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This Hurts me More Than It...
Church Discipline
Problem using Matthew 18. But this is not the only passage that helps us for, you know, division or problems in the church. Another problem we have that needs disciplining is when there is doctrinal error...
Successful Parenting
Encouraging parents to delve into John Croyle's insightful book on successful parenting, emphasizing the importance of unconditional love, belief in children, discipline, and continuous effort in shaping their future.
You know, I like movies. My favorite form of diversion, although there are more and more movies you can't watch nowadays. But One movie that came out recently that there was a lot of publicity about was...
Delayed Glorification
The story of Boaz from the Old Testament book of Ruth exemplifies the power of patience and delayed gratification in receiving God's blessings beyond imagination.
Why We Struggle
This chapter 35. Just open them and just leave them there. We'll be reading there in a little while. Okay? So we won't have to search for it later on. Exodus chapter 35. You know, last week, if you I...
The Counterfeit Church
One of the, basic tenets of Christianity is that of faith. We talked about faith. I talked this morning, in our Psalms class. We studied the 23rd Psalm. We talked about faith following after the Lord....
Proverbs 14:15
Grass Wisdom
Appreciate the wisdom shared on maintaining your lawn and drawing parallels with church work, highlighting the importance of focusing on the green, nurturing growth, and giving a light touch to both grass and people.
12. Does the Holy Spirit Only Dwell in Us Through the Word of God?
In this message, we look into the dynamic indwelling of the Holy Spirit which also brings up the topic of division.
Small Beginnings
Like you to open your bibles to the book of Zechariah. Book of Zechariah in the old testament. I'll let you find it because we're gonna be preaching out of this particular text this morning, so we'll...
Zechariah 4:1-10
Christian Lite or Light?
There are two kinds of soft drinks. There was Coke, and then there was that other stuff for everybody who didn't like Coke. That was about it. Right? Today, of course, we have, Coke without sugar, Coke...
Matthew 5:14-16
Decisions, Decisions
Consider the impact of your decisions on your faith, family, and future to ensure they align with your values and lead you towards spiritual growth and blessings.
Money Matters - Part 1
Well, we have a 2 part lesson today, one that I'll start this morning and finish tonight. If you have, measured the difference between how much you'd like to spend for Christmas and how much is in your...
My Retirement Prayer
I have finally found a worthy goal for my old age. Ever since I've turned fifty, two years ago, my mailbox has been inundated with "senior" advertising. Everything from time-shares in Florida to brochures for Winnebago rentals.