Most Popular Bible Material
Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
11. Samson
A Man of Great Strength and Weakness
Mike reviews the life and times of one of the most iconic and erratic characters of the Old Testament.
Judges 13-16
10. From Abimelech to Jephthah
Triumphs and Trials of Israels' Judge
Mike reviews the arch of success and failure experienced by some of Israel's best and least known Judges.
Judges 9-12
12. Chaos in Israel
The Consequences of Moral Decline
This final lesson traces both the religious and moral low points in Israel's history.
Judges 17-21
2. The Rise and Fall of King Saul
This lesson summarizes the familiar history of the relationship between Israel's first two kings, Saul and David. There is also information concerning God's choice of Saul and lessons for the church today based on these leaders of long ago.
I Samuel 11-31
26. Why Did Jesus Send the Demons Into a Herd of Pigs?
Explore the reasons behind Jesus sending demons into a herd of pigs in Mark 5:7-13, shedding light on the demons' fear of judgment, preference for embodiment, and potential for causing disruption, as well as Jesus' demonstration of authority, revelation of the destructiveness of demons, and signaling of His power and mercy to the Gentiles.
3. The Rise of King David
In this lesson Mike will trace David's rise to the highpoint of his reign over Israel and his relationship with God as a man after His own heart.
II Samuel 1-10
14. Can You Remarry After Divorce?
I have read the writings of the early church fathers my understanding is all of them say you can not remarry after divorce for any reason?
20. What is the Difference Between the 'indwelling' and the 'empowerment' of the Holy Spirit?
Understanding the difference between the 'indwelling' and 'empowerment' of the Holy Spirit sheds light on the spiritual gifts received through baptism and the laying on of hands by the Apostles, illustrating the transition from miraculous abilities to the enduring teachings of the New Testament.
1. Solomon's Glory and Fall
In this first lesson on the book of I Kings, Mike traces both the rise and decline of Israel's most dynamic and famous king, Solomon.
I Kings 1-11
15. How Can I Be Right with God After a Divorce?
Encouraging you to embrace repentance and faith in Jesus, focus on being a holy partner in your marriage, as divorce may not be the path to righteousness according to this insightful message.
29. What Happens to Your Soul After Death, Before Judgment?
Discover the intriguing debate on what happens to the soul after death and before judgment, exploring biblical references like I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Luke 16:19-31 to understand differing interpretations.
18. Can You Lose the Holy Spirit?
Learn about the temporary empowerment of individuals by the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the caution against quenching the Spirit's work through continual willful sin in the New Testament.
17. Why Can't I Stop Feeling Guilty and Fearful Since My Divorce?
Understand that feeling guilty after divorce is normal, but seek forgiveness and renewal through confession to God and moving forward, as God offers forgiveness and renewal even after failing at marriage, and do not let fear and seeking approval from others hinder your joy in Christ.
34. Who Wrote the Book of Genesis?
Mike explores various theories regarding the authorship of Genesis, discussing views that include Moses as the writer through divine guidance, the involvement of later writers compiling oral histories, and Moses compiling and editing existing testimonies.
36. Can I Be Forgiven After Falling Away From the Church?
Discover the forgiveness and encouragement found in Hebrews 6:4-6, reassuring you that returning to church after falling away is a step towards redemption and salvation.
31. Does Speaking in Tongues Still Take Place Today?
Discover the truth about speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit's role in the believer's life in this insightful lesson that delves into the historical context and modern-day practices.
16. Can Women Lead Adult Bible Classes?
Engage with the discussion on women's roles in teaching Bible classes, exploring how historical teachings can be adapted to modern contexts while maintaining respect for traditional beliefs and leadership structures.
35. Was Jesus Married and Did He Have Kids?
Discover the truth about Isaiah 53:10 and Jesus' sacrifice, salvation, and discipleship in this insightful explanation.
21. Who was the "Naked Man in the Garden" in Mark 14?
Delve into the intriguing speculation surrounding the identity of the "naked man in the garden" in Mark 14:51-52, as scholars suggest he could be John Mark, the Gospel author, based on narrative details, authorial techniques, and early church traditions.
19. Is it Possible to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit nowadays?
Learn about the concept of blaspheming the Holy Spirit and its implications for salvation by understanding the significance of attributing the work and word of God to Satan.
33. When Are Children Old Enough to Be Baptized?
Explore the age of accountability for baptism and the significance of the Bar Mitzvah ceremony in Jewish tradition, along with insights on when a young person may be ready for baptism based on faith and fear of God.
30. Why Do You Not Have Any Series on the Apocrypha / Other Books?
Discover why the Apocrypha and other books are not included in the Bible canon and their significance in historical context, while emphasizing the importance of focusing on the key elements of the Christian faith for salvation and sanctification.
28. Why Do Some Churches Use a Single Cup for Communion?
Explore the historical debate surrounding the use of a single cup during communion and how different Christian denominations approach this practice, reflecting on the essence of communion and its adaptation to modern times.