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Everybody Has a War to Fight
Well, the unprecedented TV coverage of the war no need asking which war has our nation transfixed on the events that are unfolding in the Middle East. I think we're so absorbed with the war against Iraq...
51. Promised / Not Promised
I remember Christmas disappointments; left-winger equipment instead of goalie equipment; toboggan instead of pool table... Anybody remember theirs? The problem many times as children is that we are not clear on what was promised.
Moses' Final Instructions
Now one of the greatest stories in the Old Testament is the story of Exodus. The entire nation of Israel leaving Egypt and then living in the desert for 40 years. I'm sure you're familiar. Millions of...
Drive-Thru Religion
I remember reading about a church that met at a drive-in movie lot. People would park, clip on the speakers, and honk to say "Amen". I don't think there's a trend here but this is a good example of the "drive-thru religion" mentality.
80 million to 1
My cousin was a gambler. He died last year of self-inflicted wounds, but while alive he taught me the definitive lesson about gambling. He said, "When you win, you lose; and when you lose, you lose."
Why Me, Why Now?
One thing you learn a lot about as a minister is suffering and death. You're among the first to be called when there is illness and the last person to see the dead as they are buried at their funerals.
Divine Justice
As the execution of Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, approaches there will surely be a rise in the debate over the issue of the death penalty. Unfortunately, both sides often talk, over each others' heads and the discussion rarely moves toward any kind of resolution.
Paris and the Church
In a marvelous book entitled "How Paris Became Paris" by author Joan DeJean, the author explains the unique concept that guided the building and development of the enchanting city of Paris.
9. The Work of a Preacher
What does it take to be a preacher? Here are some things every preacher should do.
Evangelism is Job #1
I have been involved in helping evangelize the country of Haiti for about 7 years now. And I wanna tell you a little bit about that. Haiti, was in the news a little while back. It's an island, or rather...
33. How to Persevere in Preaching
5 indispensable rules that pave the way for your present-day survival and future prosperity as a preacher.
Every Excuse Works
When it comes to faithfulness to the assembly some reasons are valid. Illness, the demands of work, family crisis, even travel for vacation are all proper excuses for not being present on Sundays or Wednesdays...
In Case of War
If we understand the times and circumstances correctly, the time for war has come upon us and as Christians we need to be prepared for this fact.
For Men Only
Men don't share. They don't look for opportunities to "get together" as men unless it is to watch something. I don't know if it's genetic or what but guys will head for the hills if they suspect that...
Physician, Heal Thyself
I have been sick this month in a way I haven't before. January's deep freeze plus fatigue from too much travel, too little sunshine, and exposure to too many sick people finally did me in.