
100 Results
9. The Book of Lamentations
Mourning Over Jerusalem's Fall
This final lesson focuses on the book of Lamentations which is a collection of five poetic laments that express Jeremiah's sorrow over the fall of the city of Jerusalem and the punishment of the Jewish nation.
Lamentations 1-5
How to Live Happily
Embrace happiness by living a spiritual life, focusing on today, and honoring your conscience - discover four rules to enhance your lifetime joy and peace.
4. Temple Sermon and the People's Rejection
This lesson focuses on Jeremiah's bold rebuke of those who thought that the physical presence of the Temple in Jerusalem would protest them despite Jeremiah's warnings of God's imminent punishment due to their disobedience.
Jeremiah 7-17
2. Jeremiah's Call and Missions
In this lesson we will focus on Jeremiah's calling into ministry, God's assurance that He will provide for the task Jeremiah will be given to carry out and the prophetic role in encouraging people to trust and obey God, even in difficult circumstances.
Jeremiah 1
3. The Celebration of Marriage
This lesson focuses on the beauty of the marital covenant and the blessed joy of intimacy in marriage.
Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1
5. Wisdom for Relationships, Wealth and Contentment
In this lesson Mike focuses on the many proverbs that instruct us concerning those things that have the power to make our lives joyful or bitter, all depending how we approach relationships and wealth.
Proverbs 26-31
1. Introduction to Chronicles
In this introductory lesson Mike reviews the various features and history of Chronicles as well as a special focus on the purpose, meaning and manner of producing the many "genealogies" found in this book.
I Chronicles 1-9
30. Why Do You Not Have Any Series on the Apocrypha / Other Books?
Discover why the Apocrypha and other books are not included in the Bible canon and their significance in historical context, while emphasizing the importance of focusing on the key elements of the Christian faith for salvation and sanctification.
15. How Can I Be Right with God After a Divorce?
Encouraging you to embrace repentance and faith in Jesus, focus on being a holy partner in your marriage, as divorce may not be the path to righteousness according to this insightful message.
How to Correct Sinful Christians
Mike emphasizes the importance of addressing the struggles of sin within the church community, particularly for long-standing Christians, while shifting the focus from evangelism to support and guidance for those already in the faith, using Paul's letter to the Corinthians as a foundational reference.
Tongues Today - #1
This first lesson of two, delves into the biblical context of speaking in tongues, focusing on its significance in the early church. It examines the purpose of tongues as a spiritual gift and the conditions surrounding its use. The discussion aims to clarify misunderstandings about tongues, providing a foundation for evaluating its practice in contemporary worship settings.
The Single Priority
This sermon discusses the challenges faced by single individuals and the importance of recognizing their state and priorities, offering insights on how to navigate the single life with a focus on serving the Lord and finding fulfillment.
The Growth Bug
Mike emphasizes the importance of love as the primary objective of the church, highlighting that growth should be a byproduct of love rather than the main goal, inviting listeners to reflect on incorporating God's love into their lives and making love their primary focus as Christians.
Realizing the Vision
In 1997, the church in Choctaw focuses on personal salvation and readiness for Christ's return, encouraging each individual to be a regular Bible reader and actively participate in church activities to maintain unity and spiritual growth.
Cults and Their Effects - Part 2
Understand the history and practices of the Boston Movement, a group that has been described as a cult, and learn how to protect your church by focusing on evangelism, condemning harmful practices, and fostering open communication within the congregation.
Faithful in Little Things
The shooting deaths of the Amish girls in the U.S. has brought into much sharper focus what Jesus meant when He said that those who are faithful in small things are faithful in greater things as well (Lk.16:10).
Tomorrow's Sin
Focus on overcoming today's temptations and leave tomorrow's sin for another day, as tackling one day at a time is the key to victory over the daily struggle with sin.
The Modern Church
It seems that there are three elements that help identify the "modern" church. One is a focus on music in worship. Orchestras, choirs, even drama with music are a must if a church is to appeal to today's church goer.
Grass Wisdom
Appreciate the wisdom shared on maintaining your lawn and drawing parallels with church work, highlighting the importance of focusing on the green, nurturing growth, and giving a light touch to both grass and people.
Joy of Irresponsibility
Reflect on the freedom found in releasing responsibilities that do not belong to us, as Jesus bears our sins, oversees the church, and determines salvation, allowing us to focus on living out the gospel in our daily lives.
37. Are Epaphroditus and Epaphras the Same Person?
36. Can I Be Forgiven After Falling Away From the Church?
Discover the forgiveness and encouragement found in Hebrews 6:4-6, reassuring you that returning to church after falling away is a step towards redemption and salvation.
2. 4 Resources for Missionaries
To make it as a preacher or missionary, I believe there are four indispensable resources required.
3 Steps to Contentment
Recent studies reveal a paradox: despite success and happiness, many struggle with dissatisfaction in themselves, public life, and family, leading to stress and conflict. Drawing from the Apostle Paul's wisdom, this article presents three essential steps to finding contentment.
Philippians 4:11
22. Is It Okay to Belong to a Moose Lodge Organization?
Learn about the history, values, and charitable work of the Moose Lodge organization, a fraternal and service organization that provides social opportunities, mutual aid, and community service initiatives for its members and local communities.
Embrace the power of role-playing beyond just pretending, and consider channeling that energy into embodying the ideal of Jesus to become a better version of yourself.
Foundations of our Faith
The Church of Christ distinguishes itself by its commitment to following the Bible as the sole authority, emphasizing restorationism and biblical accuracy in its approach to Christianity.
Sheep Seeking Shepherd
This sermon delves into the deep spiritual need that every person has for guidance, comfort, and salvation through Christ. Drawing from biblical imagery, Mike explains how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls out to those who are lost, offering them safety and purpose under His care. This teaching serves as a reminder of our need to follow Christ's voice in order to find peace and direction in our lives.
4. The Preacher's Job Description
In I Corinthians 14, Paul mentions that there are three primary tasks that the apostle lists concerning the work of the preacher.
I Corinthians 14:3
5. The Work of this Evangelist
Paul the Apostle is near the end of his life in a Roman prison and gives instructions to Timothy, a young preacher he has trained about his work as a minister.
II Timothy 4:1-5
The Best of Both Worlds
Solomon's wisdom in Ecclesiastes highlights the importance of finding satisfaction in the fruit of our labor on earth, a reminder for Christians to balance earthly pursuits with spiritual preparation for the future.
Drive-Thru Religion
I remember reading about a church that met at a drive-in movie lot. People would park, clip on the speakers, and honk to say "Amen". I don't think there's a trend here but this is a good example of the "drive-thru religion" mentality.
My Retirement
Embrace the perspective shift on retirement and discover the hidden treasures of this phase by offering it to the Lord with wisdom and faith.
What My Sore Back Has Taught Me
Embrace the wisdom gained from living with pain and discover the hidden lessons that can bring you closer to a deeper appreciation of life and faith.