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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
My Election Prayer
I praise you and thank you for the blessing of living in a nation that is so prosperous and at relative peace with its neighbors and itself.
What Will it Take
Beyond "An Eye for an Eye"
The recent suicide bombings in Israel continue the rapid disintegration of both the Israeli and Palestinian people. The bomber surely caused a moment of malevolent satisfaction among the oppressed Palestinians...
Freedom Through Dependance
To Be Happy Again
"How happy are the people whose God is the Lord", David commented during the zenith of his reign as the king of a nation whose heart and soul were devoted to God. How sad it is that there isn't a leader on earth who can make this declaration today, including here in the USA?
Stand-By Service
When it comes to caring and serving there are some members who are always on "stand-by."
You Have got to Show it
Solomon said, Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.- Proverbs 27:5 I think that both are required in life: correction and love. There are times when a friend or saint in the church needs...
Why 2K?
12. Does the Holy Spirit only dwell in us through the Word of God?
In this message, we look into the dynamic indwelling of the Holy Spirit which also brings up the topic of division.
What My Sore Back Has Taught Me
One day you pick up a box or a book and "snap", you join the legions of back pain sufferers. I experienced the usual therapy and advice from my doctor who said, "manage the pain as best you can". This...
Money Matters - Part 2
The Growth Bug
Poster Child
Yet another teen-age funeral to keep the pundits hard at work. Santana's tragedy provides more grist for America's cottage industry of blame and political posturing.
The 3 R's in Labor Day
The last thing we want to do on the Labor Day weekend is think about "work." But before we leave for the lake or start on the Labor Day project, let's spend a moment reviewing a few main ideas that the Bible has about our work that might be helpful when we get back to the job after the holiday is over.
What Now?
The question of the week has been "What should the President do now?" As most of you know, there's been no shortage of speculation about this issue from the "Beltway" in Washington to kitchen tables across the land. Of course, this is an impossible question for anyone to answer because only on man can make the decision and that is Mr. Clinton, himself.
Keeping Up
They said computers would simplify our lives. They didn't tell us that this would only happen if we kept up with the software upgrades. Seriously though, haven't you noticed that it's getting more and...