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Here are the most viewed lessons in our site.
Be All You Can Be
The military's catchy recruiting slogan is, "Be all you can be." The call is to achieve your utmost potential.
Every Tribe, Every Tongue
Keynote speech for the 2007 World Mission Workshop at Oklahoma Christian University. The main message is that it is the responsibility of each generation to evangelize the world and today it is possible through modern communication technology (i.e. Internet) to preach the gospel to every nation each day, all day long, until Jesus returns.
Revelation 5:9; 7:9
Tongues Today - #1
This first lesson of two, delves into the biblical context of speaking in tongues, focusing on its significance in the early church. It examines the purpose of tongues as a spiritual gift and the conditions surrounding its use. The discussion aims to clarify misunderstandings about tongues, providing a foundation for evaluating its practice in contemporary worship settings.
After countless advances in medical technology, doctors tell us that our average lifespan is 75.8 years. These figures teach us a couple of interesting lessons no matter what our age is.
What You Should 'Get' Out of Worship
In this sermon, Mike challenges the common attitude of assessing church attendance based on personal gain, arguing that church life should involve both giving and receiving; specifically, attendees should experience a genuine sense of God's presence during worship, beyond mere obligation or habit.
Random Blessings
Sometimes God surprises us. Not just with big things but with random blessings that sprinkle our day with evidence of His constant love and incredible kindness towards us. Here are a few random blessings that immediately come to mind.
Accessing on TVs
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
Physician, Heal Thyself
I have been sick this month in a way I haven't before. January's deep freeze plus fatigue from too much travel, too little sunshine, and exposure to too many sick people finally did me in.
9. The Work of a Preacher
What does it take to be a preacher? Here are some things every preacher should do.