Most Popular Bible Material

Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
The Cost of Church Growth
Growing Pains
Ten Reasons Not to go to Montreal
If Your Brother Sins Against You
Matthew 18:15-35
Successful Parenting
In his book, "Four Things Every Parent Should Know," John Croyle reviews four basic things that contribute to successful parenting. 1. Love them unconditionally Children need to know that parents will...
35. She was a Good Dog
Bristo, a female Boxer belonging to our eldest daughter, died recently from a combination of age (13 years) and various ailments that are common in dogs of that type.
God Bless You - Mike and Family
Decisions, Decisions
According to various studies people make about 612 decisions each day. Some are involuntary where the brain sends messages to your body to follow through on and others are voluntary because you have to...
1. Characteristics of Adult Learners
Adults are more attuned to comfortable surroundings, more sensitive and reactive to discomfort. Teachers must do what they can to compensate for these differences as best they can.
6. How to Include A cappella Music in Your Live Stream Worship
In this video, Hal Gatewood will show you how we are using Praise and Harmony TV singing videos in our live stream services each week.
The Half-Full Church
Christ Lovers
You can always spot them, the Christ lovers. I think it has something to do with gravity. If left alone, those who love the Lord will continually move towards Him and those things that concern Him. A...
Religious Education
How many people here went to Catholic school as children? I ask this because I want to see how many people here today can relate to my own experience growing up in Montreal and going to Catholic school. One of the features of my early education was the presence of religious training.
10. What is the Textual Authority for Internal Biblical Inspiration?
Where does is it state in the Bible that the Bible itself is the only source of authority and who established the Bible's canon?
Getting Beyond the Rules
In Exodus 21:2 we read the instructions that God gave the Israelites concerning the treatment of slaves. Although the Jews were involved in the universal practice of slavery at that time, the treatment...
They Could Have Been Champions
So you’re the disputed winners of the Olympic gold medal in pairs’ figure skating from Russia, what do you do? You could hang on to your prize and fight off criticism that your victory is tainted, never really exulting in, or being recognized for, this achievement. Or...
Why We Struggle
Grass Wisdom
Have you ever wondered, as you sweat through another lawn mowing season, why you bothered to fertilize the stuff to begin with? I contemplated this grass wisdom the other day as I crawled through my shrubs...