What More do you Want?

Devo by:

I never do enough. I mean that as a parent or husband or minister, I never do everything that needs to be done or ought to be done. Even though the basics get covered and I manage to get enough done to raise my children to reasonable adulthood and my wife seems happy to be married to me, and the sermons get preached, at the end of the day I am painfully aware that I could have probably done better.

Now, I'm not saying this to express some form of self-criticism or guilt. I'm merely stating the cold hard reality that no matter what is done in my life, even those things deemed "successful" by others, it could have been better, more complete, improved upon somehow and seeing this reality clarifies another truth in my life: Jesus' sacrifice is perfect, there's no improving on it!

When Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life," (John 3:16) He was describing God's perfect, not to be improved on, complete plan for saving my soul. After all, what more could God do for me than appear in the form of a man to die for my sins and then resurrect to reassure me that I will live eternally?

I can't think of anything. Of course, I'll continue to try to improve myself if only as a way of saying thank you to Him who gave me something perfect. I'm fully convinced that my worst sin would be to ask Him for more.