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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
The Millionaire Mirage
In a society fixated on wealth and materialism, the reflection of our obsession with money through quiz shows prompts us to ponder the true value of earthly possessions and seek fulfillment beyond the pursuit of riches.
What Would We be Doing
We're happy in the spirit this morning. After, after having been with the apostles for several years and, after having performed incredible miracles, Jesus tried to point his apostles to the future. And...
Slavery to Perfection
Embrace the liberating truth of being a slave of righteousness, finding peace of mind in Christ's grace rather than striving for unattainable perfection.
Jonesboro - When Good People Die Badly
Because we, we always make special provisions for children, don't we? I mean, when a ship sinks, it's women and it's children to the lifeboats first. And when there's a scarcity of food, the children...
Cults and Their Effects - Part 1
Understanding the difference between cults and true Christianity is crucial to protecting your mind and faith, as cults aim to control and manipulate individuals through deceit and coercion, while the church promotes freedom, study, questioning, and service to the community in the name of Jesus Christ.
Multiplying Ministries
The Boston Church
...congregation in Oklahoma City. This congregation is under the supervision of the Philadelphia Church of Christ. And, a fellow named Randy Moon, he used to be an Oklahoma Christian. Randy Moon is the...
In both the Old and New Testaments, God calls people for unique purposes—from leaders and prophets in ancient Israel to Mary, Joseph, and the apostles in the New Testament—emphasizing that, while the age of miraculous callings has ended, God still calls individuals today through Scripture to salvation, sanctification, service, and perseverance.
Tomorrow's Sin
Focus on overcoming today's temptations and leave tomorrow's sin for another day, as tackling one day at a time is the key to victory over the daily struggle with sin.
Our Body and Blood
Reflect on the true essence of communion as a call to pour out our lives in service to others, echoing the sacrificial love of Christ and deepening our intimacy with God.
My Election Prayer
I praise you and thank you for the blessing of living in a nation that is so prosperous and at relative peace with its neighbors and itself.
A Welcome Mat Church
Spend a couple of weeks talking about the plans that we have for the future, as you know. And you saw the the plans that Dave has drawn up, based on a lot of suggestions and ideas that came from various...
Angry Skies
Amidst the chaos of a devastating tornado, a family finds solace in faith and gratitude, experiencing a newfound understanding of peace that surpasses understanding.
Twister Religion
The recent storms that spawned at least a dozen tornadoes across the state of Oklahoma in the U.S. also sparked a spike in some peoples' faith.
Secret Sin
Understanding the importance of confession and accountability in overcoming sin and finding renewal through God's grace is key to navigating the struggles of hidden temptations and past mistakes.