99 Results
Evangelizing Homosexuals
We need to evangelize this growing number of people but are usually hard-pressed to know where to begin. This lesson provides some information towards this end.
Reflect on the journey towards your best self, embracing the hope and promise of redemption and forgiveness despite past sins and failures.
Where Are We and Where Do We Go From Here?
In the midst of tragedy (the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing) and uncertainty, the call to honor the victims, get involved, and offer prayers emerges as a way to navigate the aftermath and move forward with hope and resilience.
Death - Ruth's Example
Even in the face of grief and loss, Christians find comfort in the hope of resurrection, trusting in God's promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 15
Jonesboro - When Good People Die Badly
The text delves into the profound topic of death and sin, emphasizing the importance of faith and resurrection, offering a perspective on coping with loss and finding hope in the promise of eternal life.
7. The New Covenant
The Judgment and Fall of Jerusalem
In this lesson we will see two amazing realities presented side by side separated only by time: Judgment in the final destruction of Jerusalem, and hope in the form of the New Covenant ushered in by the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 30-39
6. How to Include A cappella Music in Your Live Stream Worship
In this video, Hal Gatewood will show you how we are using Praise and Harmony TV singing videos in our live stream services each week.
The Intimate Marriage
After 45 years of ministry and pastoral marriage counseling, I have noticed a common pattern among couples who struggle with sexual issues in their marriage, especially after the ten-year mark.
12. Does the Holy Spirit Only Dwell in Us Through the Word of God?
In this message, we look into the dynamic indwelling of the Holy Spirit which also brings up the topic of division.
Happy Dying
Reflect on the promise of a happy ending to your life and the comfort of the shadow of the cross in your final moments as described in this thought-provoking text.
Foundations of our Faith
The Church of Christ distinguishes itself by its commitment to following the Bible as the sole authority, emphasizing restorationism and biblical accuracy in its approach to Christianity.
Gospel Math
Understanding Christian mathematics involves more than just addition and subtraction - it's about being added to the body of Christ and multiplying blessings in the Kingdom of God.
Sheep Seeking Shepherd
This sermon delves into the deep spiritual need that every person has for guidance, comfort, and salvation through Christ. Drawing from biblical imagery, Mike explains how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to those who are lost, offering them safety and purpose under His care. This teaching serves as a reminder of our need to follow Christ's voice in order to find peace and direction in our lives.
Grass Wisdom
Appreciate the wisdom shared on maintaining your lawn and drawing parallels with church work, highlighting the importance of focusing on the green, nurturing growth, and giving a light touch to both grass and people.
The Origins of the Synagogue
This article will examine the origins of the modern synagogue and note the developments that ultimately forged this ancient Jewish entity.
7. How We Stream 24/7 on Twitch and YouTube
In this guide, we will look at how we create our never-ending Bible study by stream our on-demand videos to platforms using remote computers.
The Qumran Community
Creators of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article will investigate the origins and customs of this "monastic" and ultra conservative sect of Jews from whom we have a priceless treasure (Dead Sea Scrolls), scriptural transcripts representing the greatest archeological find in the modern era.
How Should We Worship God?
In discussing worship, there exists a tension between progressive believers who seek a modern expression of worship and traditionalists who believe in preserving established methods, while many in the middle simply desire to express their love for God in a sincere and communal way, emphasizing that true worship transcends worldly norms and is fundamentally about honoring God.
Decisions, Decisions
Consider the impact of your decisions on your faith, family, and future to ensure they align with your values and lead you towards spiritual growth and blessings.
Slavery to Perfection
Embrace the liberating truth of being a slave of righteousness, finding peace of mind in Christ's grace rather than striving for unattainable perfection.
Circle of Salvation
This week I had the great joy of baptizing my youngest daughter, Emilie. She is the last of my children to obey the gospel and with her baptism the circle of salvation is complete around our family.
Baseball Blues
Witnessing the impact of parents' behavior at youth sports games sheds light on the importance of bringing positive values to the field, urging a reflection on the true essence of sportsmanship and character-building in our children.
The Discipline of Failure
Learn from the stories of David, the woman at the well, and Peter the Apostle, who despite their failures, were used mightily by the Lord, showing that your past mistakes do not define your future potential.
Drive-Thru Religion
I remember reading about a church that met at a drive-in movie lot. People would park, clip on the speakers, and honk to say "Amen". I don't think there's a trend here but this is a good example of the "drive-thru religion" mentality.
1. The Use of Media in Ministry
Communicating the Message
Media is the vehicle for communication and we as Christians are really in the business of communication.
Poster Child
Yet another teen-age funeral to keep the pundits hard at work. Santana's tragedy provides more grist for America's cottage industry of blame and political posturing.
A Brief History of the Church of Christ in Quebec
This article goes through the History of the church in Quebec from the first Church of Christ planted in Montreal all the way to 2016.
Evolution or Creation?
One of the most heated debates of our time is the one centered on the origin of mankind and the universe.
God Loves... Even Superman
Reflect on the humbling journey of self-discovery and empathy within this text, as it delves into the complexities of fame, fortune, and the universal love of God, inviting you to ponder on the interconnectedness of humanity.