What Now?

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The question of the week has been "What should the President do now?" As most of you know, there's been no shortage of speculation about this issue from the "Beltway" in Washington to kitchen tables across the land. Of course, this is an impossible question for anyone to answer because only on man can make the decision and that is Mr. Clinton, himself. In the meantime, I suggest that in view of what has happened, we should focus on what we ought to be doing now that all of this has come out.

We Ought to Pray

We need God's protection from morally weak leaders and those who would try to take advantage of this situation.

We Ought to Pay Attention

Next time we vote, we ought to better scrutinize candidates that seek high office. We shouldn't be so shocked at this episode since a pattern of this behavior existed long before. If we hadn't winked at past sins, this would not have taken place.

We Out to Trust in God

Cursed is that man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength.
- Jeremiah 17:5

Those who put their hopes in the hands of people are bound to be disappointed. Next time trust only in God – men are too weak to carry this burden.

Let us remember that it isn't the President that makes this country great. It is the people who live out the trust in God upon which this nation was built. We can always be sure that He will never disappoint us.