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Top Ten Reasons Why Christianity is #1
#10. Don't need special clothing or haircut to be a member. #9. No killing of others necessary....
Blind Love
The story of the blind man healed by Jesus teaches valuable lessons about sincere prayer and the true treasure of following Him.
Peace, Perfect Peace
We can't help but witness the most recent war in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon. While this battle rages on, the British police foil an attempt by terrorists to hijack and destroy 10 planes while they flew from London to the United States.
Please open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 7. Matthew chapter 7 verse 13. Matthew 7 verse 13. We'll just stay there. I just want to read this passage. My lesson is based off this passage this morning....
The Silver Servers
Three scriptures we read this morning, had them printed because they were a little bit scattered. The blessing of wisdom. My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments for...
Realizing the Vision
The last couple of weeks, the elders and I have presented to you the vision that we have for 1997, such as it is such as a vision that we may have that God has granted us. And I'd like to review some...
Evolution or Creation?
One of the most heated debates of our time is the one centered on the origin of mankind and the universe.
Getting the Rite Right
Reflect on the deeper meaning behind ceremonial practices to truly connect with the essence of faith and salvation.
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
Just make one correction. You may have noticed it, but I I just wanna make this so that we're not concerned for Caleb, when we were talking about the in the prayer list for a praying for a young boy who...
Common Ground
Understanding the importance of finding common ground in political and religious discourse can lead to a deeper connection and unity among individuals with differing beliefs and values.
Heart Beat Away
One of the things I neglected to do before when I was doing the announcements is, we do have a special guest with us, a family that is with us from Canada and friends of ours, brothers of ours in the...
Dare You!
Dare to ask in faith for what is beyond reach and experience the richness of God's blessings and presence in your life.
The Good Steward
On, on October 5th, the city of Oklahoma you're you're gonna wonder what what I'm saying here has to do with Matthew, but it'll all come together in a minute here. Just be patient. On October 5th, the...
Don't - Just do it
Consider the impact of media influence on your decisions and actions, questioning motives and consequences before simply following the trends.