Most Popular Bible Material

Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
How to Setup Your Mentor Account
5. Journey to the Plains of Moab
These chapters highlight the various events that prepare the second generation of Jewish people for their entry into the Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness.
Numbers 21-27
6. Preparing to Enter the Promised Land
In the final lesson for the Book of Numbers, Mike details the various preparations made by the Jewish people before finally entering the Promised Land.
Numbers 28-36
8. The Essence of the Law
These chapters cover Moses' review of the commandments and the covenant between God and the Jewish people as they are poised to enter, conquer, and settle the land promised to their forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
Deuteronomy 5-11
7. Introduction to Deuteronomy
Reiteration and Reminder
In this introductory lesson, Mike will examine both the differences and similarities of Numbers and Deuteronomy, review the main events of these opening chapters and provide main lessons from this material for both the Jews it was first written for as well as modern Christians who read this material today.
Deuteronomy 1-4
9. Detailed Laws for Living
Mike reviews the 18 different laws Moses refers to in this section with special emphasis on key ordinances as well as lesser known rules for living explained by the Jewish leaders nearing the end of his life.
Deuteronomy 12-26
3 Steps to Contentment
Recent studies reveal a paradox: despite success and happiness, many struggle with dissatisfaction in themselves, public life, and family, leading to stress and conflict. Drawing from the Apostle Paul's wisdom, this article presents three essential steps to finding contentment.
Philippians 4:11