
33 Results
39. Miracles Don't Save
Discover the true source of salvation and the pitfalls of modern faith healers, emphasizing that only the gospel, not miraculous healings, has the power to save our souls.
The Matrix Conspiracy
There is new technology, new gadgets, new ideas about how things work. But as far as the human condition is concerned; as far as what mankind's essential responsibility is; as far as what is truth and the reality of life, death and what comes after --- there really is nothing new here on earth --- under the sun.
42. Kissing Up
There is a modern expression that describes an old human need. The expression is "kissing up" and it means to curtsy or cultivate favor with a superior.
7. The Origin of The Bible
This article looks at the history of writing and examines how the Bible originated and closes with information on how the Old Testament was organized.
4. Improving the Effectiveness of our Adult Bible Class Teaching
A teacher of God's word, no matter the level or scope is one of the most important and influential roles in congregations. It is so important that it was among the final words of our Lord as he was preparing to ascend back into heaven.
With the Help of our God
When we, as Christians, succeed in God's service it discourages evil ones, unbelievers, and scoffers.
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.