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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
To Proclaim and Serve
Passover Sleep
One thing the quiet of night affords you is the time and silence to hear yourself think of all the things that might go wrong with your life. It must have been such a moment that drove my youngest daughter...
Teachers' Remembered
I don't recall much of the material we studied in High School an eon ago when I was at that point of my life but I do remember some of my teachers. I can still see Mr. Blanchard trying to teach me the intricacies of Algebra, long after the last bell had rung for the day.
Even Kings and Queens...
The announcement of the royal divorce between Diana and Charles provides an example of how not to stay married. Most would think that to be rich and famous would be a pretty good start to a successful...
The End of Islam?
The recent attack on the U.S. by Mid-Eastern extremists have many alarmed that the impact of this event signals the ascent of Islam as a dominant and unstoppable religious idea in the world. This vicious episode, however, may actually point to the opposite reality for the many followers of Mohammed.
Joy of Irresponsibility
I don't think anyone would argue the fact that becoming a responsible person is a worthy goal. However, too much of this good thing can lead to burn our or (when it comes to religion) legalism. Let us...
The Goodbye Girl
Her mother remembers that even before Julia was born, she was kicking to get out. Today as she leaves for Marine boot camp, we shared another of the many "good-byes" reserved for all parents.
The "Out"rageous Games
Montreal is hosting and quite proud of the "Out" games this week. Newspapers are filled with pictures of men in drag, women holding hands, and announcements of great parties featuring "Gay" themes. All in the name of human rights, diversity, and sports.
4. Improving the Effectiveness of our Adult Bible Class Teaching
A teacher of God's word, no matter the level or scope is one of the most important and influential roles in congregations. It is so important that it was among the final words of our Lord as he was preparing to ascend back into heaven.
7 Gift Suggestions for Dad
If you've purchases your Father's Day gift, this article is not for you. The other 99% listen up. Here's a little help to choose for the hardest man to shop for – Dad.
10. Renewal of the Covenant and Moses' Final Days
In this final lesson, Mike summarizes the final eight chapters of Deuteronomy while highlighting the major differences between this last section and the first section of the book from chapter 1 to 26. In addition to this there is commentary about the extensive use of poetry and the final application lessons drawn from three different perspectives to complete the series.
Deuteronomy 27-34
3. Designing Greatness into our Teaching Programs
God requires two things from us as teachers: our best effort and faithfulness. He does not demand perfection but at the same time, he does not accept mediocrity.