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Characteristics of Church
Top Ten Reasons Why Christianity is #1
#10. Don't need special clothing or haircut to be a member. #9. No killing of others necessary....
Our Body and Blood
The idea of taking the communion in order to "remember" the sacrifice of Jesus is a safe spiritual idea. It only requires us to commemorate what someone else has done for us, and not what we might be...
Peace, Perfect Peace
We can't help but witness the most recent war in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon. While this battle rages on, the British police foil an attempt by terrorists to hijack and destroy 10 planes while they flew from London to the United States.
A Welcome Mat Church
The Millionaire Mirage
Inasmuch as television mirrors our society, the recent quiz shows offering millions of dollars to contestants are accurate reflections of a nation obsessed with money. Whether it's by answering a few...
Blind Love
In the tenth chapter of his gospel, Mark describes a scene where Jesus heals a blind man who had been desperately calling out to Him for help. Once restored of his vision, the evangelist says that the...
Twister Religion
The recent storms that spawned at least a dozen tornadoes across the state of Oklahoma in the U.S. also sparked a spike in some peoples' faith.
Common Ground
Every election produces a catchphrase that summarizes the political objectives of one party or the other. FDR's "New Deal" or Lyndon Johnson with the "Great Society" are examples to which it seems President...
Not All Will Die
One of my more selfish prayers has always been that God would spare me the experience of death. Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too, I want to go to Heaven and I want to avoid death in the...
Cults and Their Effects - Part 1
Angry Skies
Dear Lord, I know why these things happen and that they happen even to us, your children. We are always in your hands and for better or worse, we continue to trust in you. This was the prayer our family...