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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
God Loves... Even Superman
Reflect on the humbling journey of self-discovery and empathy within this text, as it delves into the complexities of fame, fortune, and the universal love of God, inviting you to ponder on the interconnectedness of humanity.
Why 2K?
Alright. You're right. There have not been a lot of songs written about y two ks yet. Next to the Clinton scandal, the big story of 1999 has been the Y2K bug thing scare, whatever. And I think most of...
What Will it Take
There's something exciting about construction. There's no other way I can get into it, but say that there's something exciting about construction. We've had some of that. Whether it's a building, whether...
What Now?
The question of the week has been "What should the President do now?" As most of you know, there's been no shortage of speculation about this issue from the "Beltway" in Washington to kitchen tables across the land. Of course, this is an impossible question for anyone to answer because only on man can make the decision and that is Mr. Clinton, himself.
Goodfinder Trait
Embrace the power of being a "goodfinder" and discover the joy that comes from acknowledging the good in yourself and others, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
The End of Islam?
The recent attack on the U.S. by Mid-Eastern extremists have many alarmed that the impact of this event signals the ascent of Islam as a dominant and unstoppable religious idea in the world. This vicious episode, however, may actually point to the opposite reality for the many followers of Mohammed.
Poster Child
Yet another teen-age funeral to keep the pundits hard at work. Santana's tragedy provides more grist for America's cottage industry of blame and political posturing.
Freedom Through Dependance
Independence, historical independence, although there is a celebration July 1st, which involves pretty much the type of things you do here, to celebrate Canada Day. It used to be Dominion Day, but now...
3. Designing Greatness into our Teaching Programs
God requires two things from us as teachers: our best effort and faithfulness. He does not demand perfection but at the same time, he does not accept mediocrity.
To Proclaim and Serve
A lot of people have asked about our vacation. I just wanna mention that. Of course, we were on vacation for a couple of weeks. We went to Canada, Lisa and I. And, I wanna thank you all for a lot of folks...
My Retirement
Embrace the perspective shift on retirement and discover the hidden treasures of this phase by offering it to the Lord with wisdom and faith.
Money Matters - Part 2
We've said that money mother. I miss my mother. So far, we've said that money is neither good nor bad and that what God looks for in the area of a Christian and money is the following. We've said that...
The "Out"rageous Games
Montreal is hosting and quite proud of the "Out" games this week. Newspapers are filled with pictures of men in drag, women holding hands, and announcements of great parties featuring "Gay" themes. All in the name of human rights, diversity, and sports.