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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
The Dream Church
Multiplying Ministries
The Boston Church
Realizing the Vision
Evolution or Creation?
One of the most heated debates of our time is the one centered on the origin of mankind and the universe.
The Single Priority
47. Honor to Whom it is Due
Many years ago I took a trip in one of our church vans. When the weather suddenly changed and it began to rain so hard that the windshield wipers couldn't keep up.
Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. - John 19:1. When I try to imagine the reality of these words, I become indignant. What impudence, what arrogance, what monumental ignorance for a godless petty...
In Defense of the Sedentary Life
I gave up on forced exercise at the age of fifty-four. It might have been because my laziness finally overcame my pride but I suspect that the main reason was guilt. I became tired not of the effort of...
Dare You
In Ephesians 3:20, Paul says that God can do more than we dare ask. Have you ever wondered why we usually are timid in the things we ask God for? Perhaps some of the reasons: 1. Too Much Change We don...
The Survival Church
In this lesson, Mike reviews the main reasons why churches die and why, in most cases, there's no way to bring them back to good health unless they are survival churches.
Matthew 16:18
Everybody Dies
They say that famous people die in groups of three. This week has lent credence to this social phenomenon as former U.S. President Gerald Ford; R and B singer James Brown; and deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein have all died within days of each other.
The Silver Servers
Our Witness To This World
By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world,- Hebrews 11:7a In discussing Noah and the...
Pro's and Con's of Promise Keepers
Jonesboro - When Good People Die Badly
Getting the Rite Right
For the Jews, circumcision was a rite of passage that permitted them to claim all of the promises made to God's chosen people (Genesis 17:11-14). From Abraham to Jesus, every Jew was required to undergo...