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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
Lords of the Ring
Mike gives three tried and true principles that will help you to learn one of life's most important lessons - finishing what you start.
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
Ephesians 6:10-20
The Discipline of Failure
What do David, the woman at the well, and Peter the Apostle have in common? They were all failures. David committed adultery and murder; the Samaritan woman failed at marriage five times; and Peter, well...
The Deacon of Blame
I've often said that the church should appoint a deacon in charge of blame - the deacon of blame. That way when anything ever goes wrong, or something doesn't get done, this deacon's only job would be to accept the blame for it.
What is Your Witness
5. The Work of this Evangelist
Paul the Apostle is near the end of his life in a Roman prison and gives instructions to Timothy, a young preacher he has trained about his work as a minister.
II Timothy 4:1-5
The Beauty of the Cross
Lord of Weather
The weather is much in the news at this time of year and there is endless discussion about its impact on the earth. We know, however, that regardless of its severity or change, the weather is meant to be a ministering agent for the Lord.
Media and Christianity
Where are we and Where do we go from Here?
Judge for Yourself
One month after my 16th birthday my father died. He was 53 years old. It was two o'clock in the morning and my mother woke me up saying that she thought my dad was really sick.
Acts 4:19-20
Loss of the Cross
As many of you already know, the courts have ordered the city of Edmond to remove the cross symbol from their city seal. This action, in a town where the church is quite numerous, should teach us a few important lessons for the future.