Seeking Shepherd
This sermon delves into the deep spiritual need that every person has for guidance, comfort, and salvation through Christ. Drawing from biblical imagery, Mike explains how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to those who are lost, offering them safety and purpose under His care. This teaching serves as a reminder of our need to follow Christ's voice in order to find peace and direction in our lives.
Christian is a Christian
Four Questions to Ask Before Baptizing a Child
I recently baptized our eldest grandson, Christian. He is nine years old and because of his age I had some hesitation before going ahead with his baptism.
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
What's in a Name?
The first step in sanitizing immoral behavior usually begins by giving it a new name. This allows its proponents an opportunity to redefine the activity without constant reference to the image created by the previous term.
Invisible Gifts
Reflect on the precious memories of Christmases past and cherish the invisible gifts that warm your heart in this heartfelt reminder of the true essence of the holiday season.
It's a Comforting Thought...
Embrace the comforting promise of divine support in times of struggle and find solace in the belief that God provides strength and meaning beyond just overcoming sin.
1. The Preaching of Jesus
Perhaps in examining Jesus' style and approach to this glorious work we can become more of what all of us seek to be, like Him.
Matthew 5:1-2
Poster Child
Yet another teen-age funeral to keep the pundits hard at work. Santana's tragedy provides more grist for America's cottage industry of blame and political posturing.