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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
2. How to Motivate Adults to Learn
We do not "motivate" learners. Motivation is an internal element unique to the individual. What motivates one person is not the same as what motivates another.
There Will Never be a Cure
Former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, boldly declared that a cure for AIDS will one day be found. This statement, along with the financial endorsement of Bill and Melinda Gates, had the delegates at the recent International Aids Conference in Toronto cheering.
Midnight Watch
One twenty in the morning and I still cannot sleep. I have been in prayer for over two hours reviewing before the Lord the possible dimensions of our new building. Of course what is keeping me awake is...
Intensity vs. Accuracy
In the fifteenth chapter of his prophetic book, Isaiah pronounces God's judgment on the Moabite nation and their idolatrous practices. Their response, he predicts, will be to intensify their religious...
Feelin' Fine in 99
Summer Sun or Son
Y2 - K.O.
What a bust! The survivalists are scratching their heads wondering what went wrong with their hyperactive predictions of chaos on the big "night".
How to Download a Book
The King Who Matters
The "King of Pop," Michael Jackson, died last week. He will be remembered for his music, performance style, and unfortunate allegations of child molestation as well as the grotesque degeneration of his appearance largely due to an overdependence on plastic surgery.
Sooner Spirit
The thrilling victory scored over Nebraska is sure to keep Sooner fans happy for a long time to come. Aside from an excellent effort by the Norman squad, their play reminded me of the larger game of Christian living and what we need to remember when facing our greatest opponent, Satan and his forces:
The Light of Choctaw
13. Are we Bound to the Laws in the Old Testament?
Do the Churches of Christ believe in Old Testament laws rather than New testament promises.
The Illusion of Safety
The recent media coverage of the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attack offered politicians the opportunity to promote their various takes on how "safe" we are from future attacks. All were cautious in their assesments of our vulnerability, as they should be.